List of Nevada Area Codes - Check by City and County

Written by | Last Updated: January 02, 2025, 11:55 AM ET

Below are the list Nevada state area codes by city and county listed by alphabetical order. Find Nevada area codes by city or lookup which cities belong to an area code. Area code 702, 775 covers the entire state of Idaho..

List of Nevada Area Codes

CityCountyArea CodeCityCountyArea Code
Blue DiamondClark County702ImlayPershing County775
Boulder CityClark County702Incline VillageWashoe County775
BunkervilleClark County702JackpotElko County775
Cal Nev AriClark County702JarbidgeElko County775
Coyote SpringsClark County702LamoilleElko County775
Coyote SpringsLincoln County702LovelockPershing County775
HendersonClark County702LundWhite Pine County775
Indian SpringsClark County702LuningMineral County775
JeanClark County702ManhattanNye County775
Las VegasClark County702Mc DermittHumboldt County775
LaughlinClark County702Mc GillWhite Pine County775
LogandaleClark County702MinaMineral County775
MercuryNye County702MindenDouglas County775
MesquiteClark County702MontelloElko County775
MoapaClark County702Mountain CityElko County775
Nellis AfbClark County702NixonWashoe County775
North Las VegasClark County702OrovadaHumboldt County775
OvertonClark County702OwyheeElko County775
SearchlightClark County702PanacaLincoln County775
SloanClark County702Paradise ValleyHumboldt County775
The LakesClark County702PiocheLincoln County775
AlamoLincoln County775RenoWashoe County775
Amargosa ValleyNye County775Round MountainNye County775
AustinLander County775Ruby ValleyElko County775
BakerWhite Pine County775RuthWhite Pine County775
Battle MountainLander County775SchurzMineral County775
BeattyNye County775Silver CityLyon County775
CalienteLincoln County775Silver SpringsLyon County775
CarlinElko County775SmithLyon County775
Carson CityCarson City775SparksWashoe County775
Carson CityDouglas County775Spring CreekElko County775
Crescent ValleyEureka County775Sun ValleyWashoe County775
Crystal BayWashoe County775TonopahNye County775
DaytonLyon County775TuscaroraElko County775
DeethElko County775ValmyHumboldt County775
DenioHumboldt County775VerdiWashoe County775
DuckwaterNye County775Virginia CityStorey County775
DyerEsmeralda County775WadsworthWashoe County775
ElkoElko County775Washoe ValleyWashoe County775
ElyWhite Pine County775WellingtonDouglas County775
EmpireWashoe County775WellsElko County775
EurekaEureka County775West WendoverElko County775
FallonChurchill County775WinnemuccaHumboldt County775
FernleyLyon County775YeringtonLyon County775
GabbsNye County775Zephyr CoveDouglas County775
GardnervilleDouglas County775GardnervilleDouglas County702, 775
GenoaDouglas County775Las VegasClark County702, 775
GerlachWashoe County775PahrumpNye County702, 775
GlenbrookDouglas County775RenoWashoe County702, 775
GolcondaHumboldt County775HikoLincoln County775, 702
GoldfieldEsmeralda County775PahrumpNye County775, 702
HalleckElko County775SilverpeakEsmeralda County775, 702
HawthorneMineral County775StatelineDouglas County530, 775, 702

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