Louisiana County Map, List of parishe in Louisiana with Seats

The U.S. state of Louisiana is divided into 64 parishes (counties). Explore the Louisiana County Map, all Counties list along with their County Seats in alphabetical order and their population, areas and the date of formation.

Louisiana County Map

About Counties of Louisiana

Louisiana is one of the 50 states that exists in the southern part of the United States of America. The capital city of Louisiana is Baton Rouge. The capital building of the state is in fact the largest capital building of fifty states in United States. The state shares the borders with Texas to the west, Arkansas to the north, Mississippi to the east and the Gulf of Mexico to the South. The state has got a nick name called ‘The pelican State’.

Louisiana is unique in its political divisions and administration. The sub-divisions are called Parishes which are similar to counties. The number of Parishes in Louisiana are sixty- four in number. They are the basic divisions of the state. Most of the Parishes are governed by elected body called Police Jury. To be specific, forty one out of sixty-four parishes governed by Police Jury. The remaining twenty-three parishes have got different forms of government like president council, council manager, Parish commission and consolidated parish city. The type of government that exists in the parishes are similar to the commission of the counties. The Police Jury has got official power to exercise for about fifty different functions. Many of the parishes can elect its own government its own Police Jury.

Among the Parishes of Louisiana Plaquemines Parish is the biggest Parish by area which has got 2,429 square miles that accounts for 6,291 Kilometers. The smallest parish in the state is West Baton Rouge Parish. East Baton Rouge Parish has got most population among all the parishes of the state. The least populous parish is Tensas Parish.

The largest city of Louisiana is New Orleans. This city is known as crucible as it has got many cultures and traditions. New Orleans is famous various festivals and celebrations, exciting night outs and parties and music and so on. The richest town in Louisiana is Central and Monroe is considered as the poorest city in the state.

The U.S. state of Louisiana has 64 parishes (counties). This is list of Louisiana Counties and County Seats in alphabetical order along with check their population, areas and the date of formation.

List of Counties in Louisiana with County Seats

S.NParishParish SeatPopulationArea Formed
1Acadia ParishCrowley61,773658 sq mi1886
2Allen ParishOberlin25,764766 sq mi1912
3Ascension ParishDonaldsonville107,215303 sq mi1807
4Assumption ParishNapoleonville23,421364 sq mi1807
5Avoyelles ParishMarksville42,073866 sq mi1807
6Beauregard ParishDeRidder35,6541,166 sq mi1912
7Bienville ParishArcadia14,353822 sq mi1848
8Bossier ParishBenton116,979867 sq mi1843
9Caddo ParishShreveport254,969937 sq mi1838
10Calcasieu ParishLake Charles192,7681,094 sq mi1840
11Caldwell ParishColumbia10,132541 sq mi1838
12Cameron ParishCameron6,8391,932 sq mi1870
13Catahoula ParishHarrisonburg10,407739 sq mi1808
14Claiborne ParishHomer17,195768 sq mi1828
15Concordia ParishVidalia20,822749 sq mi1807
16De Soto ParishMansfield26,656895 sq mi1843
17East Baton Rouge ParishBaton Rouge440,171471 sq mi1810
18East Carroll ParishLake Providence7,759442 sq mi1877
19East Feliciana ParishClinton20,267456 sq mi1824
20Evangeline ParishVille Platte33,984680 sq mi1910
21Franklin ParishWinnsboro20,767636 sq mi1843
22Grant ParishColfax22,309664 sq mi1869
23Iberia ParishNew Iberia73,2401,031 sq mi1868
24Iberville ParishPlaquemine33,387653 sq mi1807
25Jackson ParishJonesboro16,274580 sq mi1845
26Jefferson Davis ParishJennings31,594659 sq mi1912
27Jefferson ParishGretna432,552642 sq mi1825
28La Salle ParishJena14,890663 sq mi1910
29Lafayette ParishLafayette221,578270 sq mi1823
30Lafourche ParishThibodaux96,3181,472 sq mi1807
31Lincoln ParishRuston46,735472 sq mi1873
32Livingston ParishLivingston128,026703 sq mi1832
33Madison ParishTallulah12,093651 sq mi1838
34Morehouse ParishBastrop27,979805 sq mi1844
35Natchitoches ParishNatchitoches39,5661,299 sq mi1807
36Orleans ParishNew Orleans343,829350 sq mi1807
37Ouachita ParishMonroe153,720633 sq mi1807
38Plaquemines ParishPointe a la Hache23,0422,429 sq mi1807
39Pointe Coupee ParishNew Roads22,802591 sq mi1807
40Rapides ParishAlexandria131,6131,362 sq mi1807
41Red River ParishCoushatta9,091402 sq mi1871
42Richland ParishRayville20,725564 sq mi1868
43Sabine ParishMany24,2331,012 sq mi1843
44Saint Bernard ParishChalmette35,8971,794 sq mi1807
45Saint Charles ParishHahnville52,780410 sq mi1807
46Saint Helena ParishGreensburg11,203409 sq mi1810
47Saint James ParishConvent22,102258 sq mi1807
48Saint John the Baptist ParishEdgard45,924348 sq mi1807
49Saint Landry ParishOpelousas83,384939 sq mi1807
50Saint Martin ParishSaint Martinville52,160817 sq mi1807
51Saint Mary ParishFranklin54,650612 sq mi1811
52Saint Tammany ParishCovington233,7401,124 sq mi1810
53Tangipahoa ParishAmite121,097823 sq mi1869
54Tensas ParishSaint Joseph5,066641 sq mi1843
55Terrebonne ParishHouma111,8602,080 sq mi1822
56Union ParishFarmerville22,721905 sq mi1839
57Vermilion ParishAbbeville57,9991,538 sq mi1844
58Vernon ParishLeesville52,3341,341 sq mi1871
59Washington ParishFranklinton47,168676 sq mi1819
60Webster ParishMinden41,207615 sq mi1871
61West Baton Rouge ParishPort Allen23,788203 sq mi1807
62West Carroll ParishOak Grove, West Carroll Parish11,604360 sq mi1877
63West Feliciana ParishSaint Francisville15,6251,051 sq mi1824
64Winn ParishWinnfield15,313957 sq mi1852

Written and Fact-checked by | Last Updated: January 13, 2024, 01:05 PM ET