Below are the list Wisconsin state area codes by city and county listed by alphabetical order. Find Wisconsin area codes by city or lookup which cities belong to an area code. Area code 262, 414, 608, 715, 920 covers the entire state of Wisconsin.
List of Wisconsin Area Codes
City | County | Area Code | City | County | Area Code |
Abbotsford | Marathon County | 715 | Lebanon | Dodge County | 920 |
Abrams | Oconto County | 920 | Lena | Oconto County | 920 |
Adams | Adams County | 608 | Leopolis | Shawano County | 715 |
Albany | Green County | 608 | Lime Ridge | Sauk County | 608 |
Algoma | Kewaunee County | 920 | Linden | Iowa County | 608 |
Allenton | Washington County | 262, 920 | Little Chute | Outagamie County | 920 |
Alma | Buffalo County | 608, 715 | Little Suamico | Oconto County | 920 |
Alma Center | Jackson County | 715 | Livingston | Grant County | 608 |
Almena | Barron County | 715 | Lodi | Columbia County | 608 |
Almond | Portage County | 715 | Loganville | Sauk County | 608 |
Altoona | Eau Claire County | 715 | Lomira | Dodge County | 920 |
Amberg | Marinette County | 715 | Lone Rock | Richland County | 608 |
Amery | Polk County | 715 | Long Lake | Forest County | 715 |
Amherst | Portage County | 715 | Lowell | Dodge County | 920 |
Amherst Junction | Portage County | 715 | Loyal | Clark County | 715 |
Aniwa | Marathon County | 715 | Lublin | Taylor County | 715 |
Antigo | Langlade County | 715 | Luck | Polk County | 715 |
Appleton | Outagamie County | 920 | Luxemburg | Kewaunee County | 920 |
Arcadia | Trempealeau County | 608 | Lyndon Station | Juneau County | 608 |
Arena | Iowa County | 608 | Lynxville | Crawford County | 608 |
Argonne | Forest County | 715 | Lyons | Walworth County | 262 |
Argyle | Lafayette County | 608 | Madison | Dane County | 608 |
Arkansaw | Pepin County | 715 | Maiden Rock | Pierce County | 715 |
Arkdale | Adams County | 608 | Malone | Fond Du Lac County | 920 |
Arlington | Columbia County | 608 | Manawa | Waupaca County | 920 |
Armstrong Creek | Forest County | 715 | Manitowish Waters | Vilas County | 715 |
Arpin | Wood County | 715 | Manitowoc | Manitowoc County | 920 |
Ashippun | Dodge County | 920 | Maple | Douglas County | 715 |
Ashland | Ashland County | 715 | Maplewood | Door County | 920 |
Athelstane | Marinette County | 715 | Marathon | Marathon County | 715 |
Athens | Marathon County | 715 | Marengo | Ashland County | 715 |
Auburndale | Wood County | 715 | Maribel | Manitowoc County | 920 |
Augusta | Eau Claire County | 715 | Marinette | Marinette County | 715 |
Avalon | Rock County | 608 | Marion | Waupaca County | 715 |
Avoca | Iowa County | 608 | Markesan | Green Lake County | 920 |
Babcock | Wood County | 715 | Marquette | Green Lake County | 920 |
Bagley | Grant County | 608 | Marshall | Dane County | 608, 920 |
Baileys Harbor | Door County | 920 | Marshfield | Wood County | 715 |
Baldwin | St Croix County | 715 | Mason | Bayfield County | 715 |
Balsam Lake | Polk County | 715 | Mather | Juneau County | 608 |
Bancroft | Portage County | 715 | Mattoon | Shawano County | 715 |
Bangor | La Crosse County | 608 | Mauston | Juneau County | 608 |
Baraboo | Sauk County | 608 | Mayville | Dodge County | 920 |
Barneveld | Iowa County | 608 | Mazomanie | Dane County | 608 |
Barron | Barron County | 715 | Mc Farland | Dane County | 608 |
Barronett | Washburn County | 715 | Mc Naughton | Oneida County | 715 |
Bassett | Kenosha County | 262 | Medford | Taylor County | 715 |
Bay City | Pierce County | 715 | Mellen | Ashland County | 715 |
Bayfield | Bayfield County | 715 | Melrose | Jackson County | 608, 715 |
Bear Creek | Outagamie County | 715, 920 | Menasha | Winnebago County | 920 |
Beaver Dam | Dodge County | 920 | Menomonee Falls | Waukesha County | 262 |
Beetown | Grant County | 608 | Menomonee Falls | Waukesha County | 262, 414 |
Beldenville | Pierce County | 715 | Menomonie | Dunn County | 715 |
Belgium | Ozaukee County | 262, 920 | Mequon | Ozaukee County | 262 |
Belleville | Dane County | 608 | Mercer | Iron County | 715 |
Belmont | Lafayette County | 608 | Merrill | Lincoln County | 715 |
Beloit | Rock County | 608 | Merrillan | Clark County | 715 |
Benet Lake | Kenosha County | 262 | Merrimac | Sauk County | 608 |
Benoit | Bayfield County | 715 | Merton | Waukesha County | 262 |
Benton | Lafayette County | 608 | Middleton | Dane County | 608 |
Berlin | Waushara County | 920 | Mikana | Barron County | 715 |
Big Bend | Waukesha County | 262 | Milladore | Wood County | 715 |
Big Falls | Waupaca County | 715 | Milltown | Polk County | 715 |
Birchwood | Washburn County | 715 | Milton | Rock County | 262, 608 |
Birnamwood | Shawano County | 715 | Milwaukee | Milwaukee County | 414 |
Black Creek | Outagamie County | 920 | Milwaukee | Milwaukee County | 262, 414 |
Black Earth | Dane County | 608 | Milwaukee | Milwaukee County | 414, 262 |
Black River Falls | Jackson County | 715, 608 | Mindoro | La Crosse County | 608 |
Blair | Trempealeau County | 608, 715 | Mineral Point | Iowa County | 608 |
Blanchardville | Lafayette County | 608 | Minocqua | Oneida County | 715 |
Blenker | Wood County | 715 | Minong | Washburn County | 715 |
Bloomer | Chippewa County | 715 | Mishicot | Manitowoc County | 920 |
Bloomington | Grant County | 608 | Mondovi | Buffalo County | 715, 608 |
Blue Mounds | Dane County | 608 | Monroe | Green County | 608 |
Blue River | Richland County | 608 | Montello | Marquette County | 608, 920 |
Bonduel | Shawano County | 715, 920 | Montfort | Grant County | 608 |
Boscobel | Grant County | 608 | Monticello | Green County | 608 |
Boulder Junction | Vilas County | 715 | Montreal | Iron County | 715 |
Bowler | Shawano County | 715 | Morrisonville | Dane County | 608 |
Boyceville | Dunn County | 715 | Mosinee | Marathon County | 715 |
Boyd | Chippewa County | 715 | Mount Calvary | Fond Du Lac County | 920 |
Brandon | Fond Du Lac County | 920 | Mount Hope | Grant County | 608 |
Brantwood | Price County | 715 | Mount Horeb | Dane County | 608 |
Briggsville | Marquette County | 608 | Mount Sterling | Crawford County | 608 |
Brill | Barron County | 715 | Mountain | Oconto County | 715 |
Brillion | Calumet County | 920 | Mukwonago | Waukesha County | 262 |
Bristol | Kenosha County | 262 | Muscoda | Richland County | 608 |
Brodhead | Green County | 608 | Muskego | Waukesha County | 414, 262 |
Brokaw | Marathon County | 715 | Nashotah | Waukesha County | 262, 920 |
Brookfield | Waukesha County | 262 | Necedah | Juneau County | 608 |
Brookfield | Waukesha County | 262, 414 | Neenah | Winnebago County | 920 |
Brooklyn | Green County | 608 | Neillsville | Clark County | 715 |
Brownsville | Dodge County | 920 | Nekoosa | Adams County | 715, 608 |
Browntown | Green County | 608 | Nelson | Buffalo County | 715, 608 |
Bruce | Rusk County | 715 | Nelsonville | Portage County | 715 |
Brule | Douglas County | 715 | Neopit | Menominee County | 715 |
Brussels | Door County | 920 | Neosho | Dodge County | 414, 920 |
Bryant | Langlade County | 715 | Neshkoro | Marquette County | 920 |
Burlington | Racine County | 262 | New Auburn | Chippewa County | 715 |
Burnett | Dodge County | 920 | New Berlin | Waukesha County | 262 |
Butler | Waukesha County | 262 | New Berlin | Waukesha County | 262, 414 |
Butte Des Morts | Winnebago County | 920 | New Franken | Brown County | 920 |
Butternut | Ashland County | 715 | New Glarus | Green County | 608 |
Cable | Bayfield County | 715 | New Holstein | Calumet County | 920 |
Cadott | Chippewa County | 715 | New Lisbon | Juneau County | 608 |
Caledonia | Racine County | 262, 414 | New London | Waupaca County | 920, 715 |
Cambria | Columbia County | 920, 608 | New Munster | Kenosha County | 262 |
Cambridge | Dane County | 608 | New Richmond | St Croix County | 715 |
Cameron | Barron County | 715 | Newburg | Washington County | 262 |
Camp Douglas | Juneau County | 608 | Newton | Manitowoc County | 920 |
Camp Lake | Kenosha County | 262 | Niagara | Marinette County | 715 |
Campbellsport | Fond Du Lac County | 920, 262 | Nichols | Outagamie County | 920 |
Caroline | Shawano County | 715 | North Freedom | Sauk County | 608 |
Cascade | Sheboygan County | 920 | North Lake | Waukesha County | 262 |
Casco | Kewaunee County | 920 | North Prairie | Waukesha County | 414, 262 |
Cashton | Monroe County | 608 | Norwalk | Monroe County | 608 |
Cassville | Grant County | 608 | Oak Creek | Milwaukee County | 262, 414 |
Cataract | Monroe County | 608 | Oakdale | Monroe County | 608 |
Catawba | Price County | 715 | Oakfield | Fond Du Lac County | 920 |
Cazenovia | Richland County | 608 | Oconomowoc | Waukesha County | 262, 920 |
Cecil | Shawano County | 715 | Oconto | Oconto County | 920 |
Cedar Grove | Sheboygan County | 920, 262 | Oconto Falls | Oconto County | 920, 715 |
Cedarburg | Ozaukee County | 262 | Odanah | Ashland County | 715 |
Centuria | Polk County | 715 | Ogdensburg | Waupaca County | 920, 715 |
Chaseburg | Vernon County | 608 | Ogema | Price County | 715 |
Chetek | Barron County | 715 | Ojibwa | Sawyer County | 715 |
Chili | Clark County | 715 | Okauchee | Waukesha County | 262 |
Chilton | Calumet County | 920 | Omro | Winnebago County | 920 |
Chippewa Falls | Chippewa County | 715 | Onalaska | La Crosse County | 608 |
Clam Lake | Ashland County | 715 | Oneida | Brown County | 920 |
Clayton | Barron County | 715 | Ontario | Vernon County | 608 |
Clear Lake | Polk County | 715 | Oostburg | Sheboygan County | 920 |
Cleveland | Manitowoc County | 920 | Oregon | Dane County | 608 |
Clinton | Rock County | 262, 608 | Orfordville | Rock County | 608 |
Clintonville | Waupaca County | 715 | Osceola | Polk County | 715 |
Clyman | Dodge County | 920 | Oshkosh | Winnebago County | 920 |
Cobb | Iowa County | 608 | Oshkosh | Winnebago County | 920, 414 |
Cochrane | Buffalo County | 608 | Osseo | Trempealeau County | 715 |
Colby | Marathon County | 715 | Owen | Clark County | 715 |
Coleman | Marinette County | 920, 715 | Oxford | Adams County | 608 |
Colfax | Dunn County | 715 | Packwaukee | Marquette County | 608 |
Colgate | Washington County | 262 | Palmyra | Jefferson County | 262 |
Collins | Manitowoc County | 920 | Pardeeville | Columbia County | 608 |
Coloma | Waushara County | 715 | Park Falls | Price County | 715 |
Columbus | Columbia County | 920 | Patch Grove | Grant County | 608 |
Combined Locks | Outagamie County | 920 | Pearson | Langlade County | 715 |
Comstock | Barron County | 715 | Pelican Lake | Oneida County | 715 |
Conover | Vilas County | 715 | Pell Lake | Walworth County | 262 |
Conrath | Rusk County | 715 | Pembine | Marinette County | 715 |
Coon Valley | Vernon County | 608 | Pepin | Pepin County | 715 |
Cornell | Chippewa County | 715 | Peshtigo | Marinette County | 715 |
Cornucopia | Bayfield County | 715 | Pewaukee | Waukesha County | 262, 414 |
Cottage Grove | Dane County | 608 | Phelps | Vilas County | 715 |
Couderay | Sawyer County | 715 | Phillips | Price County | 715 |
Crandon | Forest County | 715 | Phlox | Langlade County | 715 |
Crivitz | Marinette County | 715, 920 | Pickerel | Forest County | 715 |
Cross Plains | Dane County | 608 | Pickett | Winnebago County | 920 |
Cuba City | Grant County | 608 | Pigeon Falls | Trempealeau County | 715 |
Cudahy | Milwaukee County | 414 | Pine River | Waushara County | 920 |
Cumberland | Barron County | 715 | Pittsville | Wood County | 262, 715 |
Curtiss | Clark County | 715 | Plain | Sauk County | 608 |
Cushing | Polk County | 715 | Plainfield | Waushara County | 715 |
Custer | Portage County | 715 | Platteville | Grant County | 608 |
Dale | Outagamie County | 920 | Pleasant Prairie | Kenosha County | 262 |
Dallas | Barron County | 715 | Plover | Portage County | 715 |
Dalton | Green Lake County | 920 | Plum City | Pierce County | 715 |
Danbury | Burnett County | 715 | Plymouth | Sheboygan County | 920 |
Dane | Dane County | 608 | Poplar | Douglas County | 715 |
Darien | Walworth County | 262, 608 | Port Edwards | Wood County | 715 |
Darlington | Lafayette County | 608 | Port Washington | Ozaukee County | 262 |
De Forest | Dane County | 608 | Port Wing | Bayfield County | 715 |
De Pere | Brown County | 920 | Portage | Columbia County | 608 |
De Soto | Vernon County | 608 | Porterfield | Marinette County | 715 |
Deer Park | St Croix County | 715 | Potosi | Grant County | 608 |
Deerbrook | Langlade County | 715 | Potter | Calumet County | 920 |
Deerfield | Dane County | 608 | Pound | Marinette County | 920, 715 |
Delafield | Waukesha County | 262 | Powers Lake | Kenosha County | 262 |
Delavan | Walworth County | 262, 608 | Poy Sippi | Waushara County | 920 |
Denmark | Brown County | 920 | Poynette | Columbia County | 608, 920 |
Dickeyville | Grant County | 608 | Prairie Du Chien | Crawford County | 608 |
Dodge | Trempealeau County | 608 | Prairie Du Sac | Sauk County | 608 |
Dodgeville | Iowa County | 608 | Prairie Farm | Barron County | 715 |
Dorchester | Clark County | 715 | Prentice | Price County | 715, 608 |
Dousman | Waukesha County | 262 | Prescott | Pierce County | 715 |
Downing | Dunn County | 715 | Presque Isle | Vilas County | 715 |
Downsville | Dunn County | 715 | Princeton | Green Lake County | 920 |
Doylestown | Columbia County | 920 | Pulaski | Shawano County | 920, 715 |
Dresser | Polk County | 715 | Racine | Racine County | 262 |
Drummond | Bayfield County | 715 | Radisson | Sawyer County | 715 |
Dunbar | Marinette County | 715 | Randolph | Columbia County | 920 |
Durand | Pepin County | 715 | Readfield | Waupaca County | 920 |
Eagle | Waukesha County | 262 | Readstown | Vernon County | 608 |
Eagle River | Vilas County | 715, 906 | Redgranite | Waushara County | 920 |
East Ellsworth | Pierce County | 715 | Reedsburg | Sauk County | 608 |
East Troy | Walworth County | 262 | Reedsville | Manitowoc County | 920 |
Eastman | Crawford County | 608 | Reeseville | Dodge County | 920 |
Eau Claire | Eau Claire County | 715 | Rewey | Iowa County | 608 |
Eau Galle | Dunn County | 715 | Rhinelander | Oneida County | 715 |
Eden | Fond Du Lac County | 920 | Rib Lake | Taylor County | 715 |
Edgar | Marathon County | 715 | Rice Lake | Barron County | 715 |
Edgerton | Rock County | 608 | Richfield | Washington County | 262 |
Edgewater | Sawyer County | 715 | Richland Center | Richland County | 608 |
Edmund | Iowa County | 608 | Ridgeland | Dunn County | 715 |
Egg Harbor | Door County | 920 | Ridgeway | Iowa County | 608 |
Eland | Marathon County | 715 | Ringle | Marathon County | 715 |
Elcho | Langlade County | 715 | Rio | Columbia County | 920, 608 |
Elderon | Marathon County | 715 | Ripon | Fond Du Lac County | 920 |
Eldorado | Fond Du Lac County | 920 | River Falls | Pierce County | 715 |
Eleva | Eau Claire County | 715 | Roberts | St Croix County | 715 |
Elk Mound | Dunn County | 715 | Rochester | Racine County | 262 |
Elkhart Lake | Sheboygan County | 920 | Rock Falls | Dunn County | 715 |
Elkhorn | Walworth County | 262 | Rock Springs | Sauk County | 608 |
Ellison Bay | Door County | 920 | Rockland | La Crosse County | 608 |
Ellsworth | Pierce County | 715 | Rosendale | Fond Du Lac County | 920 |
Elm Grove | Waukesha County | 262, 414 | Rosholt | Portage County | 715 |
Elmwood | Pierce County | 715 | Rothschild | Marathon County | 715 |
Elroy | Juneau County | 608 | Rubicon | Dodge County | 262, 920 |
Elton | Langlade County | 715 | Rudolph | Wood County | 715 |
Embarrass | Waupaca County | 715 | Saint Cloud | Fond Du Lac County | 920 |
Endeavor | Marquette County | 608 | Saint Croix Falls | Polk County | 715 |
Ephraim | Door County | 920 | Saint Francis | Milwaukee County | 414 |
Ettrick | Trempealeau County | 608 | Saint Germain | Vilas County | 715 |
Eureka | Winnebago County | 920 | Saint Nazianz | Manitowoc County | 920 |
Evansville | Rock County | 608 | Salem | Kenosha County | 262 |
Exeland | Sawyer County | 715 | Sand Creek | Dunn County | 715 |
Fairchild | Eau Claire County | 715 | Sarona | Washburn County | 715 |
Fairwater | Fond Du Lac County | 920 | Sauk City | Sauk County | 608 |
Fall Creek | Eau Claire County | 715 | Saukville | Ozaukee County | 262 |
Fall River | Columbia County | 920 | Saxeville | Waushara County | 920 |
Fence | Florence County | 715 | Saxon | Iron County | 715 |
Fennimore | Grant County | 608 | Sayner | Vilas County | 715 |
Ferryville | Crawford County | 608 | Scandinavia | Waupaca County | 715 |
Fifield | Price County | 715 | Schofield | Marathon County | 715 |
Fish Creek | Door County | 920 | Seneca | Crawford County | 608 |
Florence | Florence County | 715 | Sextonville | Richland County | 608 |
Fond Du Lac | Fond Du Lac County | 920 | Seymour | Outagamie County | 920 |
Fontana | Walworth County | 262 | Sharon | Walworth County | 262 |
Footville | Rock County | 608 | Shawano | Shawano County | 920, 715 |
Forest Junction | Calumet County | 920 | Sheboygan | Sheboygan County | 920 |
Forestville | Door County | 920 | Sheboygan Falls | Sheboygan County | 920 |
Fountain City | Buffalo County | 608 | Sheldon | Taylor County | 715 |
Fox Lake | Dodge County | 920 | Shell Lake | Washburn County | 715 |
Foxboro | Douglas County | 715 | Sherwood | Calumet County | 920 |
Francis Creek | Manitowoc County | 920 | Shiocton | Outagamie County | 920, 715 |
Franklin | Milwaukee County | 414 | Shullsburg | Lafayette County | 608 |
Franksville | Racine County | 262 | Silver Lake | Kenosha County | 262 |
Frederic | Polk County | 715 | Sinsinawa | Grant County | 608 |
Fredonia | Ozaukee County | 262, 920 | Siren | Burnett County | 715 |
Fremont | Waupaca County | 920 | Sister Bay | Door County | 920 |
Friendship | Adams County | 608 | Slinger | Washington County | 414, 262 |
Friesland | Columbia County | 920 | Sobieski | Oconto County | 920 |
Galesville | Trempealeau County | 608 | Soldiers Grove | Crawford County | 608 |
Galloway | Marathon County | 715 | Solon Springs | Douglas County | 715 |
Gays Mills | Crawford County | 608 | Somers | Kenosha County | 262 |
Genesee Depot | Waukesha County | 262 | Somerset | St Croix County | 715 |
Genoa | Vernon County | 608 | South Milwaukee | Milwaukee County | 414 |
Genoa City | Walworth County | 262 | South Range | Douglas County | 715 |
Germantown | Washington County | 262 | South Wayne | Lafayette County | 608 |
Gile | Iron County | 715 | Sparta | Monroe County | 608 |
Gillett | Oconto County | 920, 715 | Spencer | Marathon County | 715 |
Gilman | Taylor County | 715 | Spooner | Washburn County | 715 |
Gilmanton | Buffalo County | 715 | Spring Green | Sauk County | 608 |
Gleason | Lincoln County | 715 | Spring Valley | Pierce County | 715 |
Glen Flora | Rusk County | 715 | Springbrook | Washburn County | 715 |
Glen Haven | Grant County | 608 | Springfield | Walworth County | 262 |
Glenbeulah | Sheboygan County | 920 | Stanley | Chippewa County | 715 |
Glenwood City | St Croix County | 715 | Star Lake | Vilas County | 715 |
Glidden | Ashland County | 715 | Star Prairie | Polk County | 715 |
Goodman | Marinette County | 715 | Stetsonville | Taylor County | 715 |
Gordon | Douglas County | 715 | Steuben | Crawford County | 608 |
Gotham | Richland County | 608 | Stevens Point | Portage County | 715 |
Grafton | Ozaukee County | 262, 414 | Stitzer | Grant County | 608 |
Grand Marsh | Adams County | 608 | Stockbridge | Calumet County | 920 |
Grand View | Bayfield County | 715 | Stockholm | Pepin County | 715 |
Granton | Clark County | 715 | Stoddard | Vernon County | 608 |
Grantsburg | Burnett County | 715 | Stone Lake | Sawyer County | 715 |
Gratiot | Lafayette County | 608 | Stoughton | Dane County | 608 |
Green Bay | Brown County | 920 | Stratford | Marathon County | 715 |
Green Bay | Brown County | 920, 715 | Strum | Trempealeau County | 715 |
Green Lake | Green Lake County | 920 | Sturgeon Bay | Door County | 920 |
Green Valley | Shawano County | 715 | Sturtevant | Racine County | 262 |
Greenbush | Sheboygan County | 920 | Suamico | Brown County | 920 |
Greendale | Milwaukee County | 414 | Sullivan | Jefferson County | 262 |
Greenleaf | Brown County | 920 | Summit Lake | Langlade County | 715 |
Greenville | Outagamie County | 920 | Sun Prairie | Dane County | 608 |
Greenwood | Clark County | 715 | Superior | Douglas County | 715 |
Gresham | Shawano County | 715 | Suring | Oconto County | 920, 715 |
Hager City | Pierce County | 715 | Sussex | Waukesha County | 262, 414 |
Hales Corners | Milwaukee County | 414 | Taylor | Jackson County | 715, 608 |
Hammond | St Croix County | 715 | Theresa | Dodge County | 920, 262 |
Hancock | Waushara County | 715, 608 | Thiensville | Ozaukee County | 262, 414 |
Hannibal | Taylor County | 715 | Thorp | Clark County | 715 |
Hanover | Rock County | 608 | Three Lakes | Oneida County | 715 |
Harshaw | Oneida County | 715 | Tigerton | Shawano County | 715 |
Hartford | Washington County | 262, 920 | Tilleda | Shawano County | 715 |
Hartland | Waukesha County | 262, 414 | Tisch Mills | Manitowoc County | 920 |
Hatley | Marathon County | 715 | Tomah | Monroe County | 608 |
Haugen | Barron County | 715 | Tomahawk | Lincoln County | 715 |
Hawkins | Rusk County | 715 | Tony | Rusk County | 715 |
Hawthorne | Douglas County | 715 | Townsend | Oconto County | 715 |
Hayward | Sawyer County | 715 | Trego | Washburn County | 715 |
Hazel Green | Grant County | 608 | Trempealeau | Trempealeau County | 608 |
Hazelhurst | Oneida County | 715 | Trevor | Kenosha County | 262 |
Heafford Junction | Lincoln County | 715 | Tripoli | Oneida County | 715 |
Helenville | Jefferson County | 262, 920 | Tunnel City | Monroe County | 608 |
Herbster | Bayfield County | 715 | Turtle Lake | Polk County | 715 |
Hertel | Burnett County | 715 | Twin Lakes | Kenosha County | 262 |
Hewitt | Wood County | 715 | Two Rivers | Manitowoc County | 920 |
High Bridge | Ashland County | 715 | Union Center | Juneau County | 608 |
Highland | Iowa County | 608 | Union Grove | Racine County | 262 |
Hilbert | Calumet County | 920 | Unity | Clark County | 715 |
Hillpoint | Sauk County | 608 | Upson | Iron County | 715 |
Hillsboro | Vernon County | 608 | Valders | Manitowoc County | 920 |
Hingham | Sheboygan County | 920 | Van Dyne | Fond Du Lac County | 920 |
Hixton | Jackson County | 715 | Verona | Dane County | 608 |
Holcombe | Chippewa County | 715 | Vesper | Wood County | 715 |
Hollandale | Iowa County | 608 | Viola | Richland County | 608 |
Holmen | La Crosse County | 608 | Viroqua | Vernon County | 608 |
Honey Creek | Walworth County | 262 | Wabeno | Forest County | 715 |
Horicon | Dodge County | 920 | Waldo | Sheboygan County | 920 |
Hortonville | Outagamie County | 920 | Wales | Waukesha County | 262 |
Houlton | St Croix County | 715 | Walworth | Walworth County | 262, 608 |
Hubertus | Washington County | 262 | Warrens | Monroe County | 608 |
Hudson | St Croix County | 715 | Wascott | Douglas County | 715 |
Humbird | Clark County | 715 | Washburn | Bayfield County | 715 |
Hurley | Iron County | 715 | Washington Island | Door County | 920 |
Hustisford | Dodge County | 920 | Waterford | Racine County | 262 |
Hustler | Juneau County | 608 | Waterloo | Jefferson County | 920 |
Independence | Trempealeau County | 715, 608 | Watertown | Jefferson County | 920 |
Iola | Waupaca County | 715 | Watertown | Dodge County | 920 |
Irma | Lincoln County | 715 | Waukau | Winnebago County | 920 |
Iron Belt | Iron County | 715 | Waukesha | Waukesha County | 262 |
Iron Ridge | Dodge County | 920 | Waukesha | Waukesha County | 262, 414 |
Iron River | Bayfield County | 715 | Waunakee | Dane County | 608 |
Ixonia | Jefferson County | 920, 262 | Waupaca | Waupaca County | 715, 920 |
Jackson | Washington County | 262, 414 | Waupun | Fond Du Lac County | 920 |
Janesville | Rock County | 608 | Wausau | Marathon County | 715 |
Jefferson | Jefferson County | 920, 262 | Wausaukee | Marinette County | 715 |
Jim Falls | Chippewa County | 715 | Wautoma | Waushara County | 920 |
Johnson Creek | Jefferson County | 920 | Wauzeka | Crawford County | 608 |
Juda | Green County | 608 | Webster | Burnett County | 715 |
Jump River | Taylor County | 715 | West Bend | Washington County | 262 |
Junction City | Portage County | 715 | West Salem | La Crosse County | 608 |
Juneau | Dodge County | 920 | Westboro | Taylor County | 715 |
Kansasville | Racine County | 262 | Westby | Vernon County | 608 |
Kaukauna | Outagamie County | 920 | Westfield | Marquette County | 608 |
Kellnersville | Manitowoc County | 920 | Weyauwega | Waupaca County | 920 |
Kendall | Monroe County | 608 | Weyerhaeuser | Rusk County | 715 |
Kennan | Price County | 715 | Wheeler | Dunn County | 715 |
Kenosha | Kenosha County | 262 | White Lake | Langlade County | 715 |
Keshena | Menominee County | 715 | Whitehall | Trempealeau County | 715 |
Kewaskum | Washington County | 262, 920 | Whitelaw | Manitowoc County | 920 |
Kewaunee | Kewaunee County | 920 | Whitewater | Walworth County | 262, 608 |
Kiel | Manitowoc County | 920 | Wild Rose | Waushara County | 920, 715 |
Kieler | Grant County | 608 | Willard | Clark County | 715 |
Kimberly | Outagamie County | 920 | Williams Bay | Walworth County | 262 |
King | Waupaca County | 715 | Wilmot | Kenosha County | 262 |
Kingston | Green Lake County | 920 | Wilson | St Croix County | 715 |
Knapp | Dunn County | 715 | Wilton | Monroe County | 608 |
Kohler | Sheboygan County | 920 | Windsor | Dane County | 608 |
Krakow | Shawano County | 920 | Winnebago | Winnebago County | 920 |
La Crosse | La Crosse County | 608 | Winneconne | Winnebago County | 920 |
La Farge | Vernon County | 608 | Winter | Sawyer County | 715 |
La Pointe | Ashland County | 715 | Wisconsin Dells | Sauk County | 608 |
La Valle | Sauk County | 608 | Wisconsin Rapids | Wood County | 715 |
Lac Du Flambeau | Vilas County | 715 | Withee | Clark County | 715 |
Ladysmith | Rusk County | 715 | Wittenberg | Shawano County | 715 |
Lake Delton | Sauk County | 608 | Wonewoc | Juneau County | 608 |
Lake Geneva | Walworth County | 262 | Woodford | Lafayette County | 608 |
Lake Mills | Jefferson County | 920 | Woodland | Dodge County | 920 |
Lake Nebagamon | Douglas County | 715 | Woodman | Grant County | 608 |
Lake Tomahawk | Oneida County | 715 | Woodruff | Vilas County | 715 |
Lakewood | Oconto County | 715 | Woodville | St Croix County | 715 |
Lancaster | Grant County | 608 | Woodworth | Kenosha County | 262 |
Land O Lakes | Vilas County | 906, 715 | Wrightstown | Brown County | 920 |
Lannon | Waukesha County | 262 | Wyocena | Columbia County | 608 |
Laona | Forest County | 715 | Zachow | Shawano County | 715 |
Larsen | Winnebago County | 920 | Zenda | Walworth County | 262 |
Wisconsin Map | Counties in Wisconsin | Cities in Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Zipcodes | Airports in Wisconsin | US Zip code Map |
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