Where is Redwood National and State Parks, California - Location Map, Travel Info, Facts, Places to visit, Travel Info

Written by | Last Updated: January 02, 2024, 12:28 PM ET

Here is information about places to visit near Redwood National and State Parks, tourist attractions, best time to visit, address, things to do, facilities, facts and locaion map of Redwood National and State Parks.

Redwood National and State Parks Location Map, California

Where is Redwood National and State Parks Located
About Map: The map showing the map showing location of Redwood National and State Parks in the United States.

Where is Redwood National and State Parks Located?

Redwood National and State Parks is located in northernmost coastal California, almost on the Oregon border. It lies between Latitude 41.2132° N and Longitude is 124.0046° W. The park is famous for its tallest trees, oak woodlands, wild rivers, protect vast prairies, and 40 miles of rugged coastline.

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