Map of East South Central States - Division of Southern US

Written and fact-checked by | Last Updated: January 06, 2025, 1:05 PM ET

The East South Central is one of the nine Census Bureau Divisions of the United States. The East South Central States refer to a region in the United States consisting of four states: Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

Map of East South Central States, USA

Map of East South Central States, USA About Map - Map showing East South Centralern United States.

East South Central United States

One of the nine U.S. Census Divisions in the United States is made up of the states in the East South Central States. The division comprises Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Alabama is the biggest state in terms of total area among the East South Central States. The total area of Alabama is 52,419 square miles. Mississippi ranks in second position with 48,430 square miles and Tennessee is in the third position with 42, 143 square miles. Kentucky is the smallest state among East South Central States with a total area of 40,409 square miles. Tennessee of the East South Central State is the highly populated country and ranks first. Alabama and Kentucky are in second and third position respectively in terms of population. Mississippi is the least populated state of these four states.

Alabama's capital city is Montgomery. The major cities of Alabama are Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Huntsville and Tuscaloosa. Alabama has a lot of beautiful places to visit. The capital city of Kentucky is Frankfort. It has seven major and popular cities namely Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green, Owensboro, Covington and Frankfort. Mississippi too has a few major cities. The popular cities of Mississippi are Jackson, Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Southaven and Biloxi. The capital of Mississippi is Jackson. The third biggest state among the East South Central States is Tennessee. The capital city of Tennessee is Nashville. The popular cities of the state are Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga and Clarksville. The top ten largest cities of East South Central States of the USA are Nashville, Memphis, Louisville, Lexington, Huntsville, Birmingham, Montgomery, Knoxville, Mobile, and Chattanooga.

The East South Central United States consists of four states: Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Popular cities in the East South Central States are Birmingham, Montgomery, Louisville, Jackson, Memphis and Nashville.

List of East South Centralern United States

StateCapitalMajor CitiesPopulaion 2020 CensusLand Area (Sq mi)Density (Sq mi)Total County
AlabamaMontgomeryBirmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Huntsville and Tuscaloosa5,024,27950,645 sq mi (131,171 km2)95.867
KentuckyFrankfortLouisville, Lexington, Bowling Green, Owensboro, Covington and Frankfort4,505,83639,486 sq mi (102,269 km2)111.8120
MississippiJacksonJackson, Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Southaven, Biloxi2,961,27946,923 sq mi (121,531 km2)63.882
TennesseeNashvilleMemphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga and Clarksville6,910,84041,235 sq mi (106,798 km2)158.895

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