West Virginia County Map, List of Counties in West Virginia with Seats

The U.S. state of West Virginia is divided into 55 Counties. Explore the West Virginia County Map, all Counties list along with their County Seats in alphabetical order and their population, areas and the date of formation.

West Virginia County Map

West Virginia County Map About West Virginia County Map: The map showing the county boundary, all counties boundary, state capital and neighbouring states.
  • West Virginia Map
  • Counties in West Virginia
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  • Where is West Virginia
  • About Counties of West Virginia

    U.S state of West Virginia is located in the south-eastern part of the country. West Virginia ranked as the forty-first state by its size. It is indeed the fortieth state in terms of population. The state West Virginia joined the union in the year 1863. The state shares the borders with Pennsylvania to the northeast, Maryland in the east, Virginia in the south-east, the state Kentucky is in southwest, and Ohio in the northwest. The state is known for the spectacular mountains and mountain ranges, alluring hills, vital coal mining and flourishing industries. The state provides a lot of recreational activities to the lovers of pleasure seeking outdoor activities like skiing, rafting, fishing, hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, rock climbing and hunting. The capital city of West Virginia is Charleston. Charleston is indeed the largest city in the state.

    West Virginia has fifty-five counties. The fifty counties in West Virginia were there in the beginning when West Virginia was part of Commonwealth of Virginia. Later on, the other five counties were formed inside the state. They are Grant, Mineral, Lincoln, Summers and Mingo counties. Among the Counties in West Virginia Randolph County is the biggest county by area with 1,040 Square miles. Hancock County is the smallest county by area. Of all the Counties in West Virginia, Kanawha County has the highest population with 180,745. The least populated county in the state of West Virginia is Wirt County. U.S state of West Virginia`s oldest county is Hampshire County. The local governance of West Virginia resembles the government of United States which has three branches of the government. They are Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.

    County is considered as a unit of government. Each and every County in West Virginia has a county commission. The county commission usually consists of three commissioners. The county commission was also called as County Courts. The local governance provides a number of services to the citizens of the state.

    The U.S. state of West Virginia has 55 Counties. This is list of West Virginia Counties and County Seats in alphabetical order along with check their population, areas and the date of formation.

    List of Counties in West Virginia with County Seats

    CountyCounty seatFIPS codeFormedPopulationArea
    Barbour CountyPhilippi1184315,468341 sq mi (883 km2)
    Berkeley CountyMartinsburg31772126,069321 sq mi (831 km2)
    Boone CountyMadison5184721,312503 sq mi (1,303 km2)
    Braxton CountySutton7183612,247514 sq mi (1,331 km2)
    Brooke CountyWellsburg9179622,14089 sq mi (231 km2)
    Cabell CountyHuntington11180993,418282 sq mi (730 km2)
    Calhoun CountyGrantsville1318566,176281 sq mi (728 km2)
    Clay CountyClay1518587,892342 sq mi (886 km2)
    Doddridge CountyWest Union1718457,735320 sq mi (829 km2)
    Fayette CountyFayetteville19183139,927664 sq mi (1,720 km2)
    Gilmer CountyGlenville2118457,377340 sq mi (881 km2)
    Grant CountyPetersburg23186610,983477 sq mi (1,235 km2)
    Greenbrier CountyLewisburg25177832,6081,021 sq mi (2,644 km2)
    Hampshire CountyRomney27175423,302642 sq mi (1,663 km2)
    Hancock CountyNew Cumberland29184828,65683 sq mi (215 km2)
    Hardy CountyMoorefield31178614,160583 sq mi (1,510 km2)
    Harrison CountyClarksburg33178465,158416 sq mi (1,077 km2)
    Jackson CountyRipley35183127,738466 sq mi (1,207 km2)
    Jefferson CountyCharles Town37180158,370210 sq mi (544 km2)
    Kanawha CountyCharleston391789177,952903 sq mi (2,339 km2)
    Lewis CountyWeston41181616,892389 sq mi (1,008 km2)
    Lincoln CountyHamlin43186720,126438 sq mi (1,134 km2)
    Logan CountyLogan45182431,909454 sq mi (1,176 km2)
    Marion CountyFairmont49184256,001310 sq mi (803 km2)
    Marshall CountyMoundsville51183530,115307 sq mi (795 km2)
    Mason CountyPoint Pleasant53180425,157432 sq mi (1,119 km2)
    McDowell CountyWelch47185818,363535 sq mi (1,386 km2)
    Mercer CountyPrinceton55183759,097420 sq mi (1,088 km2)
    Mineral CountyKeyser57186626,857328 sq mi (850 km2)
    Mingo CountyWilliamson59189523,005423 sq mi (1,096 km2)
    Monongalia CountyMorgantown611776106,387361 sq mi (935 km2)
    Monroe CountyUnion63179912,332473 sq mi (1,225 km2)
    Morgan CountyBerkeley Springs65182017,221229 sq mi (593 km2)
    Nicholas CountySummersville67181824,300649 sq mi (1,681 km2)
    Ohio CountyWheeling69177641,776106 sq mi (275 km2)
    Pendleton CountyFranklin7117886,142698 sq mi (1,808 km2)
    Pleasants CountySaint Marys7318517,601131 sq mi (339 km2)
    Pocahontas CountyMarlinton7518217,841940 sq mi (2,435 km2)
    Preston CountyKingwood77181834,358648 sq mi (1,678 km2)
    Putnam CountyWinfield79184857,260346 sq mi (896 km2)
    Raleigh CountyBeckley81185073,771607 sq mi (1,572 km2)
    Randolph CountyElkins83178727,8061,040 sq mi (2,694 km2)
    Ritchie CountyHarrisville8518438,383454 sq mi (1,176 km2)
    Roane CountySpencer87185613,898484 sq mi (1,254 km2)
    Summers CountyHinton89187111,908361 sq mi (935 km2)
    Taylor CountyGrafton91184416,492173 sq mi (448 km2)
    Tucker CountyParsons9318566,672419 sq mi (1,085 km2)
    Tyler CountyMiddlebourne9518148,155258 sq mi (668 km2)
    Upshur CountyBuckhannon97185123,791355 sq mi (919 km2)
    Wayne CountyWayne99184238,498506 sq mi (1,311 km2)
    Webster CountyWebster Springs10118608,249556 sq mi (1,440 km2)
    Wetzel CountyNew Martinsville103184614,170359 sq mi (930 km2)
    Wirt CountyElizabeth10518485,063233 sq mi (603 km2)
    Wood CountyParkersburg107179883,624367 sq mi (951 km2)
    Wyoming CountyPineville109185021,051501 sq mi (1,298 km2)

    Virginia County Facts

    Continent:North America
    Country:United States
    Location: State of West Virginia
    Government:County government
    Largest City:Charleston
    Subdivisions:cities, towns, unincorporated communities, census designated place
    Area:57,915 sq mi (149,997 km2) [25th Rank in US]
    Population:1,792,147(July 1, 2019) as of U.S. Census Bureau Facts
    Highest Point:Spruce Knob
    Lowest Point:Potomac River at Virginia border
    Timezone:Eastern: UTC -5/-4
    Official Website:https://www.wv.gov/

    West Virginia Cities by Population

    S.NCityCountyPopulation (2018)S.NCityCountyPopulation (2018)
    1Charleston ††Kanawha47,21526New MartinsvilleWetzel5,141
    6WeirtonHancock18,44931Point PleasantMason4,121
    11South CharlestonKanawha12,24036SummersvilleNicholas3,322
    13St. AlbansKanawha10,06938Pleasant ValleyMarion3,145
    17Oak HillFayette8,21842FayettevilleFayette2,762
    22Charles TownJefferson6,06447GranvilleMonongalia2,590

    Written and Fact-checked by | Last Updated: January 13, 2024, 01:05 PM ET