Here are the dates of 2025 federal holidays, according to the Office of Personnel Management. US 2025 federal and non- federal holidays, See full list of dates for Easter, Memorial Day, Washington's Birthday, Columbus Day and more.
List of Federal Holidays in United States in 2025
Federal holidays result in the closure of federal offices, banks, and financial markets.
On these days:Federal employees generally have the day off.
Post offices, courts, and other federal facilities are closed.
Banks and financial markets, including the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ, are also closed.
Date | Holiday |
Wednesday, January 01 | New Year's Day |
Monday, January 20 | Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. |
Monday, January 20 * | Inauguration Day |
Monday, February 17 ** | Washington's Birthday |
Monday, May 26 | Memorial Day |
Thursday, June 19 | Juneteenth National Independence Day |
Friday, July 04 | Independence Day |
Monday, September 01 | Labor Day |
Monday, October 13 | Columbus Day |
Tuesday, November 11 | Veterans Day |
Thursday, November 27 | Thanksgiving Day |
Thursday, December 25 | Christmas Day |
List of Holidays in USA 2025
The United States of America, which is commonly known as United States (U.S) is a country that is situated in North America. The country has 50 states. The citizens of U.S enjoy the rights provided by the constitution of the country. Apart from the rights that are guaranteed by the constitution, people of U.S also enjoy public holidays. Holidays are very important for everyone`s life. In order to rejuvenate, every person needs holidays or week offs and some relaxation time with other near and dear ones. The list of Public holidays in U.S is called as Federal Holidays.
A federal holiday is a holiday in the United States, which is officially designated by U.S government. United States Congress designates the federal holidays. On federal holidays, it is paid holiday for the employee of every federal government and it is holiday for banks, schools, post offices and businesses. Non-governmental and non-essential offices are closed including stock market trading on Federal Holiday. The authority to declare any day as a federal holiday vests upon Congress. In the year 2025, citizens of United States of America are gifted with 11 federal holidays. If the federal holidays fall on Saturday that would be celebrated on Friday, in case if the federal holiday falls on Sunday, then it will be celebrated on following Monday.
The list of the holidays and Observances in USA 2025 is provided below.
2025 US Non-Federal Holidays
Date | Holiday |
Wednesday, January 29 | Chinese New Year |
Sunday, February 2 | Groundhog Day |
Friday, February 14 | Valentine's Day |
Friday, February 28 (tentative) | Ramadan begins |
Tuesday, March 4 | Mardi Gras |
Wednesday, March 5 | Ash Wednesday |
Monday, March 17 | St. Patrick's Day |
Monday, May 5 | May Day |
Monday, May 5 | Cinco De Mayo |
Sunday, May 11 | Mother's Day |
Saturday, June 14 | Flag Day |
Sunday, June 15 | Father's Day |
Monday, October 20 | Diwali |
Friday, October 31 | Halloween |
Saturday, November 1 through Sunday, November 2 | Day of the Dead |
Friday, November 28 | Black Friday |
Monday, December 1 | Cyber Monday |
Sunday, December 14 | Hanukkah begins |
Wednesday, December 24 | Christmas Eve |
Wednesday, December 31 | New Year's Eve |