Where is Johnson Lane, Nevada, USA?

Written by | Last Updated: Sept 01, 2024, 07:40 ET

Where is Johnson Lane Located? - Johnson Lane is a city located in the Douglas County of Nevada, United States. Johnson Lane lies between 39.629526 Degrees North latitudes and 79.9558968 Degrees West longitudes.

Location Map of Johnson Lane, Nevada

Where is Johnson Lane, Nevada

Johnson Lane Map, Nevada, USA

Where is Johnson Lane?: The Google Map showing the location of Johnson Lane in the U.S. state of Nevada.

Where is Johnson Lane Located?

Johnson Lane is a city located in the Douglas County of Nevada, United States. Johnson Lane lies between 39.629526 Degrees North latitudes and 79.9558968 Degrees West longitudes. According to 2020 U.S.census, the population of Johnson Lane city is 6409 people and the city has a total area of 21.87 sq mi. The city has numerous parks and recreational facilities.

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  • Johnson Lane City Facts, Nevada

    City NameJohnson Lane
    CountyDouglas County
    CountryUnited States
    U.S. RegionMountain
    Coordinates39.0479645° N, 119.7221216° W
    Population (2020 Census)6409
    Population Density (Sq mi)292
    Area (Sq mi)21.87
    CurrencyUS Dollar, $ (USD)
    Time ZonePacific Time - UTC?08:00 (Standard), UTC?07:00 (DST)

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