Texas Road Map - State Routes, US Highways & Interstate Highways

Written and fact-checked by | Last Updated: January 07, 2025, 11:55 AM ET

Texas Road Map showing the state routes, US highways, interstate highways, major roads, local connecting Road, secondary Road, important local road of the Texas.

Texas Road Map

Texas Road Network

Highway NAMEFRCHighway Shield Highway _NUM
I-10 Bus Loop4Interstate Highway10
I-1102Interstate Highway110
E 3rd St3Interstate Highway20
I-20 Bus3Interstate Highway20
W 3rd St3Interstate Highway20
I-10 E0Interstate Highway10
I-10 W0Interstate Highway10
I 20 Bus Rd3Interstate Highway20
I-203Interstate Highway20
W I-203Interstate Highway20
W Sealy Ave3Interstate Highway20
Dickinson Blvd2Interstate Highway10
E Dickinson Blvd2Interstate Highway10
I-10 E2Interstate Highway10
W Dickinson Blvd2Interstate Highway10
I-103Interstate Highway10
Ih 103Interstate Highway10
W Dickinson Blvd3Interstate Highway10
I-104Interstate Highway10
E Sealy Ave3Interstate Highway20
Frontage Rd3Interstate Highway20
E 2nd St3Interstate Highway20
W 2nd St3Interstate Highway20
Interstate 203Interstate Highway20
State Loop 2503Interstate Highway20
W Wall St3Interstate Highway20
Interstate 205Interstate Highway20
E Front St3Interstate Highway20
N Front St3Interstate Highway20
E I-203Interstate Highway20
Garden City Hwy3Interstate Highway20
W Front St3Interstate Highway20
E I-205Interstate Highway20
I-205Interstate Highway20
W I-205Interstate Highway20
I-201Interstate Highway20
Frontage Rd2Interstate Highway20
E 4th St3Interstate Highway20
I 20 Bus RT3Interstate Highway20
NE 12th St3Interstate Highway20
W 4th St3Interstate Highway20
I-20 Bus4Interstate Highway20
Thorne St4Interstate Highway20
Westpoint Ave3Interstate Highway20
E Pacific Ave4Interstate Highway20
W Pacific Ave4Interstate Highway20
I-272Interstate Highway27
Interstate 272Interstate Highway27
50th St5Interstate Highway27
I-275Interstate Highway27
Interstate 275Interstate Highway27
I-40B3Interstate Highway40B
State Loop 5044Interstate Highway40
I-40 Bus3Interstate Highway40
Vega Blvd3Interstate Highway40
I-274Interstate Highway27
I-27 N0Interstate Highway27
I-27 S0Interstate Highway27
I-40 E0Interstate Highway40
I-40 W0Interstate Highway40
Front St3Interstate Highway40
E 1st St3Interstate Highway40
E Railroad St3Interstate Highway40
Spur 555 Hwy3Interstate Highway40
W 1st St3Interstate Highway40
W Hindman St3Interstate Highway40
W Railroad St3Interstate Highway40
1st St3Interstate Highway20
State Loop 2373Interstate Highway20
E Broadway St3Interstate Highway20
Loop 4323Interstate Highway20
W Broadway St3Interstate Highway20
N I-204Interstate Highway20
NW 1st St4Interstate Highway20
S I-204Interstate Highway20
N 1st St3Interstate Highway20
N I-203Interstate Highway20
Ranch Road 12353Interstate Highway20
I-20 Bus2Interstate Highway20
S 1st St2Interstate Highway20
S 1st St3Interstate Highway20
North St5Interstate Highway20
N 2nd St3Interstate Highway20
N Treadaway Blvd3Interstate Highway20
S Treadaway Blvd3Interstate Highway20
I-44 E0Interstate Highway44
I-44 W0Interstate Highway44
Interstate 443Interstate Highway44
Interstate 204Interstate Highway20
Interstate 20 Service Rd2Interstate Highway20
Interstate 20 Service Rd3Interstate Highway20
I-352Interstate Highway35
Interstate 352Interstate Highway35
Interstate 353Interstate Highway35
I-354Interstate Highway35
Interstate 354Interstate Highway35
I-35 N0Interstate Highway35
I-35 S0Interstate Highway35
I-820 N0Interstate Highway820
I-820 S0Interstate Highway820
West Fwy4Interstate Highway30
West Fwy5Interstate Highway30
I-820 E0Interstate Highway820
I-820 W0Interstate Highway820
I-35W N0Interstate Highway35W
I-35W S0Interstate Highway35W
S Burleson Blvd4Interstate Highway35
S I-35 E2Interstate Highway35
I-353Interstate Highway35
S I-35 E3Interstate Highway35
N I-35 E4Interstate Highway35
S I-35 E4Interstate Highway35
Interstate 35e5Interstate Highway35
I-35E N0Interstate Highway35E
I-35E S0Interstate Highway35E
I-635 E0Interstate Highway635
Interstate 35e5Interstate Highway35e
N I-35e5Interstate Highway35e
North Fwy5Interstate Highway35
W I-35e5Interstate Highway35e
I-635 W0Interstate Highway635
I-35e4Interstate Highway35e
Interstate 35e4Interstate Highway35e
N I-35e4Interstate Highway35e
North Fwy4Interstate Highway35
I-35e5Interstate Highway35e
I-300Interstate Highway30
S I-351Interstate Highway35
I-35e0Interstate Highway35e
I-351Interstate Highway35
Interstate Highway 35E1Interstate Highway35
N I-35 E1Interstate Highway35
Interstate Highway 35E2Interstate Highway35
Interstate Highway 453Interstate Highway45
I-454Interstate Highway45
Interstate Highway 454Interstate Highway45
I-635 N0Interstate Highway635
I-635 S0Interstate Highway635
Interstate 274Interstate Highway30
Interstate 304Interstate Highway30
I-302Interstate Highway30
I-30 E2Interstate Highway30
Interstate 302Interstate Highway30
Frontage Rd3Interstate Highway30
I-303Interstate Highway30
Interstate 303Interstate Highway30
I-305Interstate Highway30
Interstate 305Interstate Highway30
Kari Ln5Interstate Highway30
I-30 E0Interstate Highway30
I-30 W0Interstate Highway30
I-304Interstate Highway30
I-30 W3Interstate Highway30
I-30 E4Interstate Highway30
I-30 W4Interstate Highway30
San Bernardo Ave3Interstate Highway35A
County Line Rd3Interstate Highway35
Frontage Rd3Interstate Highway35
I-35 Bus3Interstate Highway35
I-35 Bus Loop3Interstate Highway35
Main St3Interstate Highway35
N Main3Interstate Highway35
N Main St3Interstate Highway35
S Main3Interstate Highway35
S Main St3Interstate Highway35
I-373Interstate Highway37
I-374Interstate Highway37
I-372Interstate Highway37
I-37 N0Interstate Highway37
I-37 S0Interstate Highway37
Ih 374Interstate Highway37
Up River Rd5Interstate Highway37
Ih 373Interstate Highway37
Ih 375Interstate Highway37
I-37 N4Interstate Highway37
I-37 S4Interstate Highway37
I-10 W2Interstate Highway10
Ih 10 Frontage Rd2Interstate Highway10
Ih 10 Frontage Rd4Interstate Highway10
Ih 10 W4Interstate Highway10
Ih 353Interstate Highway35
I-410 N0Interstate Highway410
I-410 S0Interstate Highway410
I-410 E0Interstate Highway410
I-410 W0Interstate Highway410
I-20 E0Interstate Highway20
I-20 W0Interstate Highway20
I-202Interstate Highway20
Interstate 202Interstate Highway20
W I-202Interstate Highway20
I-20 W3Interstate Highway20
I-20 E3Interstate Highway20
I-20 W4Interstate Highway20
Interstate Highway 35E3Interstate Highway35
I 35 Service Rd2Interstate Highway35
I-35 N2Interstate Highway35
I 35 Service Rd3Interstate Highway35
I-35 N3Interstate Highway35
I 35 Service Rd4Interstate Highway35
I-35 N4Interstate Highway35
Ih 354Interstate Highway35
I 35 Service Rd5Interstate Highway35
I-355Interstate Highway35
I-35 N5Interstate Highway35
I-35 Service Rd5Interstate Highway35
I H 354Interstate Highway35
N I-354Interstate Highway35
S I-354Interstate Highway35
I H 352Interstate Highway35
I H 353Interstate Highway35
I-35 Service Rd2Interstate Highway35
Enterprise Blvd4Interstate Highway35
I-35 Service Rd4Interstate Highway35
N Jack Kultgen Expy3Interstate Highway35
I-35 S2Interstate Highway35
S Jack Kultgen Expy2Interstate Highway35
S Jack Kultgen Expy3Interstate Highway35
S Jack Kultgen Expy5Interstate Highway35
E I-104Interstate Highway10
I-10 E4Interstate Highway10
Interstate 104Interstate Highway10
Interstate 105Interstate Highway10
E I-103Interstate Highway10
I-10 E3Interstate Highway10
Interstate 103Interstate Highway10
NE Loop 4105Interstate Highway10
Ih 104Interstate Highway10
S I-353Interstate Highway35
I-35 E3Interstate Highway35
N I-353Interstate Highway35
W I-103Interstate Highway10
W I-104Interstate Highway10
Ih 105Interstate Highway10
Interstate 355Interstate Highway35
S Austin Ave4Interstate Highway35
S I-352Interstate Highway35
Hesters Crossing Rd3Interstate Highway35
N Mays St3Interstate Highway35
S Mays St3Interstate Highway35
N I-355Interstate Highway35
N Old Highway 814Interstate Highway35
S Old Highway 814Interstate Highway35
N I-352Interstate Highway35
I-452Interstate Highway45
I-45 S2Interstate Highway45
Interstate 452Interstate Highway45
I-45 S5Interstate Highway45
Interstate 455Interstate Highway45
N Freeway Service Dr5Interstate Highway45
North Fwy5Interstate Highway45
I-45 N0Interstate Highway45
I-45 S0Interstate Highway45
I-610 N0Interstate Highway610
I-610 S0Interstate Highway610
I-100Interstate Highway10
I-450Interstate Highway45
I-610 E0Interstate Highway610
I-610 W0Interstate Highway610
I-455Interstate Highway45
I-453Interstate Highway45
S Kaufman St3Interstate Highway45
Interstate Highway 455Interstate Highway45
N Business 453Interstate Highway45
S 7th St3Interstate Highway45
S Business 453Interstate Highway45
Gulf Fwy4Interstate Highway45
East Fwy4Interstate Highway10
East Fwy3Interstate Highway10
Interstate 10 E3Interstate Highway10
I-102Interstate Highway10
Interstate 10 S2Interstate Highway10
Interstate 10 E4Interstate Highway10
Interstate 102Interstate Highway10
Ranch Road 7033State Highway and Route115
TX-2083State Highway and Route208
TX-703State Highway and Route70
TX-204State Highway and Route20
TX-5065State Highway and Route506
Main St4State Highway and Route20
TX-148 Spur4State Highway and Route148
N Mesa St3State Highway and Route20
Alameda Ave3State Highway and Route20
Texas Ave3State Highway and Route20
Artcraft Rd3State Highway and Route178
Doniphan Dr3State Highway and Route20
McNutt Rd4State Highway and Route273
Country Club Rd5State Highway and Route260
Westside Dr5State Highway and Route260
N Main St3State Highway and Route20
S Main St3State Highway and Route20
TX-2593State Highway and Route259
TX-283State Highway and Route28
Talbot Ave3State Highway and Route375
Woodrow Bean Transmountain Dr3State Highway and Route375
Woodrow Bean Transmountain Dr2State Highway and Route375
TX-375 E2State Highway and Route375
TX-375 W2State Highway and Route375
Alameda Ave4State Highway and Route20
Bell St3State Highway and Route302
E Broadway St3State Highway and Route519
Frontage Rd3State Highway and Route17
La Caverna Dr3State Highway and Route54
N Main St3State Highway and Route17
Ross Dr3State Highway and Route519
S Bickley Ave3State Highway and Route17
TX-1183State Highway and Route118
TX-173State Highway and Route17
TX-3023State Highway and Route302
TX-5193State Highway and Route519
TX-543State Highway and Route54
W Broadway St3State Highway and Route519
Balmorhea3State Highway and Route17
E Hendryx Dr3State Highway and Route223
E Lincoln St3State Highway and Route17
Fort Davis Hwy3State Highway and Route118
Loop Rd3State Highway and Route223
N 5th St3State Highway and Route118
N Cockrell St3State Highway and Route118
N Dean St3State Highway and Route17
N Harrison St3State Highway and Route223
N Highland Ave3State Highway and Route17
S Cockrell St3State Highway and Route118
S Highland Ave3State Highway and Route17
S Walker St3State Highway and Route118
State St3State Highway and Route118
TX-1663State Highway and Route166
Ranch Road 12173State Highway and Route349
TX-28864State Highway and Route2886
Rodgers St3State Highway and Route115
1st St3State Highway and Route329
D Ave3State Highway and Route18
N Front St3State Highway and Route18
S Main Ave3State Highway and Route18
S Stockton Ave3State Highway and Route18
TX-3293State Highway and Route329
TX-183State Highway and Route18
Broadway St3State Highway and Route115
E Austin St3State Highway and Route115
E Broadway St3State Highway and Route115
E Gulf3State Highway and Route158
Hendricks Blvd3State Highway and Route115
Jim Sharp Blvd3State Highway and Route302
Kermit Hwy3State Highway and Route115
N Main Ave3State Highway and Route18
N Pine St3State Highway and Route18
Ranch Road 873State Highway and Route176
S Poplar St3State Highway and Route18
TX-1153State Highway and Route115
TX-1583State Highway and Route158
W Austin St3State Highway and Route115
W Broadway St3State Highway and Route115
W Broadway St3State Highway and Route176
Ranch Road 7814State Highway and Route128
Access Rd3State Highway and Route191
E 42nd St3State Highway and Route191
NW Loop 3383State Highway and Route302
W 42nd St3State Highway and Route191
Andrews Hwy3State Highway and Route158
Andrews Hwy3State Highway and Route191
N Loop 250 W3State Highway and Route158
NE Loop 3383State Highway and Route191
State Loop 250 N3State Highway and Route158
State Loop 250 S3State Highway and Route158
TX-1913State Highway and Route191
TX-191 E3State Highway and Route191
TX-191 W3State Highway and Route191
Andrews Hwy4State Highway and Route158
TX-1914State Highway and Route191
TX-191 E4State Highway and Route191
TX-191 W4State Highway and Route191
E Hwy-805State Highway and Route80
Ranch Road 873State Highway and Route115
TX-3493State Highway and Route349
Mustang Dr3State Highway and Route137
N Big Spring St3State Highway and Route349
TX-1373State Highway and Route137
TX-1763State Highway and Route176
E Front St4State Highway and Route80
E Hwy-804State Highway and Route80
Frontage Rd4State Highway and Route80
Garden City Hwy3State Highway and Route158
Rankin Hwy3State Highway and Route349
S Big Spring St3State Highway and Route349
W Wall St3State Highway and Route158
E Florida Ave4State Highway and Route158
Garden City Hwy4State Highway and Route158
W Florida Ave4State Highway and Route158
Andrews Hwy5State Highway and Route158
Broadway St3State Highway and Route349
E 6th St3State Highway and Route329
Main St3State Highway and Route349
Ranch Road 14923State Highway and Route329
Ranch Road 8703State Highway and Route329
SE 6th St3State Highway and Route329
W 6th St3State Highway and Route329
Ranch Road 333State Highway and Route137
Ranch Road 8653State Highway and Route137
TX-1633State Highway and Route163
Andrews Hwy3State Highway and Route176
N Benton St3State Highway and Route350
S Benton St3State Highway and Route350
TX-3503State Highway and Route350
Church St3State Highway and Route163
Robert Lee Hwy3State Highway and Route158
Chestnut St3State Highway and Route163
Commerce St3State Highway and Route158
Concho St3State Highway and Route163
E 10th St3State Highway and Route208
Hickory St3State Highway and Route163
Hillcrest St3State Highway and Route208
I 20 Service Rd3State Highway and Route208
N Del Rio Ave3State Highway and Route70
S Del Rio St3State Highway and Route70
S TX-2083State Highway and Route208
TX-1533State Highway and Route153
W 10th St3State Highway and Route208
W Main St3State Highway and Route158
Hickory St4State Highway and Route163
E 19th St3State Highway and Route208
W 19th St3State Highway and Route208
Armstrong St5State Highway and Route208
E 14th St5State Highway and Route208
W 14th St5State Highway and Route208
Armstrong St3State Highway and Route208
Avenue E3State Highway and Route163
N Avenue B3State Highway and Route131
S Avenue B3State Highway and Route131
Sonora Rd3State Highway and Route55
State Hwy Spur 3493State Highway and Route349
TX-1313State Highway and Route131
TX-2903State Highway and Route290
TX-553State Highway and Route55
Uvalde Rd3State Highway and Route55
N Avenue F4State Highway and Route90
State Hwy Spur 2974State Highway and Route297
E 1st St3State Highway and Route152
TX-153State Highway and Route15
TX-1024State Highway and Route102
TX-4175State Highway and Route417
TX-332State Highway and Route33
Broadway Ave3State Highway and Route15
Collard St3State Highway and Route15
E Brillhart Ave3State Highway and Route15
E Industrial Ave3State Highway and Route15
E Ivanhoe Ave3State Highway and Route15
Edinburgh Rd3State Highway and Route23
Main Ave3State Highway and Route136
Main St3State Highway and Route136
McCree Ave3State Highway and Route136
N 1st St3State Highway and Route136
N 1st St3State Highway and Route15
Ranch Road 12653State Highway and Route23
SW 3rd Ave3State Highway and Route15
TX-1363State Highway and Route136
TX-1523State Highway and Route152
TX-2073State Highway and Route207
TX-2133State Highway and Route213
TX-3053State Highway and Route305
TX-333State Highway and Route33
W Brillhart Ave3State Highway and Route15
W Industrial Ave3State Highway and Route15
W Ivanhoe Ave3State Highway and Route15
W Kenneth Ave3State Highway and Route15
Hwy-760 S4State Highway and Route760
Ranch Road 12654State Highway and Route23
Ranch Road 7604State Highway and Route760
TX-20184State Highway and Route2018
TX-2074State Highway and Route207
TX-514State Highway and Route51
W Kenneth Ave4State Highway and Route207
12th St3State Highway and Route83
E Broadway St3State Highway and Route83
Plains Hwy3State Highway and Route214
TX-2143State Highway and Route214
TX-833State Highway and Route83
W Broadway St3State Highway and Route83
E Washington Ave3State Highway and Route114
N Main St3State Highway and Route214
S Main St3State Highway and Route214
TX-1143State Highway and Route114
W Washington Ave3State Highway and Route114
E 2nd St4State Highway and Route125
N TX-3034State Highway and Route303
TX-1254State Highway and Route125
W 2nd St4State Highway and Route125
1st St3State Highway and Route114
E State Road 1143State Highway and Route114
State Road 1143State Highway and Route114
W State Road 1143State Highway and Route114
E Delano Ave3State Highway and Route430
State Hwy Loop 4303State Highway and Route430
TX-3853State Highway and Route385
W Delano Ave3State Highway and Route430
E 1st St4State Highway and Route597
Avenue D3State Highway and Route369
S Avenue D3State Highway and Route369
TX-5974State Highway and Route597
19th St3State Highway and Route114
E Hwy-624State Highway and Route62
Hwy-624State Highway and Route62
W Hwy-624State Highway and Route62
19th St2State Highway and Route114
N 14th St3State Highway and Route137
S 14th St3State Highway and Route137
Bryan Ave3State Highway and Route137
County Road K3State Highway and Route137
N Bryan Ave3State Highway and Route137
S Bryan Ave3State Highway and Route137
E 7th St3State Highway and Route354
Ranch Road 2903State Highway and Route214
TX-3543State Highway and Route354
Grand Ave3State Highway and Route214
Ranch Road 14123State Highway and Route214
S 1st St3State Highway and Route214
TX-863State Highway and Route86
11th St5State Highway and Route217
N 11th St5State Highway and Route217
S Soncy Rd3State Highway and Route335
Soncy Rd3State Highway and Route335
State Loop 3353State Highway and Route335
W Loop 335 S3State Highway and Route335
E Loop 335 S3State Highway and Route335
W Saint Francis Ave3State Highway and Route335
Hollywood Rd3State Highway and Route335
Loop 335 S3State Highway and Route335
E Saint Francis Ave3State Highway and Route335
E Loop 335 N3State Highway and Route335
Fritch Hwy3State Highway and Route136
N Lakeside Dr3State Highway and Route335
S Lakeside Dr3State Highway and Route335
4th Ave5State Highway and Route217
TX-2175State Highway and Route217
E Bedford St3State Highway and Route86
E Park Ave3State Highway and Route211
W Bedford St3State Highway and Route86
SE 2nd St3State Highway and Route86
SW 2nd St3State Highway and Route86
Dimmitt Rd3State Highway and Route194
E 1st St3State Highway and Route194
Quincy St3State Highway and Route194
TX-1943State Highway and Route194
Lone Star St3State Highway and Route256
Main3State Highway and Route86
Main St3State Highway and Route86
Ranch Road 2843State Highway and Route207
Ranch Road 7863State Highway and Route207
Ranch Road 973State Highway and Route207
TX-2563State Highway and Route256
W Lonestar St3State Highway and Route207
W Lonestar St3State Highway and Route256
Hurley Ave3State Highway and Route207
7th St3State Highway and Route207
Broadway3State Highway and Route207
Broadway St3State Highway and Route136
Cedar St3State Highway and Route136
Circle Dr3State Highway and Route136
E 3rd St3State Highway and Route152
E Broadway St3State Highway and Route136
Main St3State Highway and Route207
N Cedar St3State Highway and Route136
S Cedar St3State Highway and Route136
S Cedar St3State Highway and Route207
W 3rd St3State Highway and Route152
W Broadway3State Highway and Route207
W Broadway St3State Highway and Route136
W Wilson St3State Highway and Route136
Alcock St3State Highway and Route152
Barnes St3State Highway and Route273
N Hobart St3State Highway and Route152
N Hobart St3State Highway and Route70
Perryton Pkwy3State Highway and Route70
S Barnes St3State Highway and Route273
S Cuyler St3State Highway and Route273
S Hobart St3State Highway and Route152
S Hobart St3State Highway and Route70
TX-171 Loop3State Highway and Route171
E Oklahoma Ave3State Highway and Route152
N Main St3State Highway and Route398
Orpe St3State Highway and Route70
Ranch Road 26953State Highway and Route273
S Faker St3State Highway and Route70
Sitter Rd3State Highway and Route273
TX-2033State Highway and Route203
TX-2733State Highway and Route273
W Oklahoma Ave3State Highway and Route152
9th St3State Highway and Route70
E Noel St3State Highway and Route256
Harper St3State Highway and Route86
Main St3State Highway and Route203
W Noel St3State Highway and Route256
Big Spring Hwy3State Highway and Route350
College Ave3State Highway and Route208
College Ave3State Highway and Route350
N Avenue F3State Highway and Route207
N College Ave3State Highway and Route208
Ralls Rd3State Highway and Route207
TX-2072State Highway and Route207
Avenue E3State Highway and Route207
E Hwy-843State Highway and Route84
N 12th St3State Highway and Route207
Ranch Road 403State Highway and Route207
S 12th St3State Highway and Route207
E Hwy-844State Highway and Route84
Frontage Rd4State Highway and Route84
S Hwy-844State Highway and Route84
W Division St4State Highway and Route84
E Hill St3State Highway and Route70
Houston St3State Highway and Route70
N Main St3State Highway and Route70
Pipkin St3State Highway and Route70
Ranch Road 9483State Highway and Route208
S Main St3State Highway and Route70
W Hill St3State Highway and Route70
E Lake Dr3State Highway and Route92
E Sammy Baugh Ave3State Highway and Route92
N Cleveland Ave3State Highway and Route70
NE 3rd St3State Highway and Route92
S Cleveland Ave3State Highway and Route70
Stamford Hwy3State Highway and Route92
TX-923State Highway and Route92
W Lake Dr3State Highway and Route92
Farm-To-Market Road 34574State Highway and Route3457
Hailey St3State Highway and Route70
Lamar St3State Highway and Route70
N Concho St3State Highway and Route70
S Concho St3State Highway and Route70
TX-70 Bus3State Highway and Route70
Elm St5State Highway and Route70
Lamar St5State Highway and Route70
Hwy-1523State Highway and Route152
Main St3State Highway and Route79
N Main St3State Highway and Route213
TX-783State Highway and Route78
TX-793State Highway and Route79
E Ingram St3State Highway and Route114
E Ambler Ave3State Highway and Route351
TX-3513State Highway and Route351
S 11th St3State Highway and Route36
S 11th St5State Highway and Route36
Ambler Ave3State Highway and Route351
Ambler Ave4State Highway and Route351
E S 11th St3State Highway and Route36
E South 11th St3State Highway and Route36
TX-363State Highway and Route36
Columbia St3State Highway and Route6
E Hamilton St3State Highway and Route6
E McHarg St3State Highway and Route6
S Swenson St3State Highway and Route6
S Wetherbee St3State Highway and Route6
TX-2833State Highway and Route283
TX-63State Highway and Route6
Union Ave3State Highway and Route6
S 2nd St3State Highway and Route6
E Main St3State Highway and Route222
Grand Central Ave3State Highway and Route6
Hinton St3State Highway and Route6
Main St3State Highway and Route6
N Central Ave3State Highway and Route222
N Central Ave3State Highway and Route6
N Hinton St3State Highway and Route6
Ranch Road 1433State Highway and Route222
Ranch Road 15873State Highway and Route222
Ranch Road 2223State Highway and Route222
S Central Ave3State Highway and Route6
S Fir Ave3State Highway and Route222
TX-2223State Highway and Route222
W Main St3State Highway and Route222
W North 2nd St3State Highway and Route222
N Bailey St3State Highway and Route25
S Bailey St3State Highway and Route25
TX-253State Highway and Route25
S Bailey St4State Highway and Route25
TX-254State Highway and Route25
TX-2584State Highway and Route258
Burkburnett Rd3State Highway and Route240
Sheppard Rd3State Highway and Route240
TX-2403State Highway and Route240
Archer City Hwy3State Highway and Route79
Henry S Grace Fwy3State Highway and Route79
Southwest Pkwy3State Highway and Route79
N Eastside Dr3State Highway and Route240
Eastside Dr3State Highway and Route240
TX-79 N2State Highway and Route79
TX-79 S2State Highway and Route79
E Scott Ave3State Highway and Route240
Old Henrietta Hwy3State Highway and Route240
Waurika Fwy N3State Highway and Route79
Waurika Fwy S3State Highway and Route79
Center St3State Highway and Route79
E Main St3State Highway and Route114
E Main St3State Highway and Route25
Main St3State Highway and Route25
N Center St3State Highway and Route79
S Center St3State Highway and Route79
TX-163State Highway and Route16
TX-2513State Highway and Route251
W Main St3State Highway and Route114
W Main St3State Highway and Route25
TX-1122State Highway and Route112
Hwy-880 N4State Highway and Route880
Hwy-31015State Highway and Route3101
7th St3State Highway and Route67
Breckenridge Hwy3State Highway and Route67
Broadway Ave3State Highway and Route251
Elm St3State Highway and Route16
Loving Hwy3State Highway and Route16
Lubbock St3State Highway and Route251
TX-673State Highway and Route67
TX-2514State Highway and Route251
Airport Acres Hwy2State Highway and Route112
Central Ave3State Highway and Route16
E Housley St3State Highway and Route108
E Loop 2543State Highway and Route80
Grant Ave3State Highway and Route16
N Front St3State Highway and Route16
TX-1083State Highway and Route108
Hwy-1014State Highway and Route101
Hwy-18524State Highway and Route1852
Ranch Road 24614State Highway and Route2461
N Main St3State Highway and Route6
S Main St3State Highway and Route6
3rd St3State Highway and Route267
E 3rd St3State Highway and Route240
E 3rd St3State Highway and Route267
Loop 1453State Highway and Route145
Loop 4043State Highway and Route404
N Avenue D3State Highway and Route267
N Berry St3State Highway and Route240
N Oklahoma Cut Off3State Highway and Route240
S Avenue D3State Highway and Route267
S Berry St3State Highway and Route240
S Oklahoma Cut Off3State Highway and Route240
S Red River Expy3State Highway and Route240
Sheppard Rd3State Highway and Route267
TX-145 Loop3State Highway and Route145
TX-3833State Highway and Route383
Truck Byp3State Highway and Route240
E 3rd St4State Highway and Route240
TX-2404State Highway and Route240
W 3rd St4State Highway and Route240
TX-255State Highway and Route25
E Cedar St3State Highway and Route193
Gordon Rd3State Highway and Route193
Lake St3State Highway and Route108
Patrick St3State Highway and Route108
S Mingus Blvd3State Highway and Route108
TX-1933State Highway and Route193
W Cedar St3State Highway and Route193
E Belknap St3State Highway and Route59
E Lee Ave3State Highway and Route254
N Bowie St3State Highway and Route59
TX-1993State Highway and Route199
TX-2543State Highway and Route254
TX-3373State Highway and Route337
W Lee Ave3State Highway and Route254
Hwy-44State Highway and Route4
13th St3State Highway and Route114
Chico Hwy3State Highway and Route101
Halsell St3State Highway and Route114
Hovey St3State Highway and Route114
TX-1013State Highway and Route101
13th St4State Highway and Route114
Cleburne Hwy3State Highway and Route171
S Main St3State Highway and Route171
Glen Rose Hwy3State Highway and Route144
N Cresson Hwy3State Highway and Route171
S Morgan St3State Highway and Route144
TX-1483State Highway and Route148
Hwy-1874State Highway and Route187
Benton St3State Highway and Route79
Business Hwy 2873State Highway and Route510
Business Hwy 287J E3State Highway and Route240
Hwy-510 Loop3State Highway and Route510
N Carroll St3State Highway and Route148
S Central Ave3State Highway and Route148
State Hwy Loop 5103State Highway and Route510
Montague St3State Highway and Route175
TX-1753State Highway and Route175
Lindsey St3State Highway and Route59
N Mason St3State Highway and Route59
S Mason St3State Highway and Route59
TX-593State Highway and Route59
W Clay St3State Highway and Route59
E Main St3State Highway and Route56
Hwy-82 W3State Highway and Route82
Sherman Dr3State Highway and Route56
W Main St3State Highway and Route56
N Washington St3State Highway and Route387
S Washington St3State Highway and Route387
N Broadway St3State Highway and Route174
N Main St3State Highway and Route174
S Broadway St3State Highway and Route174
SW Wilshire Blvd3State Highway and Route174
TX-1713State Highway and Route171
Hwy-11874State Highway and Route1187
Lake Worth Blvd3State Highway and Route199
Alta Mere Dr1State Highway and Route183
Alta Mere Dr3State Highway and Route183
Westworth Blvd3State Highway and Route183
White Settlement Rd3State Highway and Route183
Southwest Blvd1State Highway and Route183
TX-183 E1State Highway and Route183
TX-183 W1State Highway and Route183
Weatherford Cir1State Highway and Route183
Hwy-377 S2State Highway and Route377
Ephriham Ave3State Highway and Route183
Jacksboro Hwy3State Highway and Route199
NW 28th St3State Highway and Route183
River Oaks Blvd3State Highway and Route183
NE 28th St3State Highway and Route183
W Lancaster Ave3State Highway and Route180
W Rosedale St4State Highway and Route303
Henderson St5State Highway and Route199
S Henderson St5State Highway and Route199
Henderson St3State Highway and Route199
N Henderson St3State Highway and Route199
TX-121 S3State Highway and Route121
E Lancaster Ave3State Highway and Route180
E Rosedale St3State Highway and Route303
E Rosedale St4State Highway and Route303
TX-121 N1State Highway and Route121
TX-121 S1State Highway and Route121
E Belknap St3State Highway and Route183
NE Loop 8201State Highway and Route183
W Hurst Blvd1State Highway and Route10
Baker Blvd3State Highway and Route10
Baker Blvd3State Highway and Route183
Booth Calloway Rd3State Highway and Route183
Boulevard 263State Highway and Route26
NE Loop 8203State Highway and Route183
W Hurst Blvd3State Highway and Route10
W Hurst Blvd3State Highway and Route183
NE Wilshire Blvd3State Highway and Route174
Rendon Crowley Rd4State Highway and Route1187
W Rendon Crowley Rd4State Highway and Route1187
E Rendon Crowley Rd4State Highway and Route1187
Rendon Bloodworth Rd4State Highway and Route1187
NW Parkway St3State Highway and Route199
Northwest Pkwy3State Highway and Route199
E Rock Island Ave3State Highway and Route114
W Rock Island Ave3State Highway and Route114
W BC Rhome Ave5State Highway and Route114
Hwy-1564State Highway and Route156
Blue Mound Rd4State Highway and Route156
N TX-1564State Highway and Route156
S TX-1564State Highway and Route156
Alliance Gateway Fwy3State Highway and Route170
Keller Pkwy4State Highway and Route1709
W Keller Pkwy4State Highway and Route1709
Byron Nelson Blvd5State Highway and Route114
E Byron Nelson Blvd5State Highway and Route114
Golden Triangle Blvd5State Highway and Route1709
W Keller Pkwy5State Highway and Route1709
Colleyville Blvd3State Highway and Route26
Grapevine Hwy3State Highway and Route26
Airport Fwy4State Highway and Route121
Airport Fwy5State Highway and Route121
Ira E Woods Ave3State Highway and Route26
Airport Fwy1State Highway and Route121
Bedford Forum Dr1State Highway and Route121
TX-1211State Highway and Route121
W Euless Blvd3State Highway and Route10
TX-1214State Highway and Route121
TX-1215State Highway and Route121
E Northwest Pkwy E3State Highway and Route114
E Northwest Pkwy W3State Highway and Route114
TX-114 E3State Highway and Route114
TX-114 W3State Highway and Route114
W Northwest Pkwy E3State Highway and Route114
W Northwest Pkwy W3State Highway and Route114
E Northwest Pkwy4State Highway and Route114
W Northwest Pkwy4State Highway and Route114
E Northwest Hwy3State Highway and Route114
E Northwest Hwy3State Highway and Route26
Texan Trl3State Highway and Route26
TX-1144State Highway and Route114
W Northwest Hwy4State Highway and Route114
TX-1145State Highway and Route114
E Vista Ridge Blvd3State Highway and Route121
N Hwy-1213State Highway and Route121
TX-1213State Highway and Route121
TX-121 Byp3State Highway and Route121
Vista Ridge Blvd3State Highway and Route121
Gridiron Way3State Highway and Route121
TX-121 N3State Highway and Route121
TX-263State Highway and Route26
TX-264State Highway and Route26
E Euless Blvd3State Highway and Route10
TX-360 N3State Highway and Route360
TX-360 S3State Highway and Route360
Cheek Sparger Rd4State Highway and Route121
N Industrial Blvd4State Highway and Route121
W Mid Cities Blvd4State Highway and Route121
William D Tate Ave4State Highway and Route121
TX-3604State Highway and Route360
E Euless Blvd5State Highway and Route10
Hwy-3605State Highway and Route360
TX-105State Highway and Route10
TX-3605State Highway and Route360
Stone Myers Pkwy4State Highway and Route121
William D Tate Ave5State Highway and Route121
International Pkwy N1State Highway and Route97
International Pkwy S1State Highway and Route97
TX-161 N1State Highway and Route161
TX-161 S1State Highway and Route161
TX-1614State Highway and Route161
TX-1615State Highway and Route161
Teasley Ln4State Highway and Route2181
Preston Rd3State Highway and Route289
S Preston Rd3State Highway and Route289
Hwy-4234State Highway and Route423
John Carpenter Fwy E1State Highway and Route114
John Carpenter Fwy W1State Highway and Route114
TX-1613State Highway and Route161
TX-1611State Highway and Route161
W Northwest Hwy4State Highway and Route348
Valley View Ln5State Highway and Route161
TX-482 Spur1State Highway and Route482
N Walton Walker Blvd3State Highway and Route12
W Northwest Hwy3State Highway and Route348
S TX-121 Bus3State Highway and Route121
E Vista Ridge Blvd4State Highway and Route121
TX-121 Byp5State Highway and Route121
TX-121 Byp4State Highway and Route121
Loop 12 S1State Highway and Route12
Storey Ln3State Highway and Route482
TX-482 Spur3State Highway and Route482
Harry Hines Blvd3State Highway and Route354
W Northwest Hwy3State Highway and Route12
Harry Hines Blvd4State Highway and Route354
Hwy-157 N3State Highway and Route157
Hwy-2873State Highway and Route287
Hwy-287 N3State Highway and Route287
TX-4963State Highway and Route496
Hwy-2874State Highway and Route287
Hwy-287 N4State Highway and Route287
Hwy-287 S4State Highway and Route287
Hwy-287 N5State Highway and Route287
TX-3603State Highway and Route360
N Hwy-671State Highway and Route67
S Hwy-671State Highway and Route67
S Hwy-672State Highway and Route67
S Hwy-673State Highway and Route67
N Hwy-674State Highway and Route67
S Hwy-674State Highway and Route67
S Cooper St3State Highway and Route157
W Pioneer Pkwy3State Highway and Route303
E Pioneer Pkwy5State Highway and Route303
W Pioneer Pkwy5State Highway and Route303
W Division St3State Highway and Route180
TX-103State Highway and Route10
E Hurst Blvd3State Highway and Route10
N Watson Rd1State Highway and Route360
TX-360 N1State Highway and Route360
TX-360 S1State Highway and Route360
N Watson Rd4State Highway and Route360
N Watson Rd5State Highway and Route360
E Division St3State Highway and Route180
N Watson Rd3State Highway and Route360
Hwy-3604State Highway and Route360
S Hwy-1574State Highway and Route157
W Main St3State Highway and Route180
S Watson Rd3State Highway and Route360
E Pioneer Pkwy3State Highway and Route303
Spur 408 N1State Highway and Route408
Spur 408 S1State Highway and Route408
S Walton Walker Blvd3State Highway and Route12
W Kiest Blvd3State Highway and Route303
E Hwy-674State Highway and Route67
W Hwy-674State Highway and Route67
E Main St3State Highway and Route180
Irving Blvd3State Highway and Route356
W Irving Blvd3State Highway and Route356
Loop 12 N1State Highway and Route12
E 2nd St3State Highway and Route356
E Irving Blvd3State Highway and Route356
TX-3563State Highway and Route356
W 2nd St3State Highway and Route356
TX-3565State Highway and Route356
W Davis St3State Highway and Route180
John Carpenter Fwy E1State Highway and Route183
John Carpenter Fwy W1State Highway and Route183
Irving Blvd4State Highway and Route356
Cedar Springs Rd4State Highway and Route354
Industrial Blvd4State Highway and Route342
Main St4State Highway and Route354
McKinnon St4State Highway and Route354
N Akard St4State Highway and Route354
N Field St4State Highway and Route354
N Griffin Blvd4State Highway and Route354
N Griffin St4State Highway and Route354
S Zang Blvd4State Highway and Route354
E 8th St3State Highway and Route180
E Davis St3State Highway and Route180
N Corinth Street Rd3State Highway and Route342
S Industrial Blvd3State Highway and Route342
Houston Street Via4State Highway and Route354
Jefferson Viaduct Blvd4State Highway and Route354
N Zang Blvd4State Highway and Route354
S Houston St4State Highway and Route354
S Industrial Blvd4State Highway and Route342
S Market St4State Highway and Route354
E 8th St5State Highway and Route180
N Corinth St Rd3State Highway and Route342
S Corinth Street Rd3State Highway and Route342
S G Alexander Fwy4State Highway and Route67
E Hwy-675State Highway and Route67
W Ledbetter Dr3State Highway and Route12
Ledbetter Dr3State Highway and Route12
N Hwy-673State Highway and Route67
N Hwy-675State Highway and Route67
S Hwy-675State Highway and Route67
TX-3423State Highway and Route342
E Main St3State Highway and Route276
E Quinlan Pkwy3State Highway and Route276
Private Road 22053State Highway and Route34
TX-1983State Highway and Route198
TX-2433State Highway and Route243
TX-2763State Highway and Route276
TX-343State Highway and Route34
W Main St3State Highway and Route276
Malloy Bridge Rd3State Highway and Route75
Miller Ferry Rd3State Highway and Route75
N Central St3State Highway and Route75
N Dallas Ave3State Highway and Route342
N Dallas St3State Highway and Route75
S Central St3State Highway and Route75
S Dallas Ave3State Highway and Route342
S Dallas St3State Highway and Route75
TX-753State Highway and Route75
E Ledbetter Dr3State Highway and Route12
S Lancaster Rd3State Highway and Route342
S Loop 123State Highway and Route12
TX-12 Loop3State Highway and Route12
S Central Expy3State Highway and Route310
TX-3103State Highway and Route310
Corinth St3State Highway and Route342
Robert B Cullum Blvd3State Highway and Route352
1st Ave3State Highway and Route352
E Grand Ave3State Highway and Route78
S 2nd Ave3State Highway and Route352
1st Ave4State Highway and Route352
Parry Ave4State Highway and Route352
Robert B Cullum Blvd4State Highway and Route352
S 2nd Ave4State Highway and Route352
1st Ave5State Highway and Route352
E Grand Ave5State Highway and Route78
Scyene Rd3State Highway and Route352
S Buckner Blvd3State Highway and Route12
Scyene Cir3State Highway and Route352
Military Pkwy3State Highway and Route352
W Main St3State Highway and Route352
W Scyene Rd3State Highway and Route352
Rodeo Center Blvd4State Highway and Route352
C F Hawn Fwy4State Highway and Route175
C F Hawn Fwy5State Highway and Route175
N Hwy-1754State Highway and Route175
N Hwy-1755State Highway and Route175
E Main St3State Highway and Route352
Hwy-3523State Highway and Route352
TX-3523State Highway and Route352
E Northwest Hwy3State Highway and Route12
E Northwest Hwy3State Highway and Route244
Garland Rd3State Highway and Route78
N Buckner Blvd3State Highway and Route12
K Ave4State Highway and Route5
Municipal Ave4State Highway and Route5
N Plano Rd4State Highway and Route5
N Greenville Ave4State Highway and Route5
Lavon Dr3State Highway and Route78
Forest Ln S3State Highway and Route66
S Garland Ave3State Highway and Route78
Avenue B3State Highway and Route66
Avenue D3State Highway and Route66
E Avenue B3State Highway and Route66
E Avenue D3State Highway and Route66
S 1st St3State Highway and Route78
TX-663State Highway and Route66
W Avenue B3State Highway and Route66
W Avenue D3State Highway and Route66
Lavon Dr4State Highway and Route78
S 1st St4State Highway and Route78
TX-121 Byp1State Highway and Route121
N Preston Rd3State Highway and Route289
Spur 3991State Highway and Route399
Greenville Rd3State Highway and Route5
N McDonald St3State Highway and Route5
S McDonald St3State Highway and Route399
S McDonald St3State Highway and Route5
Spur 3993State Highway and Route399
TX-53State Highway and Route5
Greenville Ave3State Highway and Route5
K Ave3State Highway and Route5
N Greenville Ave3State Highway and Route5
S Greenville Ave3State Highway and Route5
Lakeview Pkwy3State Highway and Route66
N Goliad St3State Highway and Route205
TX-2053State Highway and Route205
S Goliad St3State Highway and Route205
TX-276 W3State Highway and Route276
McKinney St3State Highway and Route78e
N Main St3State Highway and Route78
N Main St3State Highway and Route78e
Commerce Dr3State Highway and Route224
Lee St3State Highway and Route224
Lee St3State Highway and Route302
TX-2243State Highway and Route224
TX-503State Highway and Route50
Wesley St3State Highway and Route34
Wolfe City Dr3State Highway and Route34
E Mulberry St3State Highway and Route243
N Jackson St3State Highway and Route243
N Washington St3State Highway and Route243
S Washington St3State Highway and Route34
TX-2743State Highway and Route274
Terrell Hwy3State Highway and Route34
W Grove St3State Highway and Route243
W Hwy-1753State Highway and Route175
W Mulberry St3State Highway and Route243
TX-557 Spur E1State Highway and Route557
TX-557 Spur W1State Highway and Route557
N Frances St3State Highway and Route34
N Virginia St3State Highway and Route34
S Callie St3State Highway and Route34
S Virginia St3State Highway and Route34
TX-2893State Highway and Route289
Carthage Rd4State Highway and Route289C
N Business 2894State Highway and Route289C
N Louisiana St4State Highway and Route289C
S Oklahoma St4State Highway and Route289C
E Houston St3State Highway and Route56
N 8th St3State Highway and Route289
N Denny St3State Highway and Route5
S Denny St3State Highway and Route5
TX-563State Highway and Route56
W Houston St3State Highway and Route56
W Lamar St3State Highway and Route56
S Travis St4State Highway and Route56
E Bells Blvd2State Highway and Route56
TX-112State Highway and Route11
TX-562State Highway and Route56
W Bells Blvd2State Highway and Route56
E Lamar St3State Highway and Route56
S Dewey Ave3State Highway and Route11
S Harrison Ave3State Highway and Route56
TX-113State Highway and Route11
TX-1603State Highway and Route160
1st St3State Highway and Route5
McKinney St3State Highway and Route5
N Business Highway 783State Highway and Route78
N Powell Pkwy3State Highway and Route5
N Waco St3State Highway and Route5
S Business Highway 783State Highway and Route78
S Powell Pkwy3State Highway and Route5
S Waco St3State Highway and Route5
Waco St3State Highway and Route5
TX-6914State Highway and Route691
Martin Luther King St2State Highway and Route75A
N Tone Ave2State Highway and Route75A
TX-912State Highway and Route91
N Tone Ave3State Highway and Route75A
S Armstrong Ave3State Highway and Route75A
TX-6913State Highway and Route691
TX-913State Highway and Route91
Texoma Pkwy3State Highway and Route91
W Main St3State Highway and Route75A
Woodlawn Blvd3State Highway and Route75A
State Hwy Uiu2State Highway and Route121
TX-1212State Highway and Route121
TX-782State Highway and Route78
E Fannin St3State Highway and Route78
E Sam Rayburn Dr3State Highway and Route56
Main St3State Highway and Route78
N Center St3State Highway and Route78
N Santa Fe St3State Highway and Route34
S Center St3State Highway and Route78
S Santa Fe St3State Highway and Route34
Santa Fe St3State Highway and Route34
W Crockett3State Highway and Route34
W Crockett St3State Highway and Route34
W Fannin St3State Highway and Route78
W Sam Rayburn Dr3State Highway and Route56
W Sam Rayburn Rd3State Highway and Route56
SW Loop 2862State Highway and Route286
1st St3State Highway and Route34
Bonham St3State Highway and Route34
E Main St3State Highway and Route50
Main St E3State Highway and Route56
Main St W3State Highway and Route56
Maple St3State Highway and Route11
N Neal St3State Highway and Route11
Park St3State Highway and Route11
S Church St3State Highway and Route19
S Plaza St3State Highway and Route50
TX-193State Highway and Route19
TX-243State Highway and Route24
E Dallas Ave4State Highway and Route154
NW 1st St4State Highway and Route24
S Side Sq4State Highway and Route154
TX-1544State Highway and Route154
TX-24 Bus4State Highway and Route24
W Dallas Ave4State Highway and Route154
W Side Sq4State Highway and Route24
NW Loop 2862State Highway and Route286
1st St SW3State Highway and Route19
E Hearne Ave3State Highway and Route19
East Plz3State Highway and Route19
S Main St3State Highway and Route19
W Hearne Ave3State Highway and Route19
West Plz3State Highway and Route19
SE Loop 2862State Highway and Route286
Mount Vernon Dr3State Highway and Route37
TX-373State Highway and Route37
E Dallas St3State Highway and Route64
E Main St3State Highway and Route110
Holly St3State Highway and Route182
N Main St3State Highway and Route110
N Maple Ave3State Highway and Route110
N Trade Days Blvd3State Highway and Route19
S Buffalo St3State Highway and Route198
S Main St3State Highway and Route110
S Trade Days Blvd3State Highway and Route19
TX-1103State Highway and Route110
TX-643State Highway and Route64
W Dallas St3State Highway and Route64
N Main St3State Highway and Route154
N Texas St3State Highway and Route19
S Main St3State Highway and Route154
S Texas St3State Highway and Route19
TX-1543State Highway and Route154
Church St3State Highway and Route154
Connally St3State Highway and Route11
Gilmer St3State Highway and Route11
Gilmer St N3State Highway and Route11
Hillcrest Dr3State Highway and Route19
Houston St3State Highway and Route11
Jackson St N3State Highway and Route67V
Jefferson St E3State Highway and Route154
Jefferson St E3State Highway and Route67V
Jefferson St W3State Highway and Route154
League St N3State Highway and Route11
Loop 3013State Highway and Route301
Main St3State Highway and Route67V
N Hillcrest Dr3State Highway and Route19
Oak Ave3State Highway and Route11
Posey Ln3State Highway and Route11
S Broadway St3State Highway and Route11
S Broadway St3State Highway and Route154
S Hillcrest Dr3State Highway and Route19
TX-67V3State Highway and Route67V
College St4State Highway and Route154
Main St4State Highway and Route67V
E Broadway St3State Highway and Route11
Kaufman St N3State Highway and Route37
N Main St3State Highway and Route37
S Main St3State Highway and Route37
Texas Highway 373State Highway and Route37
W Broadway St3State Highway and Route11
TX-114State Highway and Route11
E Goode St3State Highway and Route154
N Main St3State Highway and Route155
N Pacific St3State Highway and Route37
S Main St3State Highway and Route155
TX-1553State Highway and Route155
TX-1823State Highway and Route182
Van Hwy3State Highway and Route110
W Bermuda St3State Highway and Route154
Winnsboro St3State Highway and Route37
W Tyler St3State Highway and Route154
N Tyler St3State Highway and Route155
E Marshall St3State Highway and Route154
TX-3003State Highway and Route300
TX-312State Highway and Route31
Gilmer Rd3State Highway and Route300
N Spur 633State Highway and Route31
S Spur 633State Highway and Route31
TX-1353State Highway and Route135
TX-313State Highway and Route31
TX-423State Highway and Route42
W Loop 2813State Highway and Route281
W South St3State Highway and Route31
TX-425State Highway and Route42
Daingerfield St3State Highway and Route11
E Ferguson Rd3State Highway and Route49
Jefferson St3State Highway and Route11
Quitman St3State Highway and Route11
TX-493State Highway and Route49
Texas Highway 113State Highway and Route11
E W M Watson Blvd2State Highway and Route11
E 1st3State Highway and Route11
E Houston St3State Highway and Route11
E M Watson Blvd3State Highway and Route11
E W M Watson Blvd3State Highway and Route11
N Main3State Highway and Route49
S Main3State Highway and Route49
S Main St3State Highway and Route49
TX-3383State Highway and Route338
TX-773State Highway and Route77
TX-83State Highway and Route8
W 1st3State Highway and Route11
W Houston St3State Highway and Route11
W M Watson Blvd3State Highway and Route11
W W M Watson Blvd3State Highway and Route11
S Eastman Rd2State Highway and Route149
E Loop 2813State Highway and Route281
E Loop 281 S3State Highway and Route281
Estes Pkwy3State Highway and Route322
S Eastman Rd3State Highway and Route149
SE Loop 2813State Highway and Route281
Estes Pkwy5State Highway and Route322
E Broadway St3State Highway and Route49
Saint John St3State Highway and Route49
W Broadway St3State Highway and Route49
E Pinecrest Dr3State Highway and Route43
TX-433State Highway and Route43
W Pinecrest Dr3State Highway and Route43
Houston St3State Highway and Route8
N McCoy Blvd3State Highway and Route8
S McCoy Blvd3State Highway and Route8
TX-983State Highway and Route98
N Cedar St4State Highway and Route37
N McCoy Blvd4State Highway and Route8
TX-37 Bus4State Highway and Route37
Summerhill Rd3State Highway and Route93
N Lake Dr3State Highway and Route93
S Lake Dr3State Highway and Route93
Lucas St4State Highway and Route93
N Lake Dr4State Highway and Route93
Summerhill Rd4State Highway and Route93
E Pinecrest Dr3State Highway and Route77
Karnack Hwy3State Highway and Route43
N Louise St3State Highway and Route43
N Pinecrest Dr3State Highway and Route77
S Louise St3State Highway and Route43
E Galbraith St3State Highway and Route359
Fal Hwy3State Highway and Route285
Fal St3State Highway and Route285
N Mesquite Ave3State Highway and Route359
N Smith Ave3State Highway and Route16
S Smith Ave3State Highway and Route16
TX-3593State Highway and Route359
W Viggie St3State Highway and Route359
E 13th Ave4State Highway and Route16
S Smith Ave4State Highway and Route16
TX-164State Highway and Route16
N Norton Ave3State Highway and Route16
Ranch Road 8633State Highway and Route44
S Norton Ave3State Highway and Route16
TX-3393State Highway and Route339
TX-443State Highway and Route44
TX-723State Highway and Route72
Guatemozin St3State Highway and Route359
TX-2553State Highway and Route255
E Nopal St3State Highway and Route85
Grand Ave3State Highway and Route85
TX-853State Highway and Route85
Ranch Road 1874State Highway and Route127
E Leona St3State Highway and Route85
TX-973State Highway and Route97
W Leona St3State Highway and Route85
W Hwy-1174State Highway and Route117
E Hondo Ave3State Highway and Route173
Hwy-15813State Highway and Route1581
Hwy-813State Highway and Route81
S Teel Dr3State Highway and Route132
TX-1323State Highway and Route132
4th St3State Highway and Route282
Bluewind3State Highway and Route16
Bowen St3State Highway and Route97
Hindes Ave3State Highway and Route97
Oak St3State Highway and Route97
Oaklawn Rd3State Highway and Route97
S 4th St3State Highway and Route282
S TX-163State Highway and Route16
TX-1733State Highway and Route173
W Oaklawn Rd3State Highway and Route97
Zanderson3State Highway and Route16
Zanderson Ave3State Highway and Route16
E Front St2State Highway and Route359
E Gravis St2State Highway and Route359
E Main St2State Highway and Route359
San Diego Hwy2State Highway and Route359
TX-3592State Highway and Route359
TX-442State Highway and Route44
W Front St2State Highway and Route359
W Gravis St2State Highway and Route44
E Main St3State Highway and Route339
E Main St3State Highway and Route359
Humble St3State Highway and Route339
S Dr E E Dunlap Hwy3State Highway and Route359
W Main St3State Highway and Route359
West Ave3State Highway and Route339
Loop 4593State Highway and Route359
Reynolds Ave3State Highway and Route359
TX-1884State Highway and Route188
TX-2344State Highway and Route234
E King Ave3State Highway and Route141
N 14th St3State Highway and Route77
S 14th St3State Highway and Route77
State Loop 4283State Highway and Route77
TX-1413State Highway and Route141
W King Ave3State Highway and Route141
2nd St2State Highway and Route44
TX-6664State Highway and Route666
E Avenue J2State Highway and Route44
Industrial Ave2State Highway and Route44
W Avenue J2State Highway and Route44
W Avenue A3State Highway and Route44C
Western Ave3State Highway and Route44C
King Davids Dr3State Highway and Route72
W Thornton St3State Highway and Route72
Hospital Blvd3State Highway and Route97
E Hwy-1233State Highway and Route123
E Main St3State Highway and Route72
Hwy-1813State Highway and Route181
Laredo3State Highway and Route72
N Hwy-1233State Highway and Route123
Runge Rd3State Highway and Route72
TX-1193State Highway and Route119
TX-2393State Highway and Route239
TX-803State Highway and Route80
W Main St3State Highway and Route72
TX-190 Spur4State Highway and Route190
N Saint Marys St3State Highway and Route516
N Washington St3State Highway and Route516
NE Washington St3State Highway and Route516
S Washington St3State Highway and Route202
State Hwy Loop 5163State Highway and Route516
TX-2023State Highway and Route202
TX-181 Byp4State Highway and Route181
TX-1113State Highway and Route111
Front St3State Highway and Route72
N Mehnert St3State Highway and Route119
S Mehnert St3State Highway and Route119
TX-72 W3State Highway and Route72
W Heaton St3State Highway and Route72
N Laurent St3State Highway and Route185
S Laurent St3State Highway and Route185
TX-1853State Highway and Route185
Dupont Rd3State Highway and Route185
Main St3State Highway and Route35
Shepley St3State Highway and Route185
Gisler St4State Highway and Route239
Main St4State Highway and Route239
TX-2394State Highway and Route239
Saratoga Blvd4State Highway and Route357
Saratoga Blvd3State Highway and Route357
TX-2864State Highway and Route286
TX-44 E2State Highway and Route44
TX-44 W2State Highway and Route44
TX-445State Highway and Route44
Agnes St2State Highway and Route44
N Lexington Blvd2State Highway and Route44
TX-358 E2State Highway and Route358
TX-358 W2State Highway and Route358
TX-44 Byp2State Highway and Route44
Service Rd3State Highway and Route44
Laredo St2State Highway and Route44
Crosstown Fwy N3State Highway and Route286
Crosstown Fwy S3State Highway and Route286
Crosstown Fwy N4State Highway and Route286
Crosstown Fwy S4State Highway and Route286
TX-358 E3State Highway and Route358
TX-358 W3State Highway and Route358
Crosstown Fwy N2State Highway and Route286
Crosstown Fwy S2State Highway and Route286
Laredo St3State Highway and Route44
Agnes St4State Highway and Route44D
Agnes St Ramp4State Highway and Route44D
John Sartain St4State Highway and Route44D
Laredo St4State Highway and Route44D
N Chaparral St4State Highway and Route44D
N Mesquite St4State Highway and Route44D
N Water St4State Highway and Route44D
S Chaparral St4State Highway and Route44D
TX-3613State Highway and Route361
Rodd Field Rd3State Highway and Route357
Nas Dr5State Highway and Route358
N Vineyard St3State Highway and Route77
S San Patricio St3State Highway and Route77
S TX-77 Bus3State Highway and Route77
TX-1883State Highway and Route188
TX-353State Highway and Route35
TX-35 N3State Highway and Route35
TX-35 S3State Highway and Route35
TX-77 Bus3State Highway and Route77
W Sinton St3State Highway and Route188
Main St4State Highway and Route234
Avenue A3State Highway and Route35
Broadway3State Highway and Route35
E Liberty St3State Highway and Route35
Hwy-35 N3State Highway and Route35
Lyndon B Johnson Cswy3State Highway and Route35
N Business Hwy 353State Highway and Route35
N Commercial St3State Highway and Route35
N Commercial St3State Highway and Route90
S Bronte St3State Highway and Route35
TX-35 Bus3State Highway and Route35
W Cleveland Blvd3State Highway and Route35
W Wheeler Ave3State Highway and Route35
Aransas Pass - Port Aransas3State Highway and Route361
Cemetery Rd3State Highway and Route361
Cut Off Rd3State Highway and Route361
E Goodnight Ave3State Highway and Route361
Goodnight Ave3State Highway and Route361
Highland St3State Highway and Route361
S Alister St3State Highway and Route361
S Commercial St3State Highway and Route361
S Commercial St3State Highway and Route90
W Avenue G3State Highway and Route361
W Goodnight Ave3State Highway and Route361
W Goodnight Ave3State Highway and Route90
TX-1864State Highway and Route186
Queen Isabella Cswy5State Highway and Route100
N Conway Ave3State Highway and Route107
S 10th St3State Highway and Route336
S Conway Ave3State Highway and Route107
TX-1073State Highway and Route107
N Conway Ave5State Highway and Route107
International Blvd1State Highway and Route241
TX-3363State Highway and Route336
10th St3State Highway and Route336
N 10th St3State Highway and Route336
Main St3State Highway and Route433
N Main St3State Highway and Route433
Lomita Blvd3State Highway and Route107
TX-1074State Highway and Route107
10th Ave3State Highway and Route107
12th Ave3State Highway and Route107
Cano St3State Highway and Route107
E Cano St3State Highway and Route107
E McIntyre St3State Highway and Route107
E University Dr3State Highway and Route107
McIntyre St3State Highway and Route107
N 10th Ave3State Highway and Route107
N 12th Ave3State Highway and Route107
S 10th Ave3State Highway and Route107
S 12th Ave3State Highway and Route107
W Cano St3State Highway and Route107
W McIntyre St3State Highway and Route107
W University Dr3State Highway and Route107
E Hidalgo Ave3State Highway and Route186
N 77 Sunshine Strip3State Highway and Route448
Orphanage Rd3State Highway and Route448
TX-1863State Highway and Route186
W Hidalgo Ave3State Highway and Route186
E Hidalgo Ave4State Highway and Route186
La Donna Ave3State Highway and Route107
Santa Cruz Ave3State Highway and Route107
Val Verde Ave3State Highway and Route107
W Expressway 833State Highway and Route83
W Expressway 834State Highway and Route83
W Expressway 835State Highway and Route83
S 77 Sunshine Strip3State Highway and Route448
S Business 773State Highway and Route448
Business 773State Highway and Route448
N Sam Houston Blvd4State Highway and Route345
S Sam Houston Blvd4State Highway and Route345
W Stenger St4State Highway and Route448
E Rice St3State Highway and Route285
Hwy-77 Bus3State Highway and Route77
Ranch Road 13453State Highway and Route339
S 6th St3State Highway and Route77
TX-2853State Highway and Route285
W Rice St3State Highway and Route285
International Blvd2State Highway and Route4
International Blvd3State Highway and Route4
Boca Chica Blvd3State Highway and Route48
Padre Island Hwy3State Highway and Route48
Boca Chica Blvd4State Highway and Route4
E Ocean Blvd3State Highway and Route100
Rice Tract Rd3State Highway and Route100
TX-1003State Highway and Route100
W Ocean Blvd3State Highway and Route100
Sam Houston Blvd4State Highway and Route345
TX-1004State Highway and Route100
TX-3454State Highway and Route345
TX-1005State Highway and Route100
Brownsville Port Isabel Hwy3State Highway and Route48
TX-483State Highway and Route48
Boca Chica Hwy4State Highway and Route4
Hwy-3351 N4State Highway and Route3351
Hwy-4734State Highway and Route473
E Antonio St3State Highway and Route55
Nueces St3State Highway and Route55
Ranch Rd3State Highway and Route127
Ranch Road 1873State Highway and Route127
Robertson Creek Rd3State Highway and Route16
TX-1273State Highway and Route127
W Antonio St3State Highway and Route55
S Center St4State Highway and Route127
S Ranch Road 1874State Highway and Route127
TX-273State Highway and Route27
TX-393State Highway and Route39
TX-413State Highway and Route41
8th St3State Highway and Route27
Avenue A3State Highway and Route27
Broadway3State Highway and Route27
Fredericksburg Rd3State Highway and Route16
Front St3State Highway and Route27
Junction Hwy3State Highway and Route27
Main St3State Highway and Route27
Medina Hwy3State Highway and Route16
Memorial Blvd3State Highway and Route27
N Llano St3State Highway and Route16
S Adams St3State Highway and Route16
San Antonio Hwy3State Highway and Route27
Sidney Baker St3State Highway and Route16
Sidney Baker St S3State Highway and Route16
W Main St3State Highway and Route27
Francisco Lemos St4State Highway and Route394
S Lemos St4State Highway and Route394
Austin St2State Highway and Route29
Austin St3State Highway and Route29
TX-293State Highway and Route29
Bessemer Ave3State Highway and Route16
E Young St3State Highway and Route29
Ford St3State Highway and Route16
W Young St3State Highway and Route29
Ranch Road 2614State Highway and Route261
E 2nd St3State Highway and Route132
N Teel Dr3State Highway and Route132
W Hondo Ave3State Highway and Route173
Bandera Hwy3State Highway and Route173
Main St3State Highway and Route16
Main St3State Highway and Route173
Ranch Road 1733State Highway and Route173
Sycamore St3State Highway and Route173
Bandera Rd3State Highway and Route16
TX-463State Highway and Route46
TX-462State Highway and Route46
W Bandera Rd2State Highway and Route46
River Rd3State Highway and Route46
Culebra Ave3State Highway and Route421
Culebra Rd3State Highway and Route421
Main St3State Highway and Route132
Culebra Rd4State Highway and Route471
Grissom Rd4State Highway and Route471
State Hwy 151 Access Rd3State Highway and Route151
TX-151 W3State Highway and Route151
State Hwy 151 Access Rd4State Highway and Route151
TX-151 E3State Highway and Route151
New Laredo Hwy3State Highway and Route81
Bandera Rd3State Highway and Route421
NW Loop 4103State Highway and Route16
NW Loop 4105State Highway and Route16
Fredericksburg Rd3State Highway and Route345
Ih 103State Highway and Route10
Fredericksburg Rd4State Highway and Route345
San Pedro Ave3State Highway and Route537
San Pedro Ave4State Highway and Route537
Austin Hwy3State Highway and Route368
Austin Hwy4State Highway and Route368
Steves Ave3State Highway and Route536
Probandt3State Highway and Route536
S Alamo St3State Highway and Route536
Roosevelt Ave3State Highway and Route536
S Presa St3State Highway and Route122
S Presa St4State Highway and Route122
Poteet Jourdanton Fwy3State Highway and Route16
Poteet Jourdanton Fwy3State Highway and Route422
SW Loop 4103State Highway and Route16
N Broadway St3State Highway and Route158
E Walnut St3State Highway and Route153
N Neches St3State Highway and Route206
S Commercial Ave3State Highway and Route206
S Neches St3State Highway and Route206
TX-2063State Highway and Route206
W Walnut St3State Highway and Route153
Walnut St3State Highway and Route153
Belle Plain St3State Highway and Route279
TX-2793State Highway and Route279
W Austin Ave3State Highway and Route279
Hwy-45 E4State Highway and Route45
TX-454State Highway and Route45
Conrad Hilton Blvd2State Highway and Route183
Conrad Hilton Blvd3State Highway and Route6
E 8th St3State Highway and Route6
E College St3State Highway and Route36
Liggett St3State Highway and Route206
N Main St3State Highway and Route206
S Main St3State Highway and Route206
SE 5th St3State Highway and Route36
SW 5th St3State Highway and Route36
W 8th St3State Highway and Route206
W 8th St3State Highway and Route6
W College St3State Highway and Route36
Hwy-10274State Highway and Route1027
Hwy-18644State Highway and Route1864
Hwy-25264State Highway and Route2526
Hwy-5694State Highway and Route569
Hwy-5834State Highway and Route583
Hwy-583 W4State Highway and Route583
Hwy-880 S4State Highway and Route880
E Navarro Ave2State Highway and Route6
Lubbock St2State Highway and Route6
N Seaman St2State Highway and Route112
S Seaman St2State Highway and Route112
TX-62State Highway and Route6
W Burkett Blvd2State Highway and Route112
W Navarro Ave2State Highway and Route16
E Main St3State Highway and Route112
N Texas St3State Highway and Route16
S Texas St3State Highway and Route16
W Main St3State Highway and Route112
W Main St3State Highway and Route6
Hwy-14964State Highway and Route1496
Hwy-22144State Highway and Route2214
Hwy-24614State Highway and Route2461
Hwy-25634State Highway and Route2563
Hwy-26894State Highway and Route2689
Hwy-5704State Highway and Route570
Hwy-5874State Highway and Route587
Hwy-84State Highway and Route8
W Carter St4State Highway and Route2689
N Austin St3State Highway and Route16
S Austin St3State Highway and Route16
Hwy-14764State Highway and Route1476
Hwy-14774State Highway and Route1477
Hwy-16894State Highway and Route1689
Hwy-22474State Highway and Route2247
Hwy-5734State Highway and Route573
Hwy-5904State Highway and Route590
Old Sidney Rd4State Highway and Route1689
W Summit Ave4State Highway and Route590
4th St3State Highway and Route15
High St3State Highway and Route16
N High St3State Highway and Route16
S High St3State Highway and Route16
TX-15 Loop3State Highway and Route15
TX-713State Highway and Route71
E 4th St3State Highway and Route257
Hwy-36 Byp N3State Highway and Route36
Hwy-36 Byp S3State Highway and Route36
N Lutterloh Ave4State Highway and Route36
S TX-364State Highway and Route36
State School Rd4State Highway and Route36
N Patterson Ave3State Highway and Route195
S Patterson Ave3State Highway and Route195
TX-1383State Highway and Route138
TX-1953State Highway and Route195
S Fort Hood St3State Highway and Route195
S Clear Creek Rd5State Highway and Route201
TX-2015State Highway and Route201
Hood Rd3State Highway and Route17
Hood Rd5State Highway and Route17
T.J Mills Blvd5State Highway and Route17
W Hwy-1903State Highway and Route190
2nd St2State Highway and Route6
Cedar St3State Highway and Route220
E Main St3State Highway and Route22
E Main St3State Highway and Route36
W Main St3State Highway and Route36
E Blackjack St2State Highway and Route6
W Blackjack St2State Highway and Route6
N Graham St3State Highway and Route108
S Graham St3State Highway and Route108
E Hwy-84State Highway and Route8
3rd St3State Highway and Route144
Austin Rd3State Highway and Route144
Barnard St3State Highway and Route144
C Ave3State Highway and Route144
E Elm St3State Highway and Route144
NE Barnard St3State Highway and Route144
TX-1443State Highway and Route144
TX-2203State Highway and Route220
36th Division Memorial Hwy3State Highway and Route36
7th St3State Highway and Route174
Cranfill St3State Highway and Route22
E Morgan3State Highway and Route174
E Morgan3State Highway and Route22
N Main3State Highway and Route144
S Cleveland St3State Highway and Route22
TX-1743State Highway and Route174
TX-223State Highway and Route22
W Morgan3State Highway and Route22
E Avenue C2State Highway and Route6
N Avenue G2State Highway and Route6
S Avenue G2State Highway and Route6
W Avenue C2State Highway and Route6
E 7th St3State Highway and Route317
E Jefferson Ave3State Highway and Route22
N Bosque St3State Highway and Route22
S Bosque St3State Highway and Route22
Harris3State Highway and Route174
N Caddo St3State Highway and Route171
N Main St3State Highway and Route171
S Caddo St3State Highway and Route171
S Main St3State Highway and Route174
W Hwy-673State Highway and Route67
Weatherford Hwy3State Highway and Route171
Corsicana Hwy3State Highway and Route171
N Houston St3State Highway and Route171
W Elm St3State Highway and Route171
W Elm St3State Highway and Route22
E Main St3State Highway and Route34
Main St3State Highway and Route34
Hwy-6674State Highway and Route667
Magnolia Ave3State Highway and Route171
N Magnolia Ave3State Highway and Route171
NW 4th St3State Highway and Route31
New Dallas Hwy3State Highway and Route491
Gassaway Ave3State Highway and Route320
N Franklin St3State Highway and Route95
S Franklin St3State Highway and Route95
TX-3203State Highway and Route320
TX-73State Highway and Route7
TX-953State Highway and Route95
Dalton St3State Highway and Route95
N Dalton St3State Highway and Route95
S Dalton St3State Highway and Route95
S Main St2State Highway and Route317
N Main St3State Highway and Route317
S Main St3State Highway and Route317
TX-3173State Highway and Route317
E Hwy-1904State Highway and Route190
W Hwy-1904State Highway and Route190
SE H K Dodgen Loop3State Highway and Route95
TX-954State Highway and Route95
Airport Rd3State Highway and Route36
Airport Rd3State Highway and Route53
E Adams Ave3State Highway and Route53
N 3rd St3State Highway and Route53
NW H K Dodgen Loop3State Highway and Route36
SW H K Dodgen Loop3State Highway and Route36
W Adams Ave3State Highway and Route53
W Central Ave3State Highway and Route53
N Main St2State Highway and Route317
TX-6 N2State Highway and Route6
TX-6 S2State Highway and Route6
Ave D3State Highway and Route317
N Lone Star Pkwy3State Highway and Route317
S Lone Star Pkwy3State Highway and Route317
TX-2364State Highway and Route236
TX-65State Highway and Route6
W Hwy-65State Highway and Route6
W Loop 3402State Highway and Route6
S Loop 3402State Highway and Route6
E Loop 3402State Highway and Route6
S Loop 340 E2State Highway and Route6
S Loop 340 W2State Highway and Route6
S State Hwy Loop 340 E2State Highway and Route6
S State Hwy Loop 340 W2State Highway and Route6
N Memorial St2State Highway and Route6
S Memorial St2State Highway and Route6
E Texas Ave3State Highway and Route164
TX-1643State Highway and Route164
W Texas Ave3State Highway and Route164
Bridge St3State Highway and Route7
Craik St3State Highway and Route6
Craik St3State Highway and Route6N
Live Oak St3State Highway and Route7
State Loop 233State Highway and Route6N
Williams St3State Highway and Route6N
TX-533State Highway and Route53
Main St4State Highway and Route265
Pat Booker Rd4State Highway and Route218
Harmon Dr5State Highway and Route218
Standish St3State Highway and Route97
Standish St4State Highway and Route97
Hwy-4844State Highway and Route484
N Walnut Ave3State Highway and Route46
Landa St4State Highway and Route46
N Walnut Ave4State Highway and Route46
Loop 3373State Highway and Route46
Main Plz4State Highway and Route46C
N Hwy-3064State Highway and Route306
N Seguin Ave4State Highway and Route46C
S Seguin Ave4State Highway and Route46
Austin St3State Highway and Route123
N Austin St3State Highway and Route123
N Hwy-123 Byp3State Highway and Route123
S Austin St3State Highway and Route123
S Guadalupe St3State Highway and Route123
S Hwy-123 Byp3State Highway and Route123
TX-1233State Highway and Route123
TX-123 Bus3State Highway and Route123
W Klein St3State Highway and Route123
Airport Highway 213State Highway and Route21
Camino Real3State Highway and Route21
E Hopkins St3State Highway and Route80
S Camino Real3State Highway and Route21
E Hopkins St4State Highway and Route80
W Hopkins St4State Highway and Route80
Hunter Rd5State Highway and Route80
W Hopkins St5State Highway and Route80
E San Antonio St3State Highway and Route142
San Marcos Hwy3State Highway and Route80
TX-1423State Highway and Route142
W San Antonio St3State Highway and Route142
E Austin St3State Highway and Route80
S Magnolia Ave3State Highway and Route80
Loch Ln3State Highway and Route46
N Nixon Ave3State Highway and Route80
Pine Meadow Rd3State Highway and Route46
S Nixon Ave3State Highway and Route80
S TX-1233State Highway and Route123
4th St4State Highway and Route163
Chandler St4State Highway and Route163
Buchanan Dr3State Highway and Route29
E Polk St3State Highway and Route29
W Polk St3State Highway and Route29
Hwy-14314State Highway and Route1431
TX-183A2State Highway and Route183A
E University Ave3State Highway and Route29
W University Ave3State Highway and Route29
TX-45 E4State Highway and Route45
TX-45 W4State Highway and Route45
Research Blvd4State Highway and Route183
TX-183A N2State Highway and Route183A
TX-183A S2State Highway and Route183A
TX-45 E2State Highway and Route45
TX-45 W2State Highway and Route45
Mopac Expy N2State Highway and Route1
Mopac Expy S2State Highway and Route1
Mopac Turnaround2State Highway and Route45
S Lamar Blvd3State Highway and Route343
TX-71 E2State Highway and Route71
TX-71 W2State Highway and Route71
N Lamar Blvd3State Highway and Route343
N Lamar Blvd4State Highway and Route343
W 6th St4State Highway and Route343
E 6th St4State Highway and Route343
E 7th St4State Highway and Route343
E 7th St5State Highway and Route343
E Hwy-2902State Highway and Route290
E Koenig Ln3State Highway and Route290
E Hwy-2904State Highway and Route290
E Koenig Ln4State Highway and Route290
E Hwy-2905State Highway and Route290
Ben White Blvd2State Highway and Route71
E Ben White Blvd2State Highway and Route71
TX-130 N2State Highway and Route130
TX-130 S2State Highway and Route130
TX-712State Highway and Route71
TX-45 N2State Highway and Route45
TX-45 S2State Highway and Route45
N Camino Real3State Highway and Route21
Hwy-71 W3State Highway and Route71
TX-213State Highway and Route21
Taylor Rd3State Highway and Route95
Chestnut St3State Highway and Route21
TX-71 E3State Highway and Route71
TX-71 W3State Highway and Route71
N Commerce3State Highway and Route95
N Main St3State Highway and Route95
S Commerce St3State Highway and Route95
S Main St3State Highway and Route95
Gazley St3State Highway and Route95
Loop 230 W3State Highway and Route95
E St3State Highway and Route97
TX-3043State Highway and Route304
E Old State Hwy 713State Highway and Route71
E Travis St3State Highway and Route71
Lower Line St3State Highway and Route71
N Faires St3State Highway and Route95
N Lavaca3State Highway and Route95
N Penn St3State Highway and Route95
Penn St3State Highway and Route95
S Faires St3State Highway and Route95
S Lavaca Dr3State Highway and Route95
E State Loop 2204State Highway and Route71
Ellinger Rd4State Highway and Route71
Hwy-71 Conn4State Highway and Route71
TX-71 Bus4State Highway and Route71
TX-71 Byp4State Highway and Route71
W Travis St4State Highway and Route71
5th St3State Highway and Route95
E Gonzales St3State Highway and Route111
E Morris St3State Highway and Route111
Irvine St3State Highway and Route111
W Grand Ave3State Highway and Route111
W Morris St3State Highway and Route111
E Forgey St3State Highway and Route22
W Forgey St3State Highway and Route22
Hwy-105 W3State Highway and Route105
TX-1053State Highway and Route105
Columbus Loop2State Highway and Route71
E Main St3State Highway and Route159
Fannin St3State Highway and Route71F
N Rusk St3State Highway and Route159
TX-1593State Highway and Route159
TX-71F3State Highway and Route71F
W Main St3State Highway and Route159
Hwy-90 E2State Highway and Route90
Hwy-90 W2State Highway and Route90
Commerce St3State Highway and Route36
E Hill St3State Highway and Route159
Meyer St3State Highway and Route36
N Meyer St3State Highway and Route36
Old Nelsonville Rd3State Highway and Route159
S Front St3State Highway and Route36
TX-603State Highway and Route60
FM 3013 Rd4State Highway and Route3013
Hwy-3013 E4State Highway and Route3013
Hwy-3013 W4State Highway and Route3013
Hwy-90 E4State Highway and Route90
NE I 10 Frontage Rd4State Highway and Route90
Bay City Hwy3State Highway and Route60
Dill St3State Highway and Route60
E Burleson St3State Highway and Route60
E Milam St3State Highway and Route60
N Dill St3State Highway and Route60
N Hwy-593State Highway and Route59
N Mechanic St3State Highway and Route71
S Mechanic St3State Highway and Route71
S Resident St3State Highway and Route60
TX-524 Loop3State Highway and Route524
TX-526 Loop3State Highway and Route526
W Burleson St3State Highway and Route60
W Milam St3State Highway and Route60
Avenue B3State Highway and Route36
E Alamo St3State Highway and Route105
E Main St3State Highway and Route105
Hwy-290 W3State Highway and Route290
N Chappell Hill St3State Highway and Route105
N Park St3State Highway and Route36
N Washington St3State Highway and Route237
S Chappell Hill St3State Highway and Route105
S Day St3State Highway and Route105
S Market St3State Highway and Route105
S Washington St3State Highway and Route237
TX-2373State Highway and Route237
W Alamo St3State Highway and Route105
Hwy-290 W4State Highway and Route290
N Austin Pkwy4State Highway and Route36J
N Park St4State Highway and Route36J
S Austin St4State Highway and Route105
S Austin St4State Highway and Route36J
S Day St4State Highway and Route105
S Day St4State Highway and Route36J
W Tom Green St4State Highway and Route36J
Hwy-290 W5State Highway and Route290
N Green St3State Highway and Route36
S Green St3State Highway and Route36
S TX-63State Highway and Route6
San Jacinto Ln3State Highway and Route21
N Earl Rudder Fwy4State Highway and Route6
N TX-64State Highway and Route6
N Texas Ave4State Highway and Route507
N Texas Ave4State Highway and Route6R
S TX-64State Highway and Route6
TX-474State Highway and Route47
TX-64State Highway and Route6
TX-303State Highway and Route30
TX-903State Highway and Route90
East Byp4State Highway and Route6
William D Fitch Pkwy4State Highway and Route40
Bizzell St4State Highway and Route308
N Earl Rudder Fwy3State Highway and Route6
College Ave4State Highway and Route308
S College Ave4State Highway and Route308
S Texas Ave4State Highway and Route6R
Earl Rudder Fwy S3State Highway and Route6
Harvey Rd3State Highway and Route30
Texas Ave S4State Highway and Route6R
S Texas Ave3State Highway and Route6R
Texas Ave S3State Highway and Route6R
Earl Rudder Fwy S5State Highway and Route6
East Byp5State Highway and Route6
N Earl Rudder Fwy2State Highway and Route6
Tabor Rd4State Highway and Route6
Wilkes St4State Highway and Route6
N Earl Rudder Fwy5State Highway and Route6
Old Reliance Rd5State Highway and Route6
E Washington Ave3State Highway and Route105
Hwy-6 Loop3State Highway and Route6
S La Salle St3State Highway and Route6
Spur 5153State Highway and Route515
TX-515 Spur3State Highway and Route515
W Washington Ave3State Highway and Route105
Washington Ave3State Highway and Route105
Washington Ave3State Highway and Route90
Hwy-6 Loop4State Highway and Route6
N La Salle St4State Highway and Route6
S La Salle St5State Highway and Route6
13 TH St3State Highway and Route159
13th St3State Highway and Route159
Austin St3State Highway and Route159
Hwy-2903State Highway and Route290
Hwy-2904State Highway and Route290
Spur 149 Rd4State Highway and Route149
TX-2494State Highway and Route249
Hwy-2905State Highway and Route290
Northwest Fwy5State Highway and Route6
TX-249 Bus4State Highway and Route249
TX-2495State Highway and Route249
11th St2State Highway and Route30
TX-752State Highway and Route75
Eva St3State Highway and Route105
Avenue Q2State Highway and Route75
N Danville St2State Highway and Route75
N Frazier St2State Highway and Route75
S Danville St2State Highway and Route75
Sam Houston Ave2State Highway and Route75
TX-1502State Highway and Route150
TX-150 W2State Highway and Route150
W FM 1375 Rd2State Highway and Route75
TX-1503State Highway and Route150
TX-1563State Highway and Route156
FM 1097 Rd W4State Highway and Route1097
Hwy-1097 W4State Highway and Route1097
Riverside Dr4State Highway and Route30
TX-194State Highway and Route19
TX-304State Highway and Route30
TX-249 N4State Highway and Route249
TX-249 S4State Highway and Route249
College Park Dr4State Highway and Route242
W Davis St3State Highway and Route105
Interstate 452State Highway and Route75
S Frazier St2State Highway and Route75
E Davis St3State Highway and Route105
E Phillips St3State Highway and Route105
W Phillips St3State Highway and Route105
Needham Rd3State Highway and Route242
TX-2423State Highway and Route242
TX-2424State Highway and Route242
Hwy-1053State Highway and Route105
Hwy-594State Highway and Route59
Eastex Fwy4State Highway and Route59
Hwy-59 N4State Highway and Route59
Eastex Fwy5State Highway and Route59
Hwy-59 N5State Highway and Route59
1st St3State Highway and Route36
E Brazos Ave3State Highway and Route35
N Columbia Dr3State Highway and Route36
S Columbia Dr3State Highway and Route36
Spur 5293State Highway and Route529
W Brazos Ave3State Highway and Route35
Hartledge Rd4State Highway and Route10
Hwy-59 S4State Highway and Route59
Patton Rd4State Highway and Route10
S 17th St4State Highway and Route35
Southwest Fwy4State Highway and Route59
S Grand Pkwy N1State Highway and Route99
S Grand Pkwy S1State Highway and Route99
Avenue H3State Highway and Route529
S Grand Pkwy N3State Highway and Route99
S Grand Pkwy S3State Highway and Route99
TX-10 Spur4State Highway and Route10
TX-364State Highway and Route36
Grand Pkwy1State Highway and Route99
S Grand Pkwy1State Highway and Route99
W Grand Pkwy N4State Highway and Route99
Northwest Fwy4State Highway and Route6
Hempstead Rd5State Highway and Route6
FM 1960 Rd W3State Highway and Route6
Northwest Fwy3State Highway and Route290
Northwest Fwy3State Highway and Route6
Grand Pkwy3State Highway and Route99
W Grand Pkwy3State Highway and Route99
Austin St4State Highway and Route762
S 2nd St4State Highway and Route762
S Sam Houston Pkwy W2State Highway and Route8
S Sam Houston Pkwy W4State Highway and Route8
S TX-84State Highway and Route8
S TX-8 E1State Highway and Route8
S TX-8 W1State Highway and Route8
S TX-8 W2State Highway and Route8
S TX-8 W4State Highway and Route8
S Sam Houston Pkwy W5State Highway and Route8
W TX-8 S1State Highway and Route8
W Sam Houston Pkwy S4State Highway and Route8
W TX-84State Highway and Route8
W TX-8 S4State Highway and Route8
W Sam Houston Pkwy S1State Highway and Route8
W TX-8 N1State Highway and Route8
TX-527 Spur N3State Highway and Route527
Brazos St3State Highway and Route527
TX-527 Spur S3State Highway and Route527
Brazos St4State Highway and Route527
South Fwy N1State Highway and Route288
South Fwy S1State Highway and Route288
S Sam Houston Pkwy1State Highway and Route8
S Sam Houston Pkwy E1State Highway and Route8
S Sam Houston Pkwy W1State Highway and Route8
S Sam Houston Pkwy2State Highway and Route8
South Fwy N2State Highway and Route288
South Fwy S2State Highway and Route288
S TX-8 E4State Highway and Route8
Hwy-2885State Highway and Route288
S Hwy-2885State Highway and Route288
W Sam Houston Pkwy S5State Highway and Route8
W TX-8 S5State Highway and Route8
Northwest Fwy4State Highway and Route8
W Sam Houston Pkwy N5State Highway and Route8
W TX-8 N5State Highway and Route8
N Sam Houston Pkwy W5State Highway and Route8
N TX-8 E5State Highway and Route8
N TX-8 E1State Highway and Route8
N Sam Houston Pkwy W3State Highway and Route8
N TX-8 E3State Highway and Route8
TX-2493State Highway and Route249
TX-249 N3State Highway and Route249
TX-249 S3State Highway and Route249
N Sam Houston Pkwy W4State Highway and Route8
N TX-8 E4State Highway and Route8
W Mount Houston Rd3State Highway and Route249
N TX-8 W1State Highway and Route8
N Sam Houston Pkwy E1State Highway and Route8
N Sam Houston Pkwy E5State Highway and Route8
N Shepherd Dr4State Highway and Route261
W Mount Houston Rd5State Highway and Route249
TX-261 Spur4State Highway and Route261
Durham Dr4State Highway and Route261
S Shepherd Dr4State Highway and Route261
Shepherd Dr4State Highway and Route261
N Durham Dr4State Highway and Route261
N Sam Houston Pkwy E4State Highway and Route8
Eastex Fwy1State Highway and Route59
Hwy-59 N1State Highway and Route59
Eastex Fwy2State Highway and Route59
Hwy-59 N2State Highway and Route59
E Sam Houston Pkwy N1State Highway and Route8
E Sam Houston Pkwy N4State Highway and Route8
E TX-8 N4State Highway and Route8
E Sam Houston Pkwy N5State Highway and Route8
S Sam Houston Pkwy E4State Highway and Route8
S Sam Houston Pkwy E3State Highway and Route8
S TX-8 E3State Highway and Route8
Telephone Rd3State Highway and Route35
Monroe Rd4State Highway and Route3
Monroe Rd5State Highway and Route3
N Main St3State Highway and Route35
S Main St3State Highway and Route35
TX-5 Spur2State Highway and Route5
La Porte Fwy E3State Highway and Route225
La Porte Fwy W3State Highway and Route225
Reveille St3State Highway and Route35
Monroe Rd3State Highway and Route3
Galveston Rd3State Highway and Route3
Houston Blvd3State Highway and Route3
Winkler Dr3State Highway and Route3
Winkler Dr5State Highway and Route3
La Porte Fwy E1State Highway and Route225
La Porte Fwy W1State Highway and Route225
E TX-8 N1State Highway and Route8
W Pasadena Fwy E1State Highway and Route225
W Pasadena Fwy W1State Highway and Route225
Pasadena Fwy5State Highway and Route225
E TX-8 S1State Highway and Route8
S Sam Houston Pkwy E5State Highway and Route8
E Sam Houston Pkwy S3State Highway and Route8
E TX-8 S3State Highway and Route8
E Sam Houston Pkwy S5State Highway and Route8
E TX-8 S5State Highway and Route8
E Mulberry St3State Highway and Route35
Jimmy Phillips Blvd3State Highway and Route35
TX-2883State Highway and Route288
W Mulberry St3State Highway and Route35
N Velasco St4State Highway and Route288
S Velasco St4State Highway and Route288
TX-288 Bus4State Highway and Route288
Hwy-62State Highway and Route6
Morris Ave2State Highway and Route6
South Fwy2State Highway and Route288
TX-2882State Highway and Route288
SH 64State Highway and Route6
N Gordon St4State Highway and Route35
S Loop 353State Highway and Route35
S Gordon St4State Highway and Route35
N Main St2State Highway and Route6
S Main St2State Highway and Route6
Commerce St3State Highway and Route14
TX-143State Highway and Route14
E Washington3State Highway and Route7
E Yeagua St3State Highway and Route164
N Ellis St3State Highway and Route14
N Mignonette3State Highway and Route14
S Ellis St3State Highway and Route14
S Mignonette St3State Highway and Route14
W Yeagua St3State Highway and Route164
Washington St3State Highway and Route7
Buffalo Ave3State Highway and Route75
Main St3State Highway and Route164
N Buffalo Ave3State Highway and Route75
N Commerce St3State Highway and Route75
S Buffalo Ave3State Highway and Route75
W Commerce St3State Highway and Route75
W Saint Marys3State Highway and Route7
E TX-214State Highway and Route21
Hwy-977 W4State Highway and Route977
Austin Ave3State Highway and Route14
Bell St3State Highway and Route171
Martin Luther King Jr Hwy3State Highway and Route14
N 1st St3State Highway and Route171
N 3rd St3State Highway and Route14
N Austin Ave3State Highway and Route14
N Martin Luther King Jr Hwy3State Highway and Route14
NE 4th St3State Highway and Route31
S 3rd St3State Highway and Route14
S Austin Ave3State Highway and Route14
S Magnolia Ave3State Highway and Route171
Tehuacana Dr3State Highway and Route171
S Hwy-394State Highway and Route39
TX-1714State Highway and Route171
TX-442 Loop4State Highway and Route442
Creechville Rd3State Highway and Route34
E Ennis Ave3State Highway and Route34
FM Road 85 Loop3State Highway and Route75
N Kaufman St3State Highway and Route75
S Kaufman St3State Highway and Route34
S Kaufman St3State Highway and Route75
Sycamore St3State Highway and Route34
W Lake Bardwell Dr3State Highway and Route34
Oak Grove Rd5State Highway and Route34
SW Main St5State Highway and Route34
Interstate Highway 453State Highway and Route75
Martin Luther King Jr Blvd3State Highway and Route31
N 15th St3State Highway and Route22
S 15th St3State Highway and Route22
W 2nd Ave3State Highway and Route22
W 7th Ave3State Highway and Route31
E Royall Blvd3State Highway and Route31
N 3rd St3State Highway and Route198
N Gun Barrel Ln3State Highway and Route198
N Senter Ave3State Highway and Route309
N Terry St3State Highway and Route198
NE 2nd St3State Highway and Route31
NW 2nd St3State Highway and Route31
S 3rd St3State Highway and Route198
S Gun Barrel Ln3State Highway and Route198
S Senter Ave3State Highway and Route309
TX-3093State Highway and Route309
W Royall Blvd3State Highway and Route31
E Main St4State Highway and Route198
E Main St4State Highway and Route334
E Seven Points Pkwy4State Highway and Route334
N Terry St4State Highway and Route198
TX-3344State Highway and Route334
W Main St4State Highway and Route334
Hubbard3State Highway and Route75
Main St3State Highway and Route179
Main St3State Highway and Route262
N Fairway St3State Highway and Route75
S Fairway St3State Highway and Route75
SE 1250 Rd3State Highway and Route75
TX-1793State Highway and Route179
Crockett Rd2State Highway and Route19
N Church St2State Highway and Route19
E Parker3State Highway and Route294
N Link St3State Highway and Route155
N Loop 2563State Highway and Route256
S Loop 2563State Highway and Route256
TX-2943State Highway and Route294
W Parker St3State Highway and Route294
N Mallard St4State Highway and Route19
E Tyler St3State Highway and Route31
N Palestine St3State Highway and Route19
S Palestine St3State Highway and Route19
St Louis St3State Highway and Route31
W Corsicana St3State Highway and Route31
N Bolton St3State Highway and Route386
S Elm St3State Highway and Route155
Frankston Hwy3State Highway and Route155
W South Loop 493State Highway and Route49
Spur 2483State Highway and Route248
University Blvd3State Highway and Route248
Troup Hwy3State Highway and Route110
E South Loop 495State Highway and Route49
Grande Blvd5State Highway and Route57
W Grande Blvd5State Highway and Route57
4th St Ramp2State Highway and Route110
E 4th St2State Highway and Route110
E 5th St2State Highway and Route110
N Glenwood Blvd2State Highway and Route110
S Beckham Ave2State Highway and Route155
S Glenwood Blvd2State Highway and Route110
W 4th St2State Highway and Route155
W 5th St2State Highway and Route110
W Glenwood Blvd2State Highway and Route110
Chandler Hwy3State Highway and Route31
E 5th St3State Highway and Route64
E Front St3State Highway and Route31
N Northeast Loop 3233State Highway and Route323
S Beckham Ave3State Highway and Route110
S Vine Ave3State Highway and Route155
W Erwin St3State Highway and Route64
W Front St3State Highway and Route31
E Loop 4563State Highway and Route204
E Pine St3State Highway and Route135
S 4th St2State Highway and Route19
Commerce St3State Highway and Route19
E Caroline St3State Highway and Route94
E Goliad Ave3State Highway and Route21
E Goliad Ave3State Highway and Route7
E Houston Ave3State Highway and Route21
E Main St3State Highway and Route21
E Saint Marys St3State Highway and Route7
E South St3State Highway and Route90
N May St3State Highway and Route75
Prospect Dr3State Highway and Route19
S 4th St3State Highway and Route19
S Commerce St3State Highway and Route75
S Madison St3State Highway and Route174
S Madison St3State Highway and Route90
S May St3State Highway and Route75
S Robb St3State Highway and Route19
TX-943State Highway and Route94
W Goliad Ave3State Highway and Route21
Hwy-9774State Highway and Route977
Hwy-977 E4State Highway and Route977
Arp Dr3State Highway and Route135
E Duval St3State Highway and Route110
E Duval St3State Highway and Route135
N Ponsard St3State Highway and Route135
S Georgia St3State Highway and Route110
S Railroad St3State Highway and Route135
TX-1033State Highway and Route103
W Duval St3State Highway and Route110
Magee Ave3State Highway and Route94
Main St3State Highway and Route94
W 2nd St3State Highway and Route94
TX-1032State Highway and Route103
N Raguet St3State Highway and Route103
Ted Trout Dr3State Highway and Route94
W Frank Ave3State Highway and Route94
TX-74State Highway and Route7
Atkinson Dr3State Highway and Route103
E Frank Ave3State Highway and Route94
E Lufkin Ave3State Highway and Route94
E Lufkin Ave4State Highway and Route94
NE Stallings Dr3State Highway and Route224
S Fredonia St3State Highway and Route7
SE Stallings Dr3State Highway and Route224
E Main St3State Highway and Route63
TX-1473State Highway and Route147
Hwy-2555State Highway and Route255
Cypress Ave3State Highway and Route204
Elkhart St3State Highway and Route294
N Main St3State Highway and Route204
San Antonio Hwy3State Highway and Route21
San Antonio Rd3State Highway and Route21
TX-2043State Highway and Route204
E Longview St3State Highway and Route135
E McKay St3State Highway and Route135
N Commerce St3State Highway and Route135
S Commerce St3State Highway and Route135
W Longview St3State Highway and Route135
Houston St3State Highway and Route42
Hwy-101 Spur3State Highway and Route101
Industrial Blvd3State Highway and Route135
Industrial Blvd3State Highway and Route42
Main St3State Highway and Route42
Main St N3State Highway and Route42
Main St S3State Highway and Route42
Martin Luther King Blvd3State Highway and Route31
N Henderson Blvd3State Highway and Route42
Powderhorn Rd3State Highway and Route42
S Rusk St3State Highway and Route135
TX-3223State Highway and Route322
TX-3233State Highway and Route323
E Main St3State Highway and Route64
Landon Alford Loop3State Highway and Route571
N Main St3State Highway and Route64
N Marshall St3State Highway and Route64
N Van Buren St3State Highway and Route323
N Van Buren St3State Highway and Route64
W Depot St3State Highway and Route64
NW Loop2State Highway and Route149
SW Loop2State Highway and Route149
E Johnson St3State Highway and Route43
Estes Pkwy3State Highway and Route149
Gardiner Mitchell Pkwy3State Highway and Route322
Hill St3State Highway and Route149
N Bird Dr3State Highway and Route315
N Hill St3State Highway and Route149
S Hill St3State Highway and Route149
TX-1493State Highway and Route149
TX-3153State Highway and Route315
W Johnson St3State Highway and Route43
W Sabine St3State Highway and Route315
Bremond St3State Highway and Route87
Center Rd3State Highway and Route7
Douglass Rd3State Highway and Route21
Ross Graves Dr3State Highway and Route87
W Main St3State Highway and Route21
Loop 4362State Highway and Route149
Cora St3State Highway and Route7
Louisiana St3State Highway and Route7
Nacogdoches St3State Highway and Route7
San Augustine St3State Highway and Route7
Shelbyville St3State Highway and Route87
TX-873State Highway and Route87
Tenaha St3State Highway and Route87
Timpson Hwy3State Highway and Route87
TX-633State Highway and Route63
Hwy-2554State Highway and Route255
Benton St3State Highway and Route184
E Columbia St3State Highway and Route21
N Clark St3State Highway and Route147
S Broadway St3State Highway and Route147
S Clark St3State Highway and Route147
TX-1843State Highway and Route184
W Columbia St3State Highway and Route21
1st St3State Highway and Route87
Bronson St3State Highway and Route184
Sabine St3State Highway and Route87
Worth St3State Highway and Route184
Rte-2555State Highway and Route255
TX-874State Highway and Route87
E Nasa Rd 14State Highway and Route1
Nasa Rd 14State Highway and Route1
W Nasa Rd 14State Highway and Route1
TX-33State Highway and Route3
E Ave3State Highway and Route3
TX-965State Highway and Route96
Bayport Blvd3State Highway and Route146
TX-1463State Highway and Route146
E League City Pkwy4State Highway and Route96
Hwy-146 N3State Highway and Route146
Hwy-17654State Highway and Route1765
Texas Ave4State Highway and Route1765
25th Ave N3State Highway and Route197
36th St S3State Highway and Route146
6th St N3State Highway and Route197
6th St S3State Highway and Route197
Loop 197 S3State Highway and Route197
Galveston - Port Bolivar4State Highway and Route87
Broadway St3State Highway and Route87
2nd St4State Highway and Route87
Broadway St4State Highway and Route87
Ferry Rd4State Highway and Route87
Harborside Dr4State Highway and Route275
Seawall Blvd4State Highway and Route87
TX-146 N3State Highway and Route146
TX-146 S3State Highway and Route146
E Sam Houston Pkwy S4State Highway and Route8
E TX-8 S4State Highway and Route8
Nasa Pkwy4State Highway and Route1
E Sam Houston Pkwy S1State Highway and Route8
Pasadena Fwy1State Highway and Route225
Pasadena Fwy3State Highway and Route225
Hwy-2255State Highway and Route225
Railroad St5State Highway and Route225
Shabbona5State Highway and Route225
TX-2255State Highway and Route225
Battleground Rd4State Highway and Route134
Hwy-2254State Highway and Route225
Independence Pkwy S4State Highway and Route134
TX-2254State Highway and Route225
W Pasadena Fwy E3State Highway and Route225
W Pasadena Fwy W3State Highway and Route225
N 9th St3State Highway and Route146
S 10th St3State Highway and Route146
S 9th St3State Highway and Route146
S Broadway St3State Highway and Route146D
W Main St3State Highway and Route146D
Hwy-146 S4State Highway and Route146
Hwy-146 S5State Highway and Route146
N 9th St5State Highway and Route146
S 9th St5State Highway and Route146
Business Hwy 1463State Highway and Route146
Decker Dr3State Highway and Route330
Frontage Rd3State Highway and Route146
N Hwy-1463State Highway and Route146
N Spur 2013State Highway and Route146
S Alexander Dr3State Highway and Route146
SH 146 Hwy3State Highway and Route146
SH 146 Hwy4State Highway and Route146
Old Hwy 1463State Highway and Route501
S Broadway St3State Highway and Route501
Wharton Weems Blvd3State Highway and Route146D
Hwy-1465State Highway and Route146
Crosby Lynchburg Rd3State Highway and Route134
S Lynchburg Rd3State Highway and Route134
Crosby Lynchburg Rd4State Highway and Route134
Independence Pkwy N4State Highway and Route134
Lynchburg Battleground4State Highway and Route134
N Main St4State Highway and Route134
S Main St4State Highway and Route134
E TX-8 N5State Highway and Route8
FM 2100 Rd3State Highway and Route134
FM 2100 Rd4State Highway and Route134
TX-3303State Highway and Route330
TX-330 Spur E3State Highway and Route330
TX-330 Spur W3State Highway and Route330
Decker Dr5State Highway and Route330
Baytown Loop3State Highway and Route146
N Alexander Dr3State Highway and Route146
N Lanier Dr3State Highway and Route146
TX-993State Highway and Route99
I 10 Feeder Rd3State Highway and Route61
TX-1243State Highway and Route124
TX-613State Highway and Route61
TX-653State Highway and Route65
County Line Rd4State Highway and Route124
Miller Rd4State Highway and Route61
TX-1244State Highway and Route124
TX-614State Highway and Route61
TX-654State Highway and Route65
Washington Ave4State Highway and Route61
E Houston St3State Highway and Route105
Hwy-146 Byp3State Highway and Route146
Main St3State Highway and Route227
N Cleveland St3State Highway and Route321
N Main St3State Highway and Route146
N Main St3State Highway and Route227
TX-3213State Highway and Route321
W Houston St3State Highway and Route105
W Southline St3State Highway and Route105
Chuch St3State Highway and Route150
N Houston St3State Highway and Route146
S Byrd Ave3State Highway and Route150
S Houston St3State Highway and Route146
TX-3263State Highway and Route326
Fannett Rd3State Highway and Route124
TX-3273State Highway and Route327
W Avenue N3State Highway and Route327
Hwy-418 E4State Highway and Route418
Hwy-69 S4State Highway and Route69
TX-123State Highway and Route12
N Hwy-1054State Highway and Route105
Hwy-69 N3State Highway and Route69
TX-3473State Highway and Route347
Hwy-1054State Highway and Route105
N Twin City Hwy3State Highway and Route347
S Twin City Hwy3State Highway and Route347
TX-1364State Highway and Route136
TX-3664State Highway and Route366
Hwy-69 N5State Highway and Route69
N Memorial Fwy5State Highway and Route69
Monroe St3State Highway and Route326
Hwy-418 W4State Highway and Route418
Edgar Brown Dr2State Highway and Route358
Edgar Brown Dr2State Highway and Route87
Gulfway Dr2State Highway and Route73
Strickland Dr2State Highway and Route358
TX-872State Highway and Route87
Texas Ave2State Highway and Route73
Texas Ave2State Highway and Route87
W Park Ave2State Highway and Route358
16th St3State Highway and Route87
Edgar Brown Dr3State Highway and Route358
MacArthur Dr3State Highway and Route358
N 16th St3State Highway and Route87
Old Highway 873State Highway and Route87
TX-623State Highway and Route62
Hwy-105 W4State Highway and Route105
Hwy-4085State Highway and Route408
W Round Bunch Rd5State Highway and Route1442
Dowling Rd3State Highway and Route87
Gulfway Dr3State Highway and Route87
Martin Luther King Jr Dr3State Highway and Route73
Martin Luther King Jr Dr3State Highway and Route82
TX-733State Highway and Route73
TX-73 N3State Highway and Route73
TX-73 S3State Highway and Route73
TX-823State Highway and Route82
Twin City Hwy3State Highway and Route347
W Gulfway Dr3State Highway and Route87
67th St4State Highway and Route365
Dowling Rd4State Highway and Route87
Hwy-3654State Highway and Route365
Memorial Blvd4State Highway and Route69
W Hwy-3654State Highway and Route365
16th St2State Highway and Route87
Gulfway Dr2State Highway and Route87
Gulfway Dr S2State Highway and Route73
TX-73 N2State Highway and Route73
TX-73 S2State Highway and Route73
Jefferson Dr3State Highway and Route347
Gulfway Dr4State Highway and Route87
S Gulfway Dr4State Highway and Route87
Jefferson Dr5State Highway and Route347
Taft Ave5State Highway and Route87
1st St3State Highway and Route35
Henderson Ave3State Highway and Route35
Henderson St3State Highway and Route35
Hwy-363State Highway and Route36
S Hwy-363State Highway and Route36
1st St5State Highway and Route35H
Main St5State Highway and Route35H
TX-35H Bus5State Highway and Route35H
Broadway St3State Highway and Route238
E Austin St3State Highway and Route238
Halfmoon Dr3State Highway and Route238
Lighthouse Beach Rd3State Highway and Route238
N Commerce St3State Highway and Route238
S Commerce St3State Highway and Route238
TX-2383State Highway and Route238
W Austin St3State Highway and Route238
Adams St4State Highway and Route185
E Adams Ave4State Highway and Route185
E Broadway Ave4State Highway and Route185
N 9th St4State Highway and Route185
TX-1854State Highway and Route185
TX-3164State Highway and Route316
W Adams Ave4State Highway and Route185
W Broadway Ave4State Highway and Route185
S 2nd St5State Highway and Route185
TX-1725State Highway and Route172
3rd St3State Highway and Route172
Hwy-5213State Highway and Route521
N 3rd3State Highway and Route172
N Wells St3State Highway and Route111
S 3rd St3State Highway and Route172
S Wells St3State Highway and Route111
TX-1723State Highway and Route172
TX-523 Loop3State Highway and Route523
7th St3State Highway and Route35
Avenue F3State Highway and Route60
Avenue F N3State Highway and Route60
Avenue G3State Highway and Route35
N Brooks St3State Highway and Route36
S Brooks St3State Highway and Route36
Avenue F4State Highway and Route60
Hwy-4574State Highway and Route457
TX-35 Bus4State Highway and Route35
TX-419 Loop4State Highway and Route419
TX-604State Highway and Route60
Brazoria Rd3State Highway and Route332
E San Bernard St3State Highway and Route332
FM 521 Rd3State Highway and Route332
TX-3323State Highway and Route332
Oyster Creek Dr3State Highway and Route332
Brazosport Blvd N4State Highway and Route288
Hwy-20044State Highway and Route2004
S Hwy-288B4State Highway and Route288B
S Hwy-5434State Highway and Route543
TX-3324State Highway and Route332
N Brazosport Blvd3State Highway and Route288
S Brazosport Blvd3State Highway and Route288
Brazosport Blvd S4State Highway and Route288
E Hwy-3324State Highway and Route332
Broadway2US Highway380
Lamesa Hwy2US Highway180
US-3802US Highway380
Montana Ave2US Highway180
US-622US Highway62
E Paisano Dr2US Highway85
S Stanton St2US Highway62
W Paisano Dr2US Highway85
E Paisano Dr2US Highway62
US-54 E2US Highway54
US-54 W2US Highway54
Gateway Blvd N2US Highway54
N South Fwy2US Highway54
US-542US Highway54
Dyer St3US Highway54
E Paisano Dr2US Highway180
E Paisano Dr3US Highway62
N Cedar St2US Highway285
S Cedar St2US Highway285
US-1802US Highway180
US-2852US Highway285
US-902US Highway90
Van Horn St2US Highway90
Bridge St2US Highway67
California Ave2US Highway90
E Avenue E2US Highway67
E Holland Ave2US Highway67
E San Antonio St2US Highway67
S Highland Ave2US Highway67
US-672US Highway67
W Avenue E2US Highway67
W Holland Ave2US Highway67
W San Antonio St2US Highway90
E Oak St2US Highway90
N 1st St2US Highway90
US-3852US Highway385
W Oak St2US Highway90
US-3853US Highway385
E Dickinson Blvd2US Highway385
Frontage Rd2US Highway385
N Alamo St2US Highway285
N Jackson St2US Highway385
S Missouri St2US Highway385
Sanderson Hwy2US Highway285
W Railroad Ave2US Highway385
N Main St2US Highway385
S Main St2US Highway385
Andrews Hwy2US Highway385
N Grant Ave2US Highway385
S Grant Ave2US Highway385
E 3rd St2US Highway67
E 6th St2US Highway190
N Burleson Ave2US Highway385
N Gaston St2US Highway385
S Burleson Ave2US Highway385
S Gaston St2US Highway385
US-1902US Highway190
W 3rd St2US Highway385
W 6th St2US Highway190
E 2nd St2US Highway67
E Murcheson Ave2US Highway190
N Divide St2US Highway277
US-2772US Highway277
W 2nd St2US Highway67
Lamesa Hwy2US Highway87
N Gregg St2US Highway87
S Gregg St2US Highway87
US-872US Highway87
4th Ave2US Highway87
N State St2US Highway277
Broadway St2US Highway67
Sherwood Way2US Highway67
W Houston Harte Expy2US Highway67
US-87 N2US Highway87
US-87 S2US Highway87
S Bryant Blvd2US Highway277
Sherwood Way3US Highway67
Caddo St2US Highway277
N Abe St2US Highway277
N Bryant Blvd2US Highway277
N Koenigheim St2US Highway277
S Abe St2US Highway277
S Koenigheim St2US Highway277
US-67 N2US Highway67
US-67 S2US Highway67
W 6th St2US Highway277
W 7th St2US Highway277
W Beauregard Ave3US Highway67
Houston Harte Fwy N2US Highway277
Houston Harte Fwy S2US Highway277
N Bryant Blvd2US Highway87
Avenue F2US Highway277
Del Rio Rd2US Highway377
Dr Fermin Calderon Blvd2US Highway277
E 3rd St2US Highway277
E Gibbs St2US Highway277
E Gibbs St2US Highway90
E Military2US Highway90
Kerrville Rd2US Highway377
Main St2US Highway377
N Crockett Ave2US Highway277
S Crockett Ave2US Highway277
US-3772US Highway377
Uvalde Rd2US Highway377
Veterans Blvd2US Highway277
W Military2US Highway90
Del Rio Blvd2US Highway277
E Garrison St2US Highway57
E Main St2US Highway277
E Main St2US Highway57
N Veterans Blvd2US Highway277
US-572US Highway57
2nd St3US Highway277
Del Rio Blvd3US Highway277
E Garrison St3US Highway57
E Main St3US Highway277
N Ceylon St3US Highway277
W Garrison St3US Highway57
2nd St2US Highway87
Chicago St2US Highway385
Denver Ave2US Highway54
E 7th St2US Highway54
E 7th St2US Highway87
Liberal St2US Highway54
N Dumas Ave2US Highway287
N Poplar St2US Highway287
Railroad St2US Highway385
Railroad St2US Highway87
S Dumas Ave2US Highway287
S Poplar St2US Highway287
Tennessee Blvd2US Highway87
Texas St2US Highway54
US-2872US Highway287
W 1st St2US Highway87
W 7th St2US Highway54
N 2nd St2US Highway60
N Main St2US Highway83
S 2nd St2US Highway60
S Main St2US Highway83
US-602US Highway60
US-832US Highway83
10th St2US Highway380
Avenue A2US Highway180
E Avenue A2US Highway180
Hobbs Hwy2US Highway180
Main St2US Highway385
Railroad Ave2US Highway385
US-822US Highway82
W Avenue A2US Highway180
Avenue H2US Highway385
Clubview Dr2US Highway385
College Ave2US Highway385
Lubbock Rd2US Highway62
N College Ave2US Highway385
E Delano Ave2US Highway385
E Marshall Howard Blvd2US Highway84
Hall Ave2US Highway385
N Eastside Ave2US Highway385
US-842US Highway84
Brownfield Hwy2US Highway62
Marsha Sharp Fwy2US Highway62
Marsha Sharp Fwy E2US Highway62
Marsha Sharp Fwy W2US Highway62
US-87 N0US Highway87
US-87 N1US Highway87
US-87 S1US Highway87
Avenue Q South Dr2US Highway84
S Avenue Q Dr2US Highway84
Slaton Rd2US Highway84
US-874US Highway87
19th St2US Highway62
4th St2US Highway82
Avenue Q2US Highway84
Brownfield Hwy2US Highway82
Clovis Rd2US Highway84
E 19th St2US Highway62
Idalou Rd2US Highway62
Parkway Dr2US Highway82
US-623US Highway62
E Slaton Rd2US Highway84
E Tahoka Rd2US Highway380
Levelland Hwy2US Highway385
Lubbock Rd2US Highway380
Lubbock Rd2US Highway385
S 1st St2US Highway385
Seagraves Rd2US Highway385
Tahoka Rd2US Highway380
W Main St2US Highway380
W Powell St2US Highway380
US-871US Highway87
Lockwood St2US Highway380
9th St3US Highway87
Doak St3US Highway87
Ranch Road 20533US Highway87
Lubbock Hwy1US Highway87
Lynn Ave1US Highway180
N Dallas Ave1US Highway87
N Lynn Ave1US Highway180
N Lynn Ave1US Highway87
S Dallas Ave1US Highway180
S Lynn Ave1US Highway180
N 4th St2US Highway180
Seminole Rd2US Highway180
Dallas Ave3US Highway180
N Dallas Ave3US Highway180
N Dallas Ave3US Highway87
S Dallas Ave3US Highway180
Rock Island Ave2US Highway385
Avenue A S2US Highway70
E 11th St2US Highway60
E American Blvd2US Highway84
Gardner Ave2US Highway60
N 1st St2US Highway70
US-702US Highway70
W 11th St2US Highway60
W American Blvd2US Highway70
23rd St2US Highway87
N 23rd St2US Highway87
US-60 W2US Highway60
E Amarillo Blvd2US Highway60
N Buchanan St2US Highway287
N Fillmore St2US Highway87
N Pierce St2US Highway60
N Pierce St2US Highway87
N Taylor St2US Highway287
S Buchanan St2US Highway287
S Fillmore St2US Highway87
S Pierce St2US Highway60
S Taylor St2US Highway287
US-60 E2US Highway60
1st St2US Highway70
Dent2US Highway70
Dimmitt Ave2US Highway385
E Main St2US Highway70
W Main St2US Highway70
E 1st St2US Highway60
N 25 Mile Ave2US Highway385
N Broadway St2US Highway385
S 25 Mile Ave2US Highway385
S Broadway St2US Highway385
W 1st St2US Highway60
N Tallmage Ave2US Highway87
S Tallmage Ave2US Highway87
Olton Rd2US Highway70
W 5th St2US Highway70
Business Loop I 273US Highway87
E 5th St2US Highway70
N Columbia St3US Highway87
S Columbia St3US Highway87
1st St2US Highway287
2nd Ave2US Highway60
E Brown St2US Highway60
E Frederic Ave2US Highway60
W Brown St2US Highway60
Wilks St2US Highway60
E Commercial St2US Highway60
N Shamrock St2US Highway83
Ranch Road 482US Highway83
S Alan L Bean Blvd2US Highway83
W Commercial St2US Highway60
12th St3US Highway66
E 12th St3US Highway66
State Spur 5563US Highway66
US-663US Highway66
US-66 Conn3US Highway66
W 12th St3US Highway66
Avenue F NE2US Highway287
Avenue F NW2US Highway287
Boykin Dr2US Highway287
Burnett St2US Highway287
Houston St2US Highway83
N Boykin Dr2US Highway287
S Boykin Dr2US Highway287
25th St2US Highway180
8th St2US Highway380
Coliseum Dr2US Highway180
E Main St2US Highway380
E Wasson Ave2US Highway180
Main St2US Highway380
N Broadway St2US Highway84
S Broadway2US Highway380
S Broadway2US Highway84
W 8th St2US Highway380
W Wasson Ave2US Highway180
Kings Hwy Pl3US Highway84
Lubbock Hwy3US Highway84
N Business Hwy 843US Highway84
N Lubbock Hwy3US Highway84
State Loop 4013US Highway84
US-843US Highway84
US-84 Bus3US Highway84
7th St2US Highway62
E Houston St2US Highway62
E Main St2US Highway82
Matador Hwy2US Highway62
N 2nd St2US Highway70
S 2nd St2US Highway70
US-62 Byp2US Highway62
W Houston St2US Highway62
W Houston St2US Highway70
W Main St2US Highway82
Avenue E3US Highway62
5th St2US Highway82
9th St2US Highway62
9th St2US Highway83
Bailey Ave2US Highway62
Dundee Ave2US Highway62
Easly St2US Highway62
Easly St2US Highway70
E Coliseum Dr2US Highway180
Cypress St3US Highway84J
E Broadway St3US Highway84J
US-84J3US Highway84J
Harlan Ave4US Highway84
State Loop 4014US Highway84
US-84 Bus4US Highway84
Broadway2US Highway83
N Broadway St2US Highway380
N Central Ave2US Highway83
S Broadway St2US Highway380
S Broadway St2US Highway83
S Central Ave2US Highway83
Swenson Ave2US Highway380
E South 1st St2US Highway180
W South 1st St2US Highway180
E Chestnut St2US Highway380
N Minter Ave2US Highway183
S Minter Ave2US Highway183
US-1832US Highway183
US-2832US Highway283
W Chestnut St2US Highway380
17th St2US Highway180
Commercial Ave2US Highway277
E Court Plz2US Highway277
US-83 S2US Highway83
E Access Rd4US Highway277
US-2774US Highway277
Winters Fwy N1US Highway277
Winters Fwy S1US Highway277
S 14th St2US Highway277
S Clack St2US Highway277
S Danville Dr2US Highway277
S 7th St4US Highway277
S Clack St4US Highway277
S Danville Dr4US Highway277
N Treadaway Blvd3US Highway83
US-83 N2US Highway83
Winters Fwy N2US Highway277
Winters Fwy S2US Highway277
Pine St3US Highway83
N 1st St2US Highway380
N 1st St E2US Highway380
N Avenue E2US Highway277
S Avenue E2US Highway277
N Swenson St3US Highway277
US-27 Bus3US Highway27
W McHarg St3US Highway277
Gregg St2US Highway283
Hill St2US Highway180
N Main St2US Highway180
S Main St2US Highway180
Commerce St2US Highway70
E California St2US Highway82
E Commerce St2US Highway70
E G St2US Highway277
E Hays St2US Highway82
Hays St2US Highway82
N Birch Ave2US Highway277
N Main St2US Highway183
S 3rd Ave2US Highway277
S Birch Ave2US Highway277
S Main St2US Highway183
US-277 Alt2US Highway277
US-82 W2US Highway82
W California St2US Highway82
W Commerce St2US Highway70
W Main St2US Highway277
N Breustedt St3US Highway277
S Breustedt St3US Highway277
US-2773US Highway277
US-2832US Highway183
E Olive St2US Highway277
W Olive St2US Highway277
Seymour Hwy2US Highway277
US-287 N2US Highway287
US-287 S2US Highway287
Business Highway 287J3US Highway287
Johnson Rd3US Highway287
Kell Blvd2US Highway277
Allendale Rd3US Highway277
Seymour Hwy3US Highway277
Central Fwy E2US Highway277
Central Fwy E2US Highway82
Kell Blvd2US Highway82
US-281 N2US Highway281
US-281 S2US Highway281
US-82 E2US Highway82
Broad St3US Highway277
Central Fwy E3US Highway277
Holliday St3US Highway277
Kell Blvd3US Highway277
Broad St2US Highway277
Holliday St2US Highway277
5th St3US Highway277
6th St3US Highway277
Brook Ave3US Highway277
E Central Fwy N2US Highway287
E Central Fwy S2US Highway287
Henry S Grace Fwy N2US Highway281
Henry S Grace Fwy S2US Highway281
Jacksboro Hwy2US Highway281
E Walker St2US Highway180
N Breckenridge Ave2US Highway183
S Breckenridge Ave2US Highway183
W Walker St2US Highway180
Broadway Ave2US Highway380
Houston St2US Highway380
Newcastle and Olney Hwy2US Highway380
E Loop 2543US Highway80
College Dr2US Highway70
E 11th St2US Highway287
Frontage Rd2US Highway183
Frontage Rd N2US Highway183
Main St2US Highway183
Main St2US Highway283
US-287 E2US Highway287
US-287 W2US Highway287
W 11th St2US Highway287
N Ray Roberts Pkwy2US Highway377
S Ray Roberts Pkwy2US Highway377
Business Highway 3773US Highway377
Cedar St2US Highway180
E Hubbard St2US Highway180
N Oak Ave2US Highway281
S Oak Ave2US Highway281
SE 1st St2US Highway180
SW 1st St2US Highway180
US-2812US Highway281
W Hubbard St2US Highway180
Belknap St2US Highway380
E Dempsey St2US Highway380
N Main St2US Highway281
S Main St2US Highway281
US-1482US Highway148
W Belknap St2US Highway380
W Dempsey St2US Highway380
N Stewart St3US Highway148
Mineral Wells Hwy2US Highway180
Ranger Hwy3US Highway80
Fort Worth Hwy2US Highway180
Fort Worth St2US Highway180
Main St2US Highway180
Palo Pinto St2US Highway180
E Pearl St3US Highway377
US-377 Bus3US Highway377
W Pearl St3US Highway377
US-1483US Highway148
Central Fwy N2US Highway287
Central Fwy S2US Highway287
E Omega St2US Highway82
Omega St2US Highway82
W Omega St2US Highway82
US-2873US Highway287
US-812US Highway81
E Wise St2US Highway81
US-81 N2US Highway81
US-81 S2US Highway81
W Wise St2US Highway81
E Franklin St3US Highway287
US-287 Bus3US Highway287
W Franklin St3US Highway287
E Business 3803US Highway380
N Business 2873US Highway287
N Washburn St3US Highway287
E Division St2US Highway82
W Division St2US Highway82
N Union St3US Highway377
S Union St3US Highway377
E University Dr2US Highway377
N Elm St2US Highway77
US-772US Highway77
N Loop 2883US Highway77
US-773US Highway77
US-377 S2US Highway377
Fort Worth Dr2US Highway377
Business Highway 287 N3US Highway287
N Saginaw Blvd3US Highway287
Camp Bowie Blvd2US Highway377
Weatherford Cir1US Highway377
Benbrook Hwy2US Highway377
Camp Bowie W3US Highway80
N Main St3US Highway287
W Belknap St3US Highway347
W Weatherford St3US Highway347
US-287 N0US Highway287
E Weatherford St N1US Highway347
E Weatherford St2US Highway377
Greenway Park Dr2US Highway377
North Fwy2US Highway377
North South Service Rd E2US Highway377
Pharr St2US Highway377
Commerce St3US Highway287
E 7th St3US Highway287
E Belknap St3US Highway347
E Belknap St S3US Highway347
E Bluff St3US Highway287
E Weatherford St3US Highway347
E Weatherford St N3US Highway347
Houston St3US Highway287
N Commerce St3US Highway287
N Houston St3US Highway287
W 7th St3US Highway287
W Bluff St3US Highway287
E Rosedale St3US Highway287
Main St3US Highway287
S Main St3US Highway287
Denton Hwy2US Highway377
E Belknap St2US Highway377
US-287 N1US Highway287
US-287 S1US Highway287
Mansfield Hwy3US Highway287
S Riverside Dr3US Highway287
US-287 S0US Highway287
E Kennedale Pkwy3US Highway287
W Kennedale Pkwy3US Highway287
W Mansfield Hwy3US Highway287
Avondale Haslet Rd3US Highway287
Business Highway 287 N4US Highway287
US-2874US Highway287
E Walnut St3US Highway287
N Cates St3US Highway380
S Business 2873US Highway287
S Washburn St3US Highway287
US-81 Bus3US Highway81
W Business 3803US Highway380
W Walnut St3US Highway287
N Main St5US Highway81
S Main St5US Highway81
US-2875US Highway287
W University Dr2US Highway380
S Saginaw Blvd3US Highway287
N Main St2US Highway377
S Main St2US Highway377
Dallas Dr2US Highway77
Eagle Dr2US Highway377
Eagle Dr2US Highway77
N Elm St2US Highway377
N Locust St2US Highway377
N Locust St2US Highway77
S Elm St2US Highway377
S Locust St2US Highway377
W Collins St2US Highway377
W University Dr2US Highway377
E Henderson St2US Highway67
Lone Star Rd3US Highway287
S Main St4US Highway287
Old Fort Worth Rd1US Highway287
US-2871US Highway287
US-287 Bus1US Highway287
US-67 Bus2US Highway67
US-67 Bus3US Highway67
US-287 Bus4US Highway287
W Avenue G4US Highway287
US-671US Highway67
US-67 N1US Highway67
US-67 S1US Highway67
N 8th St3US Highway67
N 9th St3US Highway67
S 5th St3US Highway67
W Avenue E3US Highway67
W Avenue G3US Highway287
S Midlothian Pkwy4US Highway287
US-287 Byp1US Highway287
McNaughton St2US Highway287
S Industrial Blvd2US Highway77
US-287 Byp2US Highway287
US-287 Byp3US Highway287
US-287 Byp4US Highway287
US-175 E2US Highway175
US-175 W2US Highway175
US-1754US Highway175
US-175 E1US Highway175
US-175 W1US Highway175
US-801US Highway80
US-80 E1US Highway80
Interstate 301US Highway67
Interstate 304US Highway67
Interstate 305US Highway67
S Town East Blvd4US Highway80
Samuell Blvd4US Highway80
US-804US Highway80
US-805US Highway80
C F Hawn Fwy4US Highway175
US-80 W1US Highway80
US-803US Highway80
US-75 S1US Highway75
US-751US Highway75
E University Dr2US Highway380
E Princeton Dr2US Highway380
W Princeton Dr2US Highway380
E Rusk St3US Highway66
E Washington St3US Highway66
N Fannin St3US Highway66
S Fannin St3US Highway66
W Holiday3US Highway66
W Rusk St3US Highway66
W Washington St3US Highway66
Williams St3US Highway66
Lakeview Pkwy3US Highway66
E Main St3US Highway66
W Main St3US Highway66
Audie Murphy Pkwy E2US Highway380
Audie Murphy Pkwy W2US Highway380
US-380 Bus3US Highway380
Joe Ramsey Blvd E2US Highway69
Joe Ramsey Blvd N2US Highway69
Lee St2US Highway380
US-692US Highway69
Business Highway 69 S3US Highway69
Industrial Dr3US Highway66
Johnson St3US Highway67
Johnson St3US Highway69
Lee St3US Highway67
Moulton St3US Highway69
Oneal St3US Highway67
Park St3US Highway69
Rees St3US Highway69
Sockwell Blvd3US Highway69
Stonewall St3US Highway67
Stonewall St3US Highway69
US-69 Bus3US Highway69
Wesley St3US Highway67
US-1752US Highway175
US-1753US Highway175
N Elm St4US Highway175
S Elm St4US Highway175
US-175 Bus4US Highway175
E Moore Ave2US Highway80
US-802US Highway80
W Moore Ave2US Highway80
E South Commerce St2US Highway80
Goodnight Blvd2US Highway80
W South Commerce St2US Highway80
US-75 N1US Highway75
S Sam Rayburn Fwy3US Highway75
S Sam Rayburn Fwy W3US Highway75
S Sam Rayburn Fwy4US Highway75
S Sam Rayburn Fwy W4US Highway75
N Pecan St2US Highway69
S Pecan St2US Highway69
US-754US Highway75
Frontage Rd2US Highway82
US-823US Highway82
US-824US Highway82
N Austin Ave2US Highway69
N FM 1417 Ext2US Highway82
S Austin Ave2US Highway69
S Eisenhower Pkwy2US Highway69
US-752US Highway75
US-753US Highway75
US-755US Highway75
US-825US Highway82
E Hayes St2US Highway82
N 5th St2US Highway69
W Hayes St2US Highway82
W Sam Rayburn Rd2US Highway82
W Sanger St2US Highway69
W US-822US Highway82
Bonham St2US Highway82
NW Loop 2862US Highway82
12th St SE2US Highway271
7th St SW2US Highway82
Clarksville St2US Highway82
Grand Ave2US Highway82
Lamar Ave2US Highway271
Lamar Ave2US Highway82
Lamar Rd2US Highway82
N Main St2US Highway271
NE Loop 2862US Highway82
North Plz2US Highway82
SE Loop 2862US Highway271
South Plz2US Highway82
US-2712US Highway271
Clarksville St3US Highway271
N Main St3US Highway271
Mount Pleasant Rd2US Highway271
Paris Rd2US Highway271
7th St NW3US Highway271
E Garland St2US Highway80
E Greenville St2US Highway69
E Pine St2US Highway80
Garland St2US Highway80
W Frank St2US Highway80
W Garland St2US Highway80
W Greenville St2US Highway69
W Pine St2US Highway80
US-673US Highway67
Main St E2US Highway67
Main St W2US Highway67
E Broad St2US Highway80
E Front St2US Highway80
Greenville Ave2US Highway69
Mineola Hwy2US Highway69
N Main St2US Highway69
N Pacific St2US Highway69
S Main St2US Highway69
S Pacific St2US Highway69
W Broad St2US Highway80
W Front St2US Highway80
E Avenue A2US Highway82
US-2592US Highway259
W Avenue A2US Highway82
W New Boston Rd2US Highway82
E Broadway St2US Highway80
S Tyler St2US Highway271
W Broadway St2US Highway80
W Upshur Ave2US Highway80
N Wood St2US Highway271
S Wood St2US Highway271
Broadway Ave2US Highway80
E Upshur Ave2US Highway80
S Main St2US Highway271
US-259 Bus2US Highway259
US-259 N2US Highway259
W Marshall Ave2US Highway80
US-259 N3US Highway259
E 16th St2US Highway67
N Greer Blvd2US Highway271
N Main St2US Highway67
S Greer Blvd2US Highway271
S Jefferson Ave2US Highway271
W 16th St2US Highway67
W Ferguson Rd2US Highway271
N Jefferson Ave3US Highway271
N Madison Ave3US Highway271
S Jefferson Ave3US Highway271
S Madison Ave3US Highway271
Broadnax St2US Highway259
E Main St2US Highway67
Linda Dr2US Highway259
Main St2US Highway259
Main St2US Highway67
N Main St2US Highway259
S Main St2US Highway259
US-592US Highway59
W W M Watson Blvd2US Highway259
E Main St2US Highway80
E Marshall Ave2US Highway80
N Eastman Rd2US Highway259
S Eastman Rd2US Highway259
W Main St2US Highway80
N Walcott St2US Highway59
S Walcott St2US Highway59
E End Blvd N2US Highway59
E End Blvd S2US Highway59
E Grand Ave2US Highway80
W Grand Ave2US Highway80
1st St2US Highway271
Broadway Ave2US Highway67
E Front St2US Highway82
N 1st St2US Highway271
N West St2US Highway82
NE Front St2US Highway82
W Front St2US Highway82
E Main St4US Highway82
US-82 Bus4US Highway82
W Main St4US Highway82
Redwater Blvd W2US Highway67
S Lake Dr2US Highway59
W 7th St2US Highway67
E New Boston Rd2US Highway82
N State Line Ave2US Highway59
N State Line Ave2US Highway71
New Boston Rd2US Highway82
S Bishop St2US Highway59
Texas Blvd2US Highway82
US-59 N2US Highway59
US-59 S2US Highway59
W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd2US Highway67
Access Rd2US Highway80
E Texas Ave2US Highway80
Frontage Rd2US Highway80
N Louise St2US Highway59
N Pinecrest Dr2US Highway59
US-80 E2US Highway80
Victory Dr2US Highway80
W Main St2US Highway59
W Texas Ave2US Highway80
N Pinecrest Dr3US Highway59
E 2nd St1US Highway83
E Grant St1US Highway83
E Main St1US Highway83
Grant St1US Highway83
N Grant St1US Highway83
S Sacred Heart Dr1US Highway83
S Zapata Hwy1US Highway83
US-831US Highway83
W 2nd St1US Highway83
W Main St1US Highway83
E Riley St2US Highway59
Riley St2US Highway59
W Riley St2US Highway59
Chihuahua St1US Highway83
Guadalupe St1US Highway83
Houston St1US Highway83
Matamoros St1US Highway83
N Louisiana Ave1US Highway83
San Dario Ave1US Highway81
San Dario Ave1US Highway83
Santa Ursula Ave1US Highway81
Santa Ursula Ave1US Highway83
E Saunders St2US Highway59
Frontage Rd2US Highway83
Lafayette St2US Highway59
W Saunders St2US Highway59
N 1st St2US Highway83
Pena St2US Highway277
S 1st St2US Highway83
2nd St2US Highway281
N Johnson St2US Highway281
N US-2812US Highway281
S Johnson St2US Highway281
S US-2812US Highway281
N 8th St2US Highway181
S 8th St2US Highway181
US-1812US Highway181
N US-77 Byp3US Highway77
S US-77 Byp3US Highway77
S US-77 Byp4US Highway77
US-771US Highway77
US-77 N1US Highway77
US-77 S1US Highway77
E Avenue J2US Highway77
US-77 Bus2US Highway77
E Avenue A3US Highway77
Industrial Ave3US Highway77
Lincoln Ave3US Highway77
N Upshaw Blvd3US Highway77
Park St3US Highway77
S Upshaw Blvd3US Highway77
US-77 Bus3US Highway77
Five Points Rd4US Highway77
US-774US Highway77
N Harborth Ave2US Highway281
Nueces2US Highway281
S Harborth Ave2US Highway281
S Nueces2US Highway281
US-281 Alt2US Highway281
Houston St4US Highway59
US-59 Bus4US Highway59
10th St2US Highway181
Commerce St2US Highway281
US-281A2US Highway281A
3rd St3US Highway181
Business Loop 181 N3US Highway181
D St3US Highway181
Front St2US Highway181
N Sunset Strip St2US Highway181
S Sunset Strip St2US Highway181
US-1813US Highway181
E Houston St2US Highway59
US-181 N2US Highway181
US-181 S2US Highway181
W Corpus Christi St2US Highway59
W Houston St2US Highway59
US-181 Bus3US Highway181
E Pearl St2US Highway59
N Alamo St2US Highway183
N Jefferson St2US Highway183
S Jefferson St2US Highway183
W Pearl St2US Highway59
E Broadway St2US Highway87
N Esplanade St2US Highway183
S Esplanade St2US Highway183
N Frontage Rd2US Highway77
N Main St2US Highway87
N Moody St2US Highway59
NE Zac Lentz Pkwy2US Highway77
NW Zac Lentz Pkwy2US Highway59
NW Zac Lentz Pkwy2US Highway77
Refugio Hwy2US Highway77
S Moody St2US Highway59
SW Moody St2US Highway59
State Loop 912US Highway59
W Rio Grande St2US Highway59
E Goodwin Ave2US Highway87
E Loop 1752US Highway59
E Rio Grande St2US Highway87
N Navarro St2US Highway77
N Navarro St2US Highway87
Port Lavaca Dr2US Highway87
State Loop 1152US Highway59
State Loop 1752US Highway59
E Rio Grande St3US Highway59
Houston Hwy3US Highway59
US-59 Bus3US Highway59
US-873US Highway87
Nueces Bay Cswy N2US Highway181
Nueces Bay Cswy S2US Highway181
US-1814US Highway181
E Sinton St2US Highway181
N Alamo St2US Highway77
N San Patricio St2US Highway181
N Victoria Hwy2US Highway77
S Alamo St2US Highway77
Voss Ave2US Highway77
W Sinton St2US Highway181
US-83 Bus3US Highway83
W Business Highway 833US Highway83
W Business Hwy 833US Highway83
Angus3US Highway83
E 9th St3US Highway83
E Business Highway 833US Highway83
E Tom Landry St3US Highway83
N Mayberry St3US Highway83
Tom Landry St3US Highway83
W Tom Landry St3US Highway83
W US-833US Highway83
International Blvd1US Highway281
US-281 Spur1US Highway281
E Coma Ave2US Highway281
US-281 Spur2US Highway281
W Coma Ave2US Highway281
S Cage Blvd2US Highway281
Cage Blvd2US Highway281
N Cage Blvd2US Highway281
Center Ave3US Highway83
E US-833US Highway83
W Center Ave3US Highway83
N Cage Blvd3US Highway281
S Closner Ave3US Highway281
S Expressway 2813US Highway281
US-281 Bus3US Highway281
S Expressway 2814US Highway281
S Expressway 2815US Highway281
E Center Ave3US Highway83
W 5th St3US Highway83
E Expressway 834US Highway83
W Expressway 834US Highway83
US-83 N1US Highway83
US-83 S1US Highway83
Expressway 833US Highway83
Hooks Ave3US Highway83
Expressway 834US Highway83
Frontage Rd4US Highway83
Expressway 835US Highway83
N Closner Blvd3US Highway281
S 25th Ave3US Highway281
S Closner Blvd3US Highway281
US-2813US Highway281
N Expressway 2814US Highway281
US-2814US Highway281
S 25th Ave5US Highway281
Florida Ave3US Highway77
N 7th St3US Highway77
S 7th St3US Highway77
US-775US Highway77
Military Hwy2US Highway281
E Expressway 833US Highway83
Iwo Jima Blvd3US Highway83
Iwo Jima Blvd5US Highway83
E Expressway 835US Highway83
W Expressway 835US Highway83
Business 833US Highway83
Business Highway 833US Highway83
E 2nd St3US Highway83
State Loop 3743US Highway83
W 2nd St3US Highway83
State Loop 2063US Highway83
W Business 833US Highway83
W Harrison Ave3US Highway83
N 77 Sunshine Strip3US Highway77
N Expressway 773US Highway83
S Expressway 833US Highway83
S Expressway 834US Highway83
W Expressway 833US Highway77
E Expressway 834US Highway77
W Expressway 834US Highway77
E Expressway 835US Highway77
Scott Brown5US Highway77
W Expressway 835US Highway77
N Railroad St2US Highway281
N Saint Marys St2US Highway281
S Railroad St2US Highway281
N Saint Marys St3US Highway281
S Saint Marys St3US Highway281
US-77 Byp4US Highway77
US-281 Bus5US Highway281
Boca Chica Blvd2US Highway281
Military Rd2US Highway281
US-77 Trk1US Highway77
E Elizabeth St2US Highway77
E Filmore St2US Highway83
E Washington St2US Highway77
International Blvd2US Highway77
Palm Blvd2US Highway77
US-77 Trk2US Highway77
Central Blvd2US Highway77
W Elizabeth St2US Highway77
Central Blvd3US Highway77
Ruben M Torres Blvd3US Highway77
Ruben M Torres Blvd4US Highway77
Business 773US Highway77
US-2902US Highway290
Courthouse Sq2US Highway83
Crystal City Hwy2US Highway83
E Fisher Ave2US Highway90
E Main St2US Highway90
Fisher Ave2US Highway90
Market St2US Highway83
Milam St2US Highway83
N Getty St2US Highway83
S Getty St2US Highway83
W Main2US Highway90
W Main St2US Highway90
N 11th St2US Highway377
Rio Vista St2US Highway377
S 11th St2US Highway377
E Main St2US Highway290
S Washington St2US Highway87
US-87 Bus2US Highway87
W Main St2US Highway290
El Paso St2US Highway87
Fort McKavitt St2US Highway87
San Antonio St2US Highway87
19th St2US Highway90
S Main St2US Highway87
San Pedro Ave1US Highway281
US-2811US Highway281
San Pedro-Access Ave2US Highway281
San Pedro Ave4US Highway281
San Pedro Ave5US Highway281
US-2815US Highway281
US-901US Highway90
US-90 E2US Highway90
US-90 W2US Highway90
US-903US Highway90
US-905US Highway90
Castroville Rd4US Highway90
US-904US Highway90
US-90 E1US Highway90
US-90 W1US Highway90
US-281 N1US Highway281
US-281 S1US Highway281
McAllister Fwy4US Highway281
McAllister Fwy5US Highway281
Stadium Dr5US Highway281
US-281 N0US Highway281
US-281 S0US Highway281
Roland Rd2US Highway87
Rigsby Ave4US Highway87
Roosevelt Ave2US Highway281
SE Loop 4102US Highway281
E Commerce St2US Highway190
E Main St2US Highway190
Frisco St2US Highway190
Frisco St2US Highway83
Menard Hwy2US Highway190
N Bridge St2US Highway190
N Bridge St2US Highway377
Roberts Ave2US Highway83
S Blackburn St2US Highway190
S Bridge St2US Highway190
S Bridge St2US Highway377
S Church St2US Highway190
S Ellis St2US Highway83
W Broadway St2US Highway87
W Commerce St2US Highway190
W Commerce St2US Highway283
W Main St2US Highway190
2nd St2US Highway67
Hutchins Ave2US Highway67
N 7th St2US Highway83
S 7th St2US Highway83
Winters Fwy N1US Highway83
Winters Fwy S1US Highway83
Garza Ave2US Highway83
Cherry St2US Highway283
N 8th St2US Highway283
N Colorado St2US Highway283
N Neches St2US Highway283
S 8th St2US Highway283
Wallis Ave2US Highway283
Wallis Ave2US Highway67
E Commerce St2US Highway377
E Commerce St2US Highway67
E Hall St2US Highway67
Early Blvd2US Highway183
Early Blvd2US Highway377
Garmon Dr2US Highway183
N Main Ave2US Highway377
W Commerce St2US Highway67
W Hall St2US Highway67
Conrad Hilton Blvd2US Highway183
E 6th St2US Highway183
Harris St2US Highway183
W 6th St2US Highway183
E Central Ave2US Highway377
W Central Ave2US Highway377
E Wallace St2US Highway190
Fisher St2US Highway183
Hudson St2US Highway183
Park Ave2US Highway190
W Wallace St2US Highway190
Central Texas Expy2US Highway190
N Key Ave2US Highway183
Plum St2US Highway190
S Key Ave2US Highway183
4th St2US Highway183
N 4th St2US Highway183
13th St2US Highway84
E Main St2US Highway84
W Main St2US Highway84
US-190 Bus3US Highway190
W Veterans Memorial Blvd3US Highway190
US-190 W2US Highway190
E Veterans Memorial Blvd3US Highway190
US-190 E2US Highway190
N Rice St2US Highway281
S Rice St2US Highway281
S Walnut St2US Highway281
E South Loop2US Highway377
East Rd2US Highway281
Morgan Mill Rd2US Highway281
N Patrick2US Highway377
N Patrick St2US Highway377
S Patrick St2US Highway377
W South Loop2US Highway377
W Washington St2US Highway377
NE Big Bend Trl2US Highway67
SW Big Bend Trl2US Highway67
E Chambers St3US Highway67
E College Ave3US Highway67
E Henderson St3US Highway67
Glenwood Dr3US Highway67
N Baugh St3US Highway67
W Chambers St3US Highway67
W College St3US Highway67
W Henderson St3US Highway67
N Hill St3US Highway81
N Waco St3US Highway77
S Hill St3US Highway81
S Waco St3US Highway77
US-813US Highway81
N 3rd St3US Highway81
S 3rd St3US Highway81
Ferris Ave2US Highway77
S Elm St2US Highway77
Martin Luther King Jr Blvd3US Highway287
W Main St3US Highway287
US-287 Byp5US Highway287
Main St2US Highway77
N Main2US Highway77
S Main2US Highway77
Bellmead Dr2US Highway84
Abbott Ave3US Highway77
Blue Star Memorial Hwy3US Highway77
E Mesquite Ave2US Highway190
Golinda Dr2US Highway77
S Robinson Dr2US Highway77
W Mesquite Ave2US Highway190
US-1903US Highway190
US-1904US Highway190
E US-1902US Highway190
SE H K Dodgen Loop2US Highway190
SW H K Dodgen Loop2US Highway190
S General Bruce Dr2US Highway190
E McGregor Dr2US Highway84
W McGregor Dr2US Highway84
US-844US Highway84
Woodway Dr4US Highway84
Woodway Dr5US Highway84
N Robinson Dr2US Highway77
Franklin Ave2US Highway84
W Waco Dr2US Highway84
Woodway Dr2US Highway84
US-845US Highway84
E Waco Dr2US Highway84
Circle Rd2US Highway77
La Salle Ave2US Highway77
Robinson Dr2US Highway77
S 17th St2US Highway77
S 17th St Xing2US Highway77
S 18th St2US Highway77
S 18th Street Xing2US Highway77
E 1st St2US Highway190
E 4th St2US Highway190
Kemp St2US Highway190
N 5th St2US Highway77
N Travis Ave2US Highway77
S 5th St2US Highway77
W 4th St2US Highway190
Rigsby Ave2US Highway87
Roland Rd4US Highway87
4th St2US Highway87
4th St3US Highway181
Business Loop 181 S3US Highway181
E Court St2US Highway90
E Kingsbury St2US Highway90
W Court St2US Highway90
W Kingsbury St2US Highway90
N Colorado St2US Highway183
S Colorado St2US Highway183
E Pierce St2US Highway183
E Pierce St2US Highway90
N Magnolia Ave2US Highway183
W Pierce St2US Highway90
E Central Ave2US Highway87
Fay Ave2US Highway87
US-90 Alt2US Highway90
W Central Ave2US Highway87
SE Main St3US Highway87
US-87 Bus3US Highway87
W Main St3US Highway87
Main St2US Highway281
N Water St2US Highway281
S Water St2US Highway281
E Palm Valley Blvd2US Highway79
US-1833US Highway183
N Bell Blvd3US Highway183
Research Blvd2US Highway183
Research Blvd4US Highway183
US-183 N2US Highway183
US-183 S2US Highway183
S Bell Blvd2US Highway183
Avery Ranch Blvd3US Highway183
S Bell Blvd3US Highway183
W Palm Valley Blvd2US Highway79
E Palm Valley Blvd3US Highway79
Palm Valley Blvd3US Highway79
W Palm Valley Blvd3US Highway79
US-2904US Highway290
US-2905US Highway290
US-290 E2US Highway290
US-290 W2US Highway290
S Lamar Blvd5US Highway290
Ed Bluestein Blvd2US Highway183
US-2903US Highway290
US-290 E3US Highway290
US-290 W3US Highway290
Harris St3US Highway290
N Main St3US Highway290
S Main St3US Highway290
US-290 Bus3US Highway290
N Main St4US Highway290
Carlos Parker Blvd SE2US Highway79
Carlos Parker Blvd SW2US Highway79
US-792US Highway79
Carlos Parker Blvd SW3US Highway79
Carlos Parker Blvd SW4US Highway79
E Cameron Ave2US Highway79
RR 12US Highway77
W Cameron Ave2US Highway79
E Austin St2US Highway290
N Main St2US Highway77
S Main St2US Highway77
W Austin St2US Highway290
E Sarah DeWitt Dr2US Highway90
E Sarah DeWitt Dr2US Highway90A
US-77A2US Highway77A
US-90A2US Highway90A
Water St2US Highway183
N Saint Joseph St3US Highway183
St Joseph St3US Highway183
N Railroad St2US Highway90
E North Main St2US Highway90
E Summit St2US Highway90
Kessler Ave2US Highway77
N Jefferson St2US Highway77
S Jefferson St2US Highway77
S Kessler Ave2US Highway77
Summit St2US Highway90
W North Main St2US Highway90
E 4th St2US Highway77
E 4th St2US Highway90
Fairwinds St2US Highway77
N Avenue E2US Highway90A
N Texana St2US Highway77
S Avenue E2US Highway90A
US-77 Alt2US Highway77
W 4th St2US Highway77
W Fairwinds St2US Highway77
Walnut St2US Highway90
Boothe Dr2US Highway90
S McCarty Ave2US Highway90
Main St2US Highway90A
E Jackson St3US Highway59S
N Richmond Rd3US Highway59R
S Richmond Rd3US Highway59R
US-59R Bus3US Highway59R
US-59S Bus3US Highway59S
W Jackson St3US Highway59S
US-190 N2US Highway190
US-190 S2US Highway190
N Earl Rudder Fwy2US Highway190
San Jacinto Ln3US Highway190
US-290 Bus2US Highway290
10th St3US Highway290
Austin St3US Highway290
I45 N2US Highway190
11th St2US Highway190
US-593US Highway59
US-59 N3US Highway59
US-59 S3US Highway59
Eastex Fwy4US Highway59
US-594US Highway59
US-59 N4US Highway59
Eastex Fwy3US Highway59
Southwest Fwy2US Highway59
Avenue H2US Highway90
Avenue H2US Highway90A
Highway Blvd2US Highway90
Hwy Blvd2US Highway90
Katy Fwy2US Highway90
Northwest Fwy W2US Highway290
Northwest Fwy E2US Highway290
Jackson St2US Highway90
Jackson St2US Highway90A
S Main St2US Highway90
S Main St2US Highway90A
US Hwy 90 Alt2US Highway90
S Main St4US Highway90A
N Main St2US Highway90
US-90A4US Highway90A
Main St2US Highway90
Main St4US Highway90
US-595US Highway59
Old Spanish Trl2US Highway90
Northwest Fwy2US Highway290
Northwest Fwy E1US Highway290
Northwest Fwy W1US Highway290
US-59 N1US Highway59
US-59 S1US Highway59
US-59 S4US Highway59
N McCarty St2US Highway90
US-90 E0US Highway90
US-90 W0US Highway90
McCarty St2US Highway90
N Wayside Dr2US Highway90
North Loop E2US Highway90
Beaumont Hwy2US Highway90
E Sam Houston Pkwy N1US Highway90
E Sam Houston Pkwy N2US Highway90
Beaumont Hwy3US Highway90
E Sam Houston Pkwy N3US Highway90
S Wayside Dr2US Highway90
S 69th St2US Highway90
SSGT Macario Garcia Dr2US Highway90
Wayside Dr2US Highway90
N Market St2US Highway79
S Market St2US Highway190
S Market St2US Highway79
W Brown St2US Highway190
E Commerce St2US Highway79
Main St2US Highway79
N Main St2US Highway79
S Main St2US Highway79
W Commerce St2US Highway79
N US-753US Highway75
E Milam St2US Highway84
Milam St2US Highway84
W Milam St2US Highway84
W Ennis Ave1US Highway287
E Ennis Ave3US Highway287S
W Ennis Ave3US Highway287S
S 7th St3US Highway287
E Mason St3US Highway175
US-175 Bus3US Highway175
W Mason St3US Highway175
E Commerce St2US Highway84
W Commerce St2US Highway84
Main St3US Highway84
N 4th Ave3US Highway84
Crockett Rd2US Highway287
E Palestine Ave2US Highway79
E Park Ave2US Highway84
E Spring St2US Highway284
E Spring St2US Highway287
W Oak St2US Highway79
W Oak St2US Highway84
W Palestine Ave2US Highway79
W Spring St2US Highway287
E Corsicana St2US Highway175
W Corsicana St2US Highway175
E Pine St2US Highway175
W Pine St2US Highway175
S Broadway Ave2US Highway69
E Gentry Pkwy2US Highway271
N Beckham Ave2US Highway271
S Beckham Ave2US Highway271
W Gentry Pkwy2US Highway69
E Front St3US Highway271
W Gentry Pkwy3US Highway69
N Broadway Ave5US Highway69
S Broadway Ave5US Highway69
E Rusk St2US Highway79
Frankston St2US Highway175
Fry St2US Highway175
N Jackson St2US Highway69
S Jackson St2US Highway69
W 6th St2US Highway84
W Rusk St2US Highway79
E Bowie Ave2US Highway287
E Broad St2US Highway79
E Goliad Ave2US Highway287
E Houston Ave2US Highway287
Feeder Access To I452US Highway190
N 4th St2US Highway287
S 5th St2US Highway287
W Broad St2US Highway79
E 1st St2US Highway287
E 2nd St2US Highway287
N Home St2US Highway59
S Home St2US Highway59
S Temple Dr2US Highway59
Sunset Rd2US Highway287
W 1st St2US Highway287
W 2nd St2US Highway287
Ellen Trout Rd2US Highway69
Kurth Dr2US Highway69
N John Redditt Dr2US Highway69
N Temple Dr2US Highway59
Rusk St2US Highway69
S 1st St2US Highway59
E Denman Ave2US Highway69
S 1st St2US Highway59G
S John Redditt Dr2US Highway69
S Medford Dr2US Highway59
S Medford Dr2US Highway69
US-69 Bus2US Highway69
E Denman Ave3US Highway69
S 1st St3US Highway59G
S Chestnut St3US Highway69
S Timberland Dr3US Highway59G
Ellen Trout Dr2US Highway69
N Medford Dr2US Highway59
N Medford Dr2US Highway69
Kurth Dr3US Highway69
N Timberland Dr3US Highway59
N Timberland Dr3US Highway59G
N Timberland Dr3US Highway69J
SE Stallings Dr2US Highway59
SW Stallings Dr2US Highway59
South St2US Highway59
South St3US Highway59
N Magnolia St2US Highway287
N Magnolia St2US Highway69
N Pine St2US Highway287
N Wheeler Rd2US Highway69
E 6th St2US Highway84
E Johnson Dr2US Highway84
Henderson St2US Highway84
Marcus St2US Highway69
N Dickinson Dr2US Highway69
N Marcus St2US Highway69
S Dickinson Dr2US Highway69
S Henderson Blvd2US Highway259
Kilgore Dr2US Highway259
NW Loop2US Highway79
N 1st St2US Highway59
NW Stallings Dr2US Highway59
Stallings Dr2US Highway59
North St3US Highway59
US-2593US Highway259
North St4US Highway59
Bell St2US Highway84
E Sabine St2US Highway79
Hurst St2US Highway96
Lasalle Pkwy2US Highway59
Loop 592US Highway59
NE Loop2US Highway59
SE Loop2US Highway59
Southview Cir2US Highway96
Tenaha Hwy2US Highway96
US-962US Highway96
E Gibson St2US Highway190
N Wheeler St2US Highway96
S Wheeler St2US Highway96
W Gibson St2US Highway190
W Gibson St3US Highway190
US-2555US Highway255
Dickey Ave2US Highway96
W Columbia St2US Highway96
Court St2US Highway190
E Court St2US Highway190
Rusk St2US Highway190
Crosby Fwy E2US Highway90
Crosby Fwy W2US Highway90
S Washington Ave3US Highway59
N Washington Ave4US Highway59
S Washington Ave4US Highway59
E Church St2US Highway190
U S Highway 190 W2US Highway190
W Church St2US Highway190
E Bluff St2US Highway190
S Magnolia St2US Highway287
W Bluff St2US Highway190
College St2US Highway90
US-69 N2US Highway69
US-69 S2US Highway69
N LHS Dr2US Highway287
N Main St2US Highway96
S L H S Dr2US Highway287
S LHS Dr2US Highway287
S Main St2US Highway96
US-96 N2US Highway96
US-96 S2US Highway96
E Avenue G3US Highway96
US-96 Bus3US Highway96
US-96 S3US Highway96
N Pearl St2US Highway90
Orleans St2US Highway90
Park St2US Highway90
Pearl St2US Highway90
Pine St2US Highway90
Wall St2US Highway90
Willow St2US Highway90
S Pine St2US Highway287
N Margaret Ave2US Highway96
S Margaret Ave2US Highway96
Memorial Blvd2US Highway287
Woodworth Blvd2US Highway287
E Main St3US Highway87
Airport Rd3US Highway59
Cemetery Rd3US Highway59
E Main St3US Highway59
E York St3US Highway59
Feeder Rd3US Highway59
Loop 5213US Highway59
Loop 5223US Highway59
W Main St3US Highway59
W York St3US Highway59