Where is Freeport, New York, USA?

Written and Fact-checked by | Last Updated: January 12, 2025, 03:50 AM ET

Where is Freeport Located? - Freeport is a city located in the Armstrong County of New York, United States. Freeport lies between 40.826489 Degrees North latitudes and 74.1068091 Degrees West longitudes.

Location Map of Freeport, New York

Where is Freeport, New York

Freeport Map, New York, USA

Where is Freeport?: The Google Map showing the location of Freeport in the U.S. state of New York.

Where is Freeport Located?

Freeport is a city located in the Armstrong County of New York, United States. Freeport lies between 40.826489 Degrees North latitudes and 74.1068091 Degrees West longitudes. According to 2020 U.S.census, the population of Freeport city is 44472 people and the city has a total area of 4.58 sq mi. The city has numerous parks and recreational facilities.

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  • Freeport City Facts, New York

    City NameFreeport
    CountyArmstrong County
    StateNew York
    CountryUnited States
    U.S. RegionMiddle Atlantic
    Coordinates40.6576022° N, 73.5831835° W
    Population (2020 Census)44472
    Population Density (Sq mi)9820
    Area (Sq mi)4.58
    CurrencyUS Dollar, $ (USD)
    Time ZoneEastern Time - UTC?05:00 (Standard), UTC?04:00 (DST)

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