Paris 2024 Olympics Parade of Nations - List of Countries by Order

Olympics 2024 Parade of Nations: Here is a list of the countries parading in the 2024 Olympics, in order of appearance, along with their designated flag bearers as officially designated by the IOC. The Parade of Nations during the Opening Ceremony introduces all the athletes competing in the Olympics. They walk alongside their fellow countrymen in front of a live audience and millions of spectators worldwide. The Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony is scheduled for Friday, July 26, starting at 8:24 p.m. local time, which is 2:24 p.m. ET , 11:24 a.m. PT and 11:54 PM IST.

List of parading countries and their flag bearer at the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony.

1Greece (GRE)70Republic of the Congo (CGO)139Palau (PLW)
2Refugee Olympic Team (EOR)71Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD)140Paraguay (PAR)
3Iceland (ISL)72Saudi Arabia (KSA)141Barbados (BAR)
4Ireland (IRL)73Samoa (SAM)142Palestine (PLE)
5Azerbaijan (AZE)74São Tomé and Príncipe (STP)143Hungary (HUN)
6Afghanistan (AFG)75Zambia (ZAM)144Bangladesh (BAN)
7United Arab Emirates (UAE)76San Marino (SMR)145East Timor (TLS)
8Algeria (ALG)77ROC (ROC)146Fiji (FIJ)
9Argentina (ARG)78Sierra Leone (SLE)147Philippines (PHI)
10Aruba (ARU)79Djibouti (DJI)148Finland (FIN)
11Albania (ALB)80Jamaica (JAM)149Bhutan (BHU)
12Armenia (ARM)81Georgia (GEO)150Puerto Rico (PUR)
13Angola (ANG)82Syria (SYR)151Brazil (BRA)
14Antigua and Barbuda (ANT)83Singapore (SGP)152Bulgaria (BUL)
15Andorra (AND)84Zimbabwe (ZIM)153Burkina Faso (BUR)
16Yemen (YEM)85Switzerland (SUI)154Brunei (BRU)
17Israel (ISR)86Sweden (SWE)155Burundi (BDI)
18Italy (ITA)87Sudan (SUD)156American Samoa (ASA)
19Iraq (IRQ)88Spain (ESP)157Virgin Islands (ISV)
20Iran (IRI)89Suriname (SUR)158Vietnam (VIE)
21India (IND)90Sri Lanka (SRI)159Benin (BEN)
22Indonesia (INA)91Slovakia (SVK)160Venezuela (VEN)
23Uganda (UGA)92Slovenia (SLO)161Belarus (BLR)
24Ukraine (UKR)93Seychelles (SEY)162Belize (BIZ)
25Uzbekistan (UZB)94Equatorial Guinea (GEQ)163Peru (PER)
26Uruguay (URU)95Senegal (SEN)164Belgium (BEL)
27Great Britain (GBR)96Serbia (SRB)165Poland (POL)
28British Virgin Islands (IVB)97Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)166Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
29Ecuador (ECU)98Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VIN)167Botswana (BOT)
30Egypt (EGY)99Saint Lucia (LCA)168Bolivia (BOL)
31Estonia (EST)100Somalia (SOM)169Portugal (POR)
32Eswatini (SWZ)101Solomon Islands (SOL)170Hong Kong (HKG)
33Ethiopia (ETH)102Thailand (THA)171Honduras (HON)
34Eritrea (ERI)103South Korea (KOR)172Marshall Islands (MHL)
35El Salvador (ESA)104Chinese Taipei (TPE)173Madagascar (MAD)
36Australia (AUS)105Tajikistan (TJK)174Malawi (MAW)
37Austria (AUT)106Tanzania (TAN)175Mali (MLI)
38Oman (OMA)107Czech Republic (CZE)176Malta (MLT)
39Netherlands (NED)108Chad (CHA)177Malaysia (MAS)
40Ghana (GHA)109Central African Republic (CAF)178Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
41Cape Verde (CPV)110China (CHN)179South Africa (RSA)
42Guyana (GUY)111Tunisia (TUN)180South Sudan (SSD)
43Kazakhstan (KAZ)112Chile (CHI)181Myanmar (MYA)
44Qatar (QAT)113Tuvalu (TUV)182Mexico (MEX)
45Canada (CAN)114Denmark (DEN)183Mauritius (MRI)
46Gabon (GAB)115Germany (GER)184Mauritania (MTN)
47Cameroon (CMR)116Togo (TOG)185Mozambique (MOZ)
48The Gambia (GAM)117Dominica (DMA)186Monaco (MON)
49Cambodia (CAM)118Dominican Republic (DOM)187Maldives (MDV)
50North Macedonia (MKD)119Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)188Moldova (MDA)
51Guinea (GUI)120Turkmenistan (TKM)189Morocco (MAR)
52Guinea-Bissau (GBS)121Turkey (TUR)190Mongolia (MGL)
53Cyprus (CYP)122Tonga (TGA)191Montenegro (MNE)
54Cuba (CUB)123Nigeria (NGR)192Jordan (JOR)
55Kiribati (KIR)124Nauru (NRU)193Laos (LAO)
56Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)125Namibia (NAM)194Latvia (LAT)
57Guatemala (GUA)126Nicaragua (NCA)195Lithuania (LTU)
58Guam (GUM)127Niger (NIG)196Libya (LBA)
59Kuwait (KUW)128New Zealand (NZL)197Liechtenstein (LIE)
60Cook Islands (COK)129Nepal (NEP)198Liberia (LBR)
61Grenada (GRN)130Norway (NOR)199Romania (ROU)
62Croatia (CRO)131Bahrain (BRN)200Luxembourg (LUX)
63Cayman Islands (CAY)132Haiti (HAI)201Rwanda (RWA)
64Kenya (KEN)133Pakistan (PAK)202Lesotho (LES)
65Ivory Coast (CIV)134Panama (PAN)203Lebanon (LBN)
66Costa Rica (CRC)135Vanuatu (VAN)204United States (USA)
67Kosovo (KOS)136Bahamas (BAH)205Japan (JPN)
68Comoros (COM)137Papua New Guinea (PNG)206France (FRA)
69Colombia (COL)138Bermuda (BER) 

2024 Paris Summer Olympics Highlights

Official NameGames of the XXXIII Olympiad
2024 Olympics Host CityParis, France
Tokyo Olympics Dates 26 July to 11 August 2024
National Olympic Committees (NOC) Member States206
Countries ParticipatingTBD
Countries not ParticipatingNA
2024 Olympics Events329 in 32 sports
2024 Olympics Sport Disciplines48 disciplines
StadiumJardins du Trocadéro and River Seine (Opening ceremony)
Opening Ceremony DateDate: 26 July 2024, Time:20:00 - 23:00 GMT+1)
Olympic Official
Tokyo 2024 Olympics
Tokyo Olympic MottoGames wide open
Tokyo Olympic MascotThe Phryges
Opened byPresident Emmanuel Macron(Expected)

When and How to watch, Paris Olympics Parade of Nations

NBC will broadcast the Parade of Nations in Paris. It will also be available to stream via Peacock,,, the NBC app and the NBC Olympics app, starting at 8:24 p.m. local time in Paris.

Paris 2024 Paralympics Parade of Nations

Refugee Paralympic Team would enter first, the rest of the countries will enter in alphabetical order, and France the Host nation entering last during the Parade of Nations at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics Games.

Related France Links

Where is ParisFrance MapCities in FranceFrance Regions and CapitalsAirports in France

List of parading countries at the Paris 2024 Paralympics opening ceremony

1Refugee Paralympic Team (RPT)56Croatia (CRO)111Palestine (PLE)
2Greece (GRE)57Kenya (KEN)112Hungary (HUN)
3Iceland (ISL)58Ivory Coast (CIV)113Bhutan (BHU)
4Ireland (IRL)59Costa Rica (CRC)114Fiji (FIJ)
5Azerbaijan (AZE)60Republic of the Congo (CGO)115Philippines (PHI)
6Afghanistan (AFG)61Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD)116Finland (FIN)
7United States (USA)62Saudi Arabia (KSA)117Puerto Rico (PUR)
8Virgin Islands (ISV)63São Tomé and Príncipe (STP)118Brazil (BRA)
9United Arab Emirates (UAE)64Zambia (ZAM)119France (FRA)
10Algeria (ALG)65Sierra Leone (SLE)120Bulgaria (BUL)
11Argentina (ARG)66Jamaica (JAM)121Burkina Faso (BUR)
12Aruba (ARU)67Georgia (GEO)122Brunei (BRU)
13Albania (ALB)68Syria (SYR)123Burundi (BDI)
14Armenia (ARM)69Singapore (SGP)124Vietnam (VIE)
15Angola (ANG)70Zimbabwe (ZIM)125Benin (BEN)
16Yemen (YEM)71Switzerland (SUI)126Venezuela (VEN)
17Great Britain (GBR)72Sweden (SWE)127Belarus (BLR)
18Israel (ISR)73Spain (ESP)128Peru (PER)
19Italy (ITA)74Sri Lanka (SRI)129Belgium (BEL)
20Iraq (IRQ)75Slovakia (SVK)130Poland (POL)
21Iran (IRN)76Slovenia (SLO)131Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
22India (IND)77Senegal (SEN)132Botswana (BOT)
23Indonesia (INA)78Serbia (SRB)133Portugal (POR)
24Uganda (UGA)79Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VIN)134Hong Kong (HKG)
25Ukraine (UKR)80Somalia (SOM)135Honduras (HON)
26Uzbekistan (UZB)81Solomon Islands (SOL)136Madagascar (MAD)
27Uruguay (URU)82Thailand (THA)137Malawi (MAW)
28Ecuador (ECU)83South Korea (KOR)138Mali (MLI)
29Egypt (EGY)84Chinese Taipei (TPE)139Malta (MLT)
30Estonia (EST)85Tajikistan (TJK)140Malaysia (MAS)
31Ethiopia (ETH)86Tanzania (TAN)141South Africa (RSA)
32El Salvador (ESA)87Czech Republic (CZE)142South Sudan (SSD)
33Australia (AUS)88Central African Republic (CAF)143Mexico (MEX)
34Austria (AUT)89China (CHN)144Mauritius (MRI)
35Oman (OMA)90Tunisia (TUN)145Mozambique (MOZ)
36Netherlands (NED)91Chile (CHI)146Maldives (MDV)
37Ghana (GHA)92Denmark (DEN)147Moldova (MDA)
38Cape Verde (CPV)93Togo (TOG)148Morocco (MAR)
39Guyana (GUY)94Germany (GER)149Mongolia (MGL)
40Kazakhstan (KAZ)95Dominican Republic (DOM)150Montenegro (MNE)
41Qatar (QAT)96Turkey (TUR)151Jordan (JOR)
42Canada (CAN)97Nigeria (NGR)152Laos (LAO)
43Gabon (GAB)98Namibia (NAM)153Latvia (LAT)
44Cameroon (CMR)99Nicaragua (NCA)154Lithuania (LTU)
45The Gambia (GAM)100Niger (NIG)155Libya (LBA)
46Cambodia (CAM)101New Zealand (NZL)156Liberia (LBR)
47North Macedonia (MKD)102Nepal (NEP)157Romania (ROU)
48Guinea (GUI)103Norway (NOR)158Luxembourg (LUX)
49Guinea-Bissau (GBS)104Bahrain (BRN)159Rwanda (RWA)
50Cyprus (CYP)105Haiti (HAI)160Lesotho (LES)
51Cuba (CUB)106Pakistan (PAK)161Lebanon (LBN)
52Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)107Panama (PAN)162RPC (RUS)
53Guatemala (GUA)108Papua New Guinea (PNG)163Japan (JPN)
54Kuwait (KUW)109Bermuda (BER)  
55Grenada (GRN)110Barbados (BAR)