Oregon County Map, List of Counties in Oregon with Seats

The U.S. state of Oregon is divided into 36 Counties. Explore the Oregon County Map, all Counties list along with their County Seats in alphabetical order and their population, areas and the date of formation.

Oregon County Map

Oregon County Map About Oregon County Map: The map showing the county boundary, all counties boundary, state capital and neighbouring states.

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About Counties of Oregon

U.S State of Oregon is situated in the western part of the country. Oregon joined in the Union and became one of the states of United States in the year 1859. It was the thirty third state to join in the Union. The state of Oregon is the 9th largest state in its size and 27th populous state among 50 states. The capital city of the state is Salem. U.S state of Oregon is indeed blessed with a lot of water resources, everlasting green forests, deserts, shrub lands and volcanoes. The unofficial nickname of the state is The Beaver State. The largest city of the state is Portland as it is the most populous city.

Oregon Counties are 36 in number. Among counties of Oregon, only 9 counties have the authority to change their county government. All the other counties to be specific 28 Oregon Counties are administered by a board of commissioners. This board of commissioners consists of three to five elected members. There are 242 incorporated cities in the state of Oregon which are governed by city councils that are considered as the highest authority within the city government. The city government provides a lot of services like streets and street maintenance, sewer and water management, building permissions, libraries, parks, protection for the people and many more.

The largest county by area in the state of Oregon is Harney which occupies 10,133.16 square miles in geographical space in the state. Malheur is the second biggest county in terms of its size. The tiniest county in Oregon is Multnomah County with 465 square miles. There is a speciality in Wheeler County as it is the oldest county among Oregon Counties; it is least populated county in the state. Multnomah County has the highest number of population in the state with 820,421 which is in fact most populous county in Oregon. In terms of highly populated counties after Multnomah are Washington County with 610,968 and Clackamas County with 423,729. Of Oregon Counties the richest county is Clackamas County as it has $31,785 per capita income. Washington and Multnomah stand second and third highest per capita earning counties with $ 30,522 and $28,883 respectively. Malheur County is the poorest County in the state of Oregon.

The U.S. state of Oregon has 36 Counties. This is list of Oregon Counties and County Seats in alphabetical order along with check their population, areas and the date of formation.

List of Counties in Oregon with County Seats

S.NCountyCounty SeatPopulationArea Formed
1Baker CountyBaker City16,2803,068 sq mi1862
2Benton CountyCorvallis87,725676 sq mi1847
3Clackamas CountyOregon City386,0801,868 sq mi1843
4Clatsop CountyAstoria37,270827 sq mi1844
5Columbia CountySaint Helens49,850657 sq mi1854
6Coos CountyCoquille62,8601,600 sq mi1853
7Crook CountyPrineville20,6902,980 sq mi1882
8Curry CountyGold Beach22,3001,627 sq mi1855
9Deschutes CountyBend162,5253,018 sq mi1916
10Douglas CountyRoseburg108,8505,037 sq mi1852
11Gilliam CountyCondon1,9451,204 sq mi1885
12Grant CountyCanyon City7,4354,529 sq mi1864
13Harney CountyBurns7,26010,135 sq mi1889
14Hood River CountyHood River23,295522 sq mi1908
15Jackson CountyMedford206,3102,785 sq mi1852
16Jefferson CountyMadras22,0401,781 sq mi1914
17Josephine CountyGrants Pass82,8151,640 sq mi1856
18Klamath CountyKlamath Falls66,8105,945 sq mi1882
19Lake CountyLakeview7,8957,940 sq mi1874
20Lane CountyEugene356,1254,554 sq mi1851
21Lincoln CountyNewport46,560980 sq mi1893
22Linn CountyAlbany118,6652,291 sq mi1847
23Malheur CountyVale31,4409,888 sq mi1887
24Marion CountySalem322,8801,185 sq mi1843
25Morrow CountyHeppner11,4252,033 sq mi1885
26Multnomah CountyPortland756,530435 sq mi1854
27Polk CountyDallas77,065741 sq mi1845
28Sherman CountyMoro1,780823 sq mi1889
29Tillamook CountyTillamook25,3751,102 sq mi1853
30Umatilla CountyPendleton77,8953,215 sq mi1862
31Union CountyLa Grande26,3252,037 sq mi1864
32Wallowa CountyEnterprise7,0453,145 sq mi1887
33Wasco CountyThe Dalles25,8102,381 sq mi1854
34Washington CountyHillsboro550,990724 sq mi1843
35Wheeler CountyFossil1,4301,715 sq mi1899
36Yamhill CountyMcMinnville101,400716 sq mi1843

Written and Fact-checked by | Last Updated: January 13, 2024, 01:05 PM ET