Saying Happy New Year 2023 Wishes in different languages:Hindi, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese,Japanese, Dutch , Arabic, Romanian and more languages find in the list.
Saying 'Happy New Year' in World Languages
The table below indicates the HAPPY NEW YEAR Wishes in Different Languages.
Language | Happy New Year! Wishes |
Afrikaans | Voorspoedige nuwe jaar |
Arabic | Kul 'am wa antum bikhair |
Basque | Urte Berri on |
Bengali | Shuvo noboborsho |
Chinese (Cantonese) | Sun nien fai lok |
Chinese (Mandarin) | Xin nian yu kuai |
Czech | Stastny Novy Rok |
Danish | Godt Nytir |
Dutch | Gelukkig nieuwjaar |
Esperanto | Bonan Novjaron |
Finnish | Onnellista uutta vuotta |
French | Bonne annee |
German | Ein gluckliches neues Jahr |
Greek | Eutychismenos o kainourgios chronos |
Hawaiian | Hauoli Makahiki hou |
Hebrew | Shana Tova |
Hungarian | Boldog uj evet |
Hindi | navavarsh kee shubhakaamanaen |
Indonesian (Bahasa) | Selamat Tahun Baru |
Italian | Felice Anno Nuovo or Buon anno |
Japanese | Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu |
Korean | Sehe Bokmanee Bateuseyo |
Laotian (Hmong) | Nyob Zoo Xyoo Tshiab |
Latin | Felix sit annus novus |
Nigerian (Hausa) | Barka da sabuwar shekara |
Norwegian | Godt Nytt ir |
Philippines (Tagalog) | Manigong Bagong Taon |
Polish | Szczesliwego Nowego Roku |
Romanian | La Multi Ani si Un An Nou Fericit |
Russian | S Novym Godom |
Samoan | Ia manuia le Tausaga Fou |
Spanish | Feliz ano nuevo |
Swahili | Heri za Mwaka Mpya |
Swedish | Gott Nytt ir |
Thai | Sawatdee Pi Mai |
Vietnamese | Chuc mung nam moi |
Welsh | Blwyddyn Newydd Dda |
Happy New Year 2023 Wishes in World Languages
As New Year's Eve approaches and the year 2022 comes to an end, it's safe to say that many of us are hoping for a brighter, better 2023. The driving force behind the goal of life is happiness. More than any other day, New Year's Day increases the likelihood and reality of achieving happiness. This is the significance of New Year's Day and the reason why it has such psychological significance for individuals all around the world. On January 1st, we have the opportunity to celebrate having lived another 365 days, the amount of time we use to keep track of the events in our lives.
Worldwide, people like celebrating New Year's Eve. It is the beginning of a new year in accordance with the Gregorian calendar (which contains 12 months and January 1 is counted as the first day of a new year). One month before the new year, people all around the world start making plans and preparations.